Planning and tracking with Projects ノート¶
本章は GitHub Issues documentation の部分だ。見出しが Issues と並列しているのでノートを分割した。
Learning about Projects¶
About Projects¶
GitHub で言うプロジェクトは issues と pull requests を統合する何かであると規定している。何かは三とおりある:
A project is an adaptable spreadsheet, task-board, and road map that integrates with your issues and pull requests on GitHub to help you plan and track your work effectively.
この機能の目的は issues と pull requests の情報を次のように扱うことだ:
Information is synced automatically to your project as you make changes, updating your views and charts. This integration works both ways, so that when you change information about a pull request or issue in your project, the pull request or issue reflects that information.
ここでは field というものを issues や pull requests に与えることが可能だ。
Projects は自動化を支援している。
Projects の直轄機能というわけではないが、課題一覧というものがある。この機能については別途記述されている:
You can use tasklists to build hierarchies of issues, dividing your issues into smaller subtasks, and creating new relationships between your issues.
You can save these views, allowing you to quickly return to them as needed and make them available to your team. Views not only let you scope down the items listed but also offer two different layout options.
Quickstart for Projects¶
Create を押す
プロジェクトを新規作成したら README を執筆する。手順:
画面内 README を埋める
編集後に Save を押す
プロジェクトに既存または草稿 issue を追加することが可能。前者の場合、issue または pull request の URL を指定して作成する。後者の場合の手順は URL ではなく考えを直接記入する。
反復欄 (an iteration field) というものを追加
Priority 欄を追加
ビューを Priority の値でグループ分けする
を押すDefault workflows を調べるといい
Best practices for Projects¶
You can use Projects to manage your work on GitHub, where your issues and pull requests live.
Break down large issues into smaller issues
Make use of the description and README
Use views
Have a single source of truth
Use automation
Use different field types
課題を小分けすると作業を管理しやすくなり、並行して作業できるようになる。また、 pull request を吟味しやすくもなる。
README ファイルには次のことを明記する:
Explaining the purpose of the project.
Describing the project views and how to use them.
Including relevant links and people to contact for more information.
Project の View 機能でさまざまな角度から検証する。例:
Filter by status to view all un-started items
Group by a custom priority field to monitor the volume of high priority items
Sort by a custom date field to view the items with the earliest target ship date
For example, track a target ship date in a single location instead of spread across multiple fields. Then, if the target ship date shifts, you only need to update the date in one location.
Projects offers built-in workflows.
GitHub Actions and the GraphQL API enable you to automate routine project management tasks.
Use an iteration field to schedule work or create a timeline. You can group by iteration to see if items are balanced between iterations, or you can filter to focus on a single iteration.
Creating projects¶
Creating a project¶
Copying an existing project¶
Migrating from projects (classic)¶
Managing items in your project¶
Adding items to your project¶
Add item についての詳しい記述。
Converting draft issues to issues¶
メニューを開いてみるとコマンドが現れる。Editing items in your project¶
Archiving items from your project¶
You can archive an item to keep the context about the item in the project but remove it from the project views.
例によって ドロップダウンリストを開いてみるか Arcihive コマンドが現れる。
メニューを開いてみるとYou can delete an item to remove it from the project entirely.
Delete from project コマンドが現れる。
Understanding fields¶
About text and number fields¶
You can use text fields to include notes or any other freeform text in your project.
Text fields can be used in filters, for example:
field:"exact text"
.Number fields can also be used in filters.
About date fields¶
You can filter for date values using the
format, for example:date:2022-07-01
About single select fields¶
You can filter by your single select fields by specifying the option, for example:
About iteration fields¶
You can filter for iterations by specifying the iteration name or
for the current iteration,@previous
for the previous iteration, or@next
for the next iteration.
You can insert breaks into your iterations to communicate when you are taking time away from scheduled work. The duration of a new break defaults to the length of the most recently created iteration.
の右側の水平線をクリック。About Tracks and Tracked by fields¶
Renaming custom fields¶
Project Settings 左柱の自作フィールド名を押す。右側で編集。
Deleting custom fields¶
Project Settings 左柱の自作フィールド名を押す。右側で Delete field を押す。
Customizing views in your project¶
Changing the layout of a view¶
You can set each view in your project to a different layout.
Customizing the table layout¶
列の表示はビュータブのドロップダウンリストから Fields: でも変更可能。
値でグループ化することが可能。ビュータブのドロップダウンリストから Group by: でも変更可能。
You can slice your items by a field to view a list of the field values in a separate panel. When you click on a value in the slice panel, the current view will adjust to only show items with that value.
