Chapter 21. Connectors

Inkscape には木構造グラフを描くための描画要素が用意されている:

Connectors are lines that “connect” objects, useful for drawing organization charts or flow diagrams. Connectors remain connected even if the objects they connect are moved. Individual objects can be given an avoid property that causes connectors to be routed dynamically around them.


Nudging a connected object up and down may cause the connectors to be rerouted correctly.

Creating Connectors

Connector Tool の起動方法は次のいずれか:

  • Toolbox からアイコンをクリックする

  • Ctrl + F2 を押すか O を押す


Then click-drag the mouse from one point on the canvas to another. When the pointer is over an object, a Connection handle is shown in the center of the object. Beginning or ending the click-drag on one of these handles will attach the connector to the corresponding object. Alternatively, one can begin a connector by clicking on an empty point on the canvas or on a Connection handle and end the connector by a second click. Connectors are drawn so they begin on the edge of the attached object.


This facilitates connections between boxes that frame text.

この振る舞いを Preferences ダイアログで変更することもできる。

Modifying Connectors

Connectors can be modified several ways. The connectors can be connected or disconnected from objects, the connector line style can be changed, and the routing of the connectors can be changed.


Connecting and Disconnecting


A connector can be disconnected from an object by dragging an end point away from the object. To do so, first select the connector by clicking on it. Two handles should appear at each end. Drag one of the handles away. The handle will then be fixed to the background.


To reconnect a handle (or to move a handle from one object to another), drag the handle to the connection handle that will appear at the center of the object when the cursor is above the object.

Line Style

All the normal line (path) styles can be applied to a connector, including adding arrows or using a dashed line.

方法はいつもの Fill and Stroke ダイアログ利用でよい。

Changing the Cap style to Square Cap may improve the look of a connection to a stroked object.



Connector Tool UI を見ていく。最初の二つのボタンは本書と Inkscape 1.2 で順序が入れ替わっている。

Make connectors avoid selected objects


Make connectors ignore selected objects


Make connectors orthogonal or polyline






Nicely arrange selected connector network


The placement is based on the Kamada-Kawai algorithm that treats the connectors as springs so that the distance between the connector handles are evenly spaced.


Only selected objects and connectors will be changed (use Ctrl + A to select all objects and connectors).


The following parameters/options control this layout.



Make connectors with end-markers (arrows) point downwards


Do not allow overlapped shapes
