GitHub Packages documentation ノート

GitHub Packages documentation を読んでいく。以下、組織回りの記述は読解を割愛することがある。

Quickstart for GitHub Packages

JavaScript の簡単なパッケージを構築して発行するというチュートリアルだ。おそらく GitHub Actions の文書を先に読む方がいい。

チュートリアルは容易だ。Node.js ベースのプロジェクトの発行方法しか習得できていないことを忘れるな。

The workflow that you created will run whenever a new release is created in your repository. If the tests pass, then the package will be published to GitHub Packages.

git push を実行したらリポジトリーページの右柱のリンク Releases を押す。手順にはなかったが、あらかじめタグを付けておくと良い。フォームを埋めて Publish release ボタンを押すことで、作成したworkflow が引き起こされる。Actions 画面でジョブの進捗を確認すると良い。


You can view all of the packages you have published.

リポジトリーを一つとったときに、その発行済みパッケージ全てを見られると言っている。方法はリポジトリーメインページの右柱 Packages を押す。


Combining GitHub Packages and GitHub Actions can help you automate nearly every aspect of your application development processes.

これらの GitHub 機能を合わせて使えると能力を売り込める?

Learn GitHub Packages

GitHub Packages is a software package hosting service that allows you to host your software packages privately or publicly and use packages as dependencies in your projects.

Introduction to GitHub Packages

You can integrate GitHub Packages with GitHub APIs, GitHub Actions, and webhooks to create an end-to-end DevOps workflow that includes your code, CI, and deployment solutions.

Quickstart で見たのは GitHub Actions を用いた実現だった。


パッケージの README はリポジトリーのそれとは異なる?

パッケージにも public or private の性質がある。

GitHub Packages usage is free for public packages.


GitHub Packages uses the native package tooling commands you’re already familiar with to publish and install package versions.

これがあるので package.json だの Gemfile だのが重要。

You need an access token to publish, install, and delete private, internal, and public packages.

Quickstart で言うと release-package.ymlsecret.GITHUB_TOKEN を利用していた。

You can configure webhooks to subscribe to package-related events, such as when a package is published or updated.


About permissions for GitHub Packages

The permissions for packages can be scoped either to a user or an organization or to a repository.


You can change the access control and visibility of the package separately from a repository that is connected (or linked) to a package.

パッケージの public/private とリポジトリーのそれは独立していると考えていい。

You can find a package scoped to a repository by going to the main page of the repository and clicking the Packages link to the right of the page.


In most registries, to pull a package, you must authenticate with a personal access token or GITHUB_TOKEN, regardless of whether the package is public or private.


For packages scoped to a personal account, you can give any person an access role.

When you create a GitHub Actions workflow, you can use the GITHUB_TOKEN to publish, install, delete, and restore packages in GitHub Packages without needing to store and manage a personal access token.

Quickstart 方式。

リポジトリーを移転する際、パッケージが属する登録所によっては、GitHub がそのリポジトリーに関連するパッケージを移転することがある。

パッケージへアクセスする workflow においては、正しいアクセストークンを使っていることと、パッケージへの GitHub Actions アクセスを有効にしていること。

To ensure your workflows have access to packages stored in registries that support granular permissions, you must give GitHub Actions access to the repositories where your workflow is run. You can find this setting on your package’s settings page.

Configuring a package’s access control and visibility

By default, if you publish a package that is linked to a repository, the package automatically inherits the access permissions (but not the visibility) of the linked repository.

パッケージの公開・非公開性がリポジトリーから(最初は)決まる。このとき、リポジトリーに関係する GitHub Actions もパッケージにアクセス可能になる。

When a package inherits permissions from a repository, to grant or remove access to your package, you must configure the permissions settings of the linked repository.

If you publish a package in a registry that only supports repository-scoped permissions, the package is always linked to a repository, and always inherits the permissions of the linked repository.


If a package belongs to a registry that supports granular permissions, anyone with admin permissions to the package can set the package to private or public, and can grant access permissions for the package that are separate from the permissions set at the organization and repository levels.


When you publish a package, you automatically get admin permissions to the package.

For packages scoped to a personal account, you can give any person an access role.


If you are using a GitHub Actions workflow to manage your packages, you can grant an access role to the repository the workflow is stored in by using the Add Repository button under Manage Actions access in the package’s settings.


If your package is private or internal and scoped to an organization, then you can only give access to other organization members or teams.

対象パッケージページ右柱の Pacakge settings を押す。権限変更関連の UI が複数ある。

If you have admin permissions to a package that is scoped to an organization, you can assign read, write, or admin roles to other users and teams.


If you want to configure a package’s access settings on a granular level, separately from the linked repository, you must remove the inherited permissions from the package.

Inherit access from repository (recommended) をオンにする。

For packages scoped to a personal account or an organization, to ensure that a GitHub Actions workflow has access to your package, you must give explicit access to the repository where the workflow is stored.