ビュータブのドロップダウンリストから Slice by: で設定。
当然ソート可能。Sort by: を見ろ。
集計機能もあるらしい。Field sum: がある場合がある?
Customizing the board layout¶
The board layout spreads your issues, pull requests, and draft issues across customizable columns.
Setting a limit on the number of items in a column
Showing and hiding fields
Setting the column field in board layout
Showing and hiding columns in board layout
Slicing by field values
Sorting by field values
Grouping by field values
Showing the sum of a number field
Customizing the roadmap layout¶
Setting the start and target date fields
Setting vertical markers
Setting the zoom level
Roadmap ヘッダー Date fields を押して開始日と終了日を指定する。
Markers を押してどのマーカーを示すのかを指示する。
You can choose the density of items on your roadmap.
Slicing by field values
Sorting by field values
Grouping by field values
Showing the sum of a number field
Filtering projects¶
You can customize which items appear in your views using filters for item metadata, such as assignees and the labels applied to issues, and by the fields in your project. You can combine filters and save them as views.
Managing your views¶
New View でタブ追加。
既存タブのドロップダウンリストに Duplicate view コマンドあり。
ドロップダウンリストの下にある Save でビューを保存。
既存タブのドロップダウンリストに Rename view コマンドあり。
既存タブのドロップダウンリストに Delete view コマンドあり。
Automating your project¶
Using the built-in automations¶
For example, you can automatically set the status to Todo when an item is added to your project or set the status to Done when an issue is closed.
組み込み workflow の設定方法: Project 画面右上 Edit ボタンを押す。Set Value 下のドロップダウンリストから状態を選択。最後に Save and turn on workflow を押して確定。
を押す。左列から所望の workflow を押す。右側の右上Using the API to manage Projects¶
Automating Projects using Actions¶
A project can span multiple repositories, but a workflow is specific to a repository. Add the workflow to each repository that you want your project to track.
You may also want to use the
workflow, which is maintained by GitHub and will add the current issue or pull request to the project specified.
Adding items automatically¶
You can configure your project’s built-in workflows to automatically add new items as they are created or updated in a repository.
The auto-add workflow supports a subset of filters. You can use the following filters when configuring your workflow.
, label
, reason
, assignee
, no
The auto-add workflow is limited per plan.
Free プランでは一件のみ。だからだいじに取っておくのがいい。
複製方法は知る必要なし。UI が無効になっている。
Archiving items automatically¶
You can configure your project’s built-in workflows to automatically archive items.
The auto-archive workflow supports a subset of filters.
, reason
, updated
When you enable automatic archiving for issues or pull requests, items in your project that already meet your criteria will also be archived.
方法: Project 画面右上 Auto-archive items を押す。右側の右上 Edit ボタンを押す。テキストボックスに問い合わせ文を入力。最後に Save and turn on workflow を押して確定。
を押す。左列からViewing insights from your project¶
About insights for Projects¶
You can use insights for Projects to view, create, and customize charts that use the items added to your project as their source data.
For example, you can create charts to show how many items are assigned to each individual, or how many issues are assigned to each upcoming iteration.
Historical charts track changes to the state of your project items.
Creating charts¶
Project 画面右上のプロットボタンを押す。New chart を押すと統計図表が現れる。右側フィルターを記入したら Save changes を押す。
Configuring charts¶
統計図表右上の Configure ボタンを押すと:
Layout でプロット種別を選択可能
X-axis, Y-axis でどの統計を見るのかを選択可能
Managing your project¶
Managing visibility of your projects¶
Projects can be public or private.
Project 画面右上 Private か Public を指定。
ドロップダウンリストでManaging access to your projects¶
Admins of user-level projects can invite individual collaborators and manage their access.
Project 画面右上
でアクセスを与えたいアカウントを指定する。Role ドロップダウンリストで Admin, Write, Read のどれかを指示する。Invite ボタンで確定。
すでにアクセスを与えた協力者から剥奪するには、同様の手順でアカウントを指定して Remove ボタンを押す。
Managing project templates in your organization¶
You can create templates or set projects as templates in your organization, allowing other people to select your template as the base for projects they create.
The projects you have marked as templates are made available in the “Select a template” pop-up window when other people create projects in your organization.
画面右上 Your organizations から組織を選択し、Projects を押す。画面左列の Templates を押して右側の New template を押す。
Project の右上 Make template をオンにする。
を押す。If you have write or admin permissions for a project in your organization, you can choose to copy the project as a template.
Project の右上 Copy as template ボタンを押す。
を押す。Closing and deleting your projects¶
Project 画面右上 Close this project で閉じる。
で削除、同閉じた Project は再開可能らしい。
Adding your project to a repository¶
Adding your project to a team¶