Manage Actions access の脇にある Add repository ボタンを押す。リポジトリー一覧が出るから先は分かる。

Codespaces でも同様の操作を可能。

When you first publish a package that is scoped to your personal account, the default visibility is private and only you can see the package.

これは不本意なので public にする。Change visibility を押す。ただし:

Warning: Once you make a package public, you cannot make it private again.

Connecting a repository to a package

When you publish a package that is scoped to a personal account or an organization, the package is not linked to a repository by default.


パッケージ Connect repository でリポジトリーを選んで Connect repository を押す。UI が見当たらない?その場合はすでにリンクされているという理解でいいか。

Dockerfile はわからないからパス。Docker をインストールしてみたものの、マシンに積んでいるメモリーが貧弱であるせいで動作しなかった。

Publishing a package

A repository can be connected to more than one package. To prevent confusion, make sure the README and description clearly provide information about each package.

README はとにかく丁寧に作ろう。

You can publish a package to GitHub Packages using any supported package client by following the same general guidelines.


Publish the package using the instructions for your package client.


Viewing packages

By default, you can view all packages you have published.


On the package page, GitHub provides metadata for each version, such as the publication date. You can see details about the package, including a description and installation and usage instructions. You can download any assets associated with the package and see information about download activity.

特にダウンロード数がはっきり確認できるのは大きい。リポジトリーページ右柱の Packages を押して一覧を見ればわかる。

Installing a package

You can install a package from GitHub Packages and use the package as a dependency in your own project.


After you find a package, you can read the package’s description and installation and usage instructions on the package page.

Deleting and restoring a package


You cannot delete a public package if any version of the package has more than 5,000 downloads.



On GitHub, you can also restore an entire package or package version, if:

  • You restore the package within 30 days of its deletion.

  • The same package namespace is still available and not used for a new package.

パッケージ操作は REST API を介して行うことが可能:

With registries that support granular permissions, you can use a GITHUB_TOKEN in a GitHub Actions workflow to delete or restore packages using the REST API. The token must have admin permission to the package.


To delete a version of a repository-scoped package, you must have admin permissions to the repository in which the package is published.

パッケージ View and manage all versions ページの Delete を押す。

コマンドラインから curl で削除可能のようだが割愛。

To delete an entire repository-scoped package, you must have admin permissions to the repository that owns the package.

これには Delete this package を押す。

復元手順は UI 操作が今までと異なる。アカウント Settings ‣ PackagesDeleted packages 一覧にモノがあれば Restore 可能。

Working with a GitHub Packages registry

Working with the Container registry

You can store and manage Docker and OCI images in the Container registry, which uses the package namespace

Container 登録所という概念が上記のパッケージ名前空間を用いることを覚えておく。

The Container registry stores container images within your organization or personal account, and allows you to associate an image with a repository.

登録所は誰かのアカウントにある container images というものが置いてある場所。それらはリポジトリーと結びつくことの二点を覚えておく。

Container 登録所は現在二種類の image formats を対応している。

To authenticate to a GitHub Packages registry within a GitHub Actions workflow, you can use:

  • GITHUB_TOKEN to publish packages associated with the workflow repository.

  • a personal access token (classic) with at least read:packages scope to install packages associated with other private repositories (which GITHUB_TOKEN can’t access).


This registry supports granular permissions.

この権限が使える登録所に対しては GITHUB_TOKEN 推奨。

You can use a GITHUB_TOKEN in a GitHub Actions workflow to delete or restore a package using the REST API, if the token has admin permission to the package.

YAML に REST API を呼び出すコードを書くものと考えられる。

You can also choose to give access permissions to packages independently for GitHub Codespaces and GitHub Actions.

Package ページの UI からそうだと思う。

GitHub Packages only supports authentication using a personal access token (classic).


Select the read:packages scope to download container images and read their metadata.

このトークンを手許の環境に環境変数の値として控えておくことを推奨している。変数名は CR_PAT として説明を続けている。こういうコマンドを実行することがあるので:

bash$ echo $CR_PAT | docker login -u USERNAME --password-stdin


docker コマンド操作各種

Working with the Docker registry

The Docker registry has now been replaced by the Container registry.


名前空間 を使っていたが、名前空間 を使う。

Docker images previously stored in the Docker registry are being automatically migrated into the Container registry.


Working with the RubyGems registry

You can configure RubyGems to publish a package to GitHub Packages and to use packages stored on GitHub Packages as dependencies in a Ruby project with Bundler.

RubyGems の場合も:

This registry supports granular permissions.

Gem を作って配るのが目的だ。その設定をローカルでまず行う:

To publish new gems, you need to authenticate to GitHub Packages with RubyGems by editing your ~/.gem/credentials file to include your personal access token (classic). Create a new ~/.gem/credentials file if this file doesn’t exist.

正確なパスをコマンド gem env で調べるといい。 ~/.local/share/gem/credentials の可能性がある。

:github: Bearer TOKEN

Gem 設定:

To install gems, you need to authenticate to GitHub Packages by updating your gem sources to include

bash$ gem sources --add

Bundler 設定:

To authenticate with Bundler, configure Bundler to use your personal access token (classic), replacing USERNAME with your GitHub username, TOKEN with your personal access token, and NAMESPACE with the name of the personal account or organization to which the gem is scoped.

bash$ bundle config USERNAME:TOKEN


When you first publish a package, the default visibility is private.

これを先述の方法で public に変える。ビルドしたら次のようにして GitHub に発行する:

$bash gem push --key github --host GEM_NAME-0.0.1.gem

You can ensure gems will be linked to a repository as soon as they are published by including the URL of the GitHub repository in the github_repo field in gem.metadata.

gem.metadata = { "github_repo" => "ssh://" }

You can use gems from GitHub Packages much like you use gems from

Gemfilesource を追加する:

source ""
source ""

gem "rails"
gem "GEM_NAME"

これで gem install GEM_NAME コマンドでインストール可能だ。

Working with the npm registry

This registry supports granular permissions.

ざっと読む限り GitHub に関することは RubyGems と共通している。

You can authenticate to GitHub Packages with npm by either editing your per-user ~/.npmrc file to include your personal access token (classic) or by logging in to npm on the command line using your username and personal access token.

設定ファイルパスは $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/npm/npmrc とした。以下ではそう読み替える。こんな感じの行を書く:


To authenticate by logging in to npm, use the npm login command, replacing USERNAME with your GitHub username, TOKEN with your personal access token (classic), and PUBLIC-EMAIL-ADDRESS with your email address.


bash$ npm login --scope=@NAMESPACE --auth-type=legacy --registry=
npm notice Log in on
Username: USERNAME
Password: TOKEN

オプション --auth-type=legacy の適用条件は本文参照。

You can connect a package to a repository as soon as the package is published by including a repository field in the package.json file.

このあたりの記述は Quickstart で実践済みだからわからないことはないと思う。

You can set up the scope mapping for your project using either a local .npmrc file in the project or using the publishConfig option in the package.json. GitHub Packages only supports scoped npm packages.

プロジェクト用の .npmrc を設けるものとする。

In the .npmrc file, use the GitHub Packages URL and account owner so GitHub Packages knows where to route package requests.

さっきの _authToken= 行の近くに書くといい:


それから package.jsonnamerepository の値を確認してコマンド npm publish を実行すればよい。

publishConfig を用いる場合は:

"publishConfig": {
  "registry": ""

You can install packages from GitHub Packages by adding the packages as dependencies in the package.json file for your project.


You also need to add the .npmrc file to your project so that all requests to install packages will go through GitHub Packages.

package.json では依存関係の定義が急所となる:

"dependencies": {

コマンド npm install でインストール。

Working with the Apache Maven registry

You can configure Apache Maven to publish packages to GitHub Packages and to use packages stored on GitHub Packages as dependencies in a Java project.

これは Java の話題だ。

You can authenticate to GitHub Packages with Apache Maven by editing your ~/.m2/settings.xml file to include your personal access token (classic). Create a new ~/.m2/settings.xml file if one doesn’t exist.

Maven のユーザー設定ファイルは ~/.m2/settings.xml であるとして話を進める。

servers および repositories 要素を適宜定義する。

パッケージディレクトリーのファイル pom.xml を次のようにする:

     <name>GitHub OWNER Apache Maven Packages</name>

コマンド mvn deploy で発行する。

To install an Apache Maven package from GitHub Packages, edit the pom.xml file to include the package as a dependency.


コマンド mvn install でインストール。

Working with the Gradle registry

こちらも Java の話題か?

You can authenticate to GitHub Packages with Gradle using either Gradle Groovy or Kotlin DSL by editing your build.gradle file (Gradle Groovy) or build.gradle.kts file (Kotlin DSL) file to include your personal access token (classic).

Because uppercase letters aren’t supported, you must use lowercase letters for the repository owner even if the GitHub user or organization name contains uppercase letters.


コマンド gradle publish で発行する。

To use a published package from GitHub Packages, add the package as a dependency and add the repository to your project.

設定ファイルに dependenciesrepositories の詳細を記述する。

Working with the NuGet registry

You can configure the dotnet command-line interface (CLI) to publish NuGet packages to GitHub Packages and to use packages stored on GitHub Packages as dependencies in a .NET project.


This registry supports granular permissions.

Use the following command to authenticate to GitHub Packages in a GitHub Actions workflow using the GITHUB_TOKEN instead of hardcoding a personal access token in a nuget.config file in the repository:

bash$ dotnet nuget add source --username USERNAME --password ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} --store-password-in-clear-text --name github ""

To authenticate to GitHub Packages with the dotnet command-line interface (CLI), create a nuget.config file in your project directory specifying GitHub Packages as a source under packageSources for the dotnet CLI client.

この設定ファイルは XML だ。次のように記述する:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
        <clear />
        <add key="github" value="" />
            <add key="Username" value="USERNAME" />
            <add key="ClearTextPassword" value="TOKEN" />

You can publish a package to GitHub Packages by authenticating with a nuget.config file, or by using the --api-key command line option with your GitHub personal access token (classic).

If you specify a RepositoryURL in your nuget.config file, the published package will automatically be connected to the specified repository.

トークンを API キーとして用いるか、nuget.config を用いるかしてパッケージを発行する方法がある。前者は:

bash$ dotnet pack --configuration Release
bash$ dotnet nuget push "bin/Release/PROJECT_NAME.1.0.0.nupkg" --api-key YOUR_GITHUB_PAT --source "github"

後者ではプロジェクトの .csproj ファイルをこのように書き換えて:

<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">


bash$ dotnet pack --configuration Release
bash$ dotnet nuget push "bin/Release/PROJECT_NAME.1.0.0.nupkg" --source "github"

Migrating to the Container registry from the Docker registry

The Container registry replaces GitHub’s Docker registry. If you’ve stored Docker images in the Docker registry, GitHub will gradually migrate the images to the Container registry. No action is required on your part.


  • The package icon will be the Container registry logo instead of the Docker logo.

  • The domain in the pull URL will be instead of

Container 登録所ロゴは角砂糖を等角投影図法で描いたような図像だ。

Any scripts or GitHub Actions workflows that use the namespace for the Docker registry,, will continue to work after migration to the Container registry at

こういう自動移行が発生すると、GitHub Actions への影響を考慮する習慣を持ちたい。

Managing GitHub packages using GitHub Actions workflows

GitHub Actions を使ったパッケージ処理を見ていく?

Publishing and installing a package with GitHub Actions

Quickstart で少し見たように:

You can configure a workflow in GitHub Actions to automatically publish or install a package from GitHub Packages.

You can extend the CI and CD capabilities of your repository by publishing or installing packages as part of your workflow.


If you want your workflow to access a GitHub Packages registry that does not support granular permissions, then we recommend using the GITHUB_TOKEN that GitHub automatically creates for your repository when you enable GitHub Actions. You should set the permissions for this access token in the workflow file to grant read access for the contents scope and write access for the packages scope.


All workflows accessing registries that support granular permissions should use the GITHUB_TOKEN instead of a personal access token.


When you enable GitHub Actions, GitHub installs a GitHub App on your repository. The GITHUB_TOKEN secret is a GitHub App installation access token. You can use the installation access token to authenticate on behalf of the GitHub App installed on your repository.


GITHUB_TOKEN を使用した workflow がパッケージを作成する場合、既定の権限とアクセスがある。

You can use GitHub Actions to automatically publish packages as part of your continuous integration (CI) flow.


ここで GitHub Actions を使ってモノをビルドし、Docker イメージを自動的に作成して GitHub Packages に公開する方法を示す例が示されている。リポジトリーに .github/workflows/deploy-image.yml のようなパスに workflow を定義する。



Installing packages hosted by GitHub Packages through GitHub Actions requires minimal configuration or additional authentication when you use the GITHUB_TOKEN. Data transfer is also free when an action installs a package.


Using the GITHUB_TOKEN, instead of a personal access token (classic) with the repo scope, increases the security of your repository as you don’t need to use a long-lived personal access token that offers unnecessary access to the repository where your workflow is run.

パッケージから workflow にアクセス可能にする:

To ensure your package has access to your workflow, you must add the repository where the workflow is stored to your package.

Manage Actions accessAdd Repository` ボタンを押す。

YAML ファイル内の登録所にログインする箇所で ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} を使って認証させる。

Example workflows for publishing a package

次の GitHub Actions documentation 内へのリンクがある:

  • Publishing Node.js packages

  • Publishing Docker images

  • Publishing Java packages with Maven

  • Publishing Java packages with Gradle


About GitHub Packages and GitHub Actions

Creating a package at the end of a continuous integration workflow can help during code reviews on a pull request.


Depending on the kind of application you’re building, this package can be downloaded locally for manual testing, made available for users to download, or deployed to a staging or production environment.


パッケージを GitHub Packages またはパッケージ登録所に発行する。前者の場合:

You may want to publish packages to GitHub Packages on every push into the default branch. This will allow developers on your project to always be able to run and test the latest build from the default branch easily, by installing it from GitHub Packages.


You can automate this by creating a workflow that publishes packages to a package registry on every release creation.