Chapter 6. Geometric Shapes

Inkscape provides a number of tools for drawing geometric shapes. The tools for drawing regular geometric shapes (rectangles, boxes, ellipses, regular polygons, stars, and spirals) are covered here.

形状と同様にスタイルも重要だ。本章で現れる形状には fill と stroke という属性がある:

The style of an object includes attributes that determine how the inside of the shape (fill) and how the boundary path (stroke) are drawn. It also includes shape-specific attributes such as the number of points in a star.

現在スタイルという考え方があり、新しいオブジェクトに対してはそれがまず適用される。スタイルは関係ツールの UI で変更可能。

New objects are drawn with the Current style. Some components of the Current style are displayed (e.g. Fill color) or changed (e.g. number of points in a star) in the Tool Controls of a relevant tool.


A component of the Current style is changed when that component is modified

By default, the shape tools (except the Spiral Tool and Box Tool) as well as the Calligraphy Tool are drawn with a global Current style. Changing the style for one of these tools, changes the style for all.


While drawing some objects (arcs, stars, regular polygons, and spirals), some features (such as the orientation of a polygon) can be constrained to specific angles with respect to the center of the shape and the horizontal axis. These angles are multiples of the Rotation snap angle.


Shapes can be scaled, rotated, and skewed. (See Chapter 5, Positioning and Transforming.) When doing so, a transformation is applied to the shape. The internal parameters defining the shape (such as the width and height of an ellipse) remain unchanged.

Rectangles and Squares

  • Rectangle Tool の起動方法例:

    • Toolbox の当該ボタンを押す

    • F4 を押すか R を押す

  • 長方形を描くには、一方の角から対角線上反対側の角まで、左ボタンドラッグする。

  • 正方形を描くには、Ctrl を押しながらマウスをドラッグする。同じ操作で、高さと幅(またはその反対)の比が整数である長方形も描画可能。

    • 特例として、辺が「黄金比」に拘束された長方形も Ctrl キーで描画可能。

  • Shift キーを押しながらドラッグすると、開始点を中心とするように矩形を描く。

矩形を編集するには、Rectangle Tool で矩形を左クリックし、矩形を選択する必要がある。選択されると、その角の一部にハンドル(小四角と円)が表示される。左上または右下のハンドル(四角)を左ボタンドラッグすると、矩形の寸法を変更できる。


There are two ways to do this. The first is to use the handle(s) at the top-right corner of the rectangle. Initially, only one handle is visible. If this handle is dragged down, a rounded corner in the shape of a quarter circle is created. A second handle is now visible. Dragging this second handle to the left will create an elliptical rounded corner. Upon dragging the second handle, the radii of curvature in the horizontal (x) and vertical (y) directions are independent.

マウスよりも細かく制御するには Rectangle Tool 起動時にツールバーの Rx, Ry 値を編集する。

フィレットを削除するには Make corners sharp ボタンを押す。

3D Boxes

Box Tool は三次元の箱の絵を描くツールで、次の記述から Inkscape 固有のオブジェクトであるように読める:

A box is composed of an SVG Group of six paths. Information about the vanishing points, and so forth are stored in the Inkscape Name Space. This extra information is only used by the Box Tool.

Box Tool の起動法は:

  • Toolbox の当該ボタンを押す

  • Shift + F4 を押すか X を押す


Use a Left Mouse Drag to draw the left side of the box (in the x-y plane). The start of the drag sets one corner while the end of the drag sets the opposite corner. The other sides of the box are automatically drawn with the right side of the box set to a default width.


Pressing the Shift while creating the box changes the function of the cursor to defining the depth (width of the right side or z dimension) of the box.

実際に Shift キーを押したり離したりしてハンドルをドラッグすると、確かに挙動が変わるのだが、それがこの記述のとおりなのかどうかがわからない。

When a box is selected and the Box Tool active, a variety of handles are displayed. The eight handles at the corners of the box are used to adjust the size of the box.


The four in front (see figure below) change the size of the left box face in the x-y plane. The other four change the depth (z) of the box.


Holding the Shift down swaps the functions of the handles.

Shift 押しの場合は割と自由に動くのが後面の四点のほうに交代する。

With the Ctrl down, the handles are restricted in movement to lines along the box edges or to a box diagonal. This allows adjusting one dimension of a box face while keeping the other fixed in the first case or keeping the aspect ratio fixed in the latter case.

Ctrl 押しのハンドル移動拘束によって、箱寸法調整または縦横比の維持を実現する。

Dragging the Cross handle moves the box while keeping the same perspective. Without a modifier key, the box is kept in the x-y plane. Holding the Ctrl down while dragging limits movement to lines along the box edge or along the box diagonal. Holding down the Shift while dragging moves the box in the z direction.

実際にやってみると Ctrl 押し✕ハンドル移動の挙動が読めない。

By default, a box is drawn with two vanishing points, one each on the left (x) and right (z) sides. The vanishing points are initially placed at the edge of the page, halfway between the top and bottom.


The vanishing points can be dragged to new locations. Dragging the points a ways off the page will probably give you a more satisfactory perspective than the default.


All boxes that share the same vanishing points will change together. If you wish to change the vanishing points of just selected boxes, hold down the Shift while dragging. If multiple boxes are selected with different vanishing points, dragging a vanishing point for one box near that of another box will “merge” the points together.


箱オブジェクト用の Tool Controls で専用のボタンを押すことで、消失点を無限遠点に指定することも可能だ:

The type of perspective is changed via the Box Tool Tool Controls. Each of the three perspective points (x, y, and z) can be set to infinity or to a specific point. To set or unset a perspective point to infinity, toggle the “Parallel Lines” button in the Tool Controls next to the appropriate angle


The angles can be changed via the entry boxes in the Tool Controls or by using the keyboard shortcuts: x: [, ]; y: (, ); and z: {, }.


The angles will be changed by the Rotation snap angle (15° by default, settable in the Steps section of the Inkscape Preferences dialog). With the Alt key, the angle change will be 0.5°.

Inkscape 1.2 ではラベルが Rotation snaps every という文言になっている。

一点透視図法では X と Y の無限遠点ボタンを押す。このとき角度 XY を 180°と 90°にそれぞれ設定する。 Z の無限遠点ボタンはオフにし、□消失点ハンドルを任意の位置(図面の中央付近がよい)にドラッグする。

二点透視図法では Y の無限遠点ボタンだけを押すのがよい。角度は 90°とする。あとは X および Z 方向の消失点を適宜ドラッグして設定する。おそらく水平線に置く。



Boxes can be drawn with an Isometric Projection by toggling on all “Parallel Line” buttons in the Tool Controls and setting the x, y, and z angles to be: 150°, 90°, and 30°, respectively.


箱を構成する面それぞれのスタイルを変更することが可能だが、面を選択するにはダブルクリックは使えない。箱全体が選択されてしまうからだ。そうではなく、いったんグループに入り、それから面をクリックすればよい。この辺の事情がピンと来なければ、グループ選択や z-order が絡む選択方法の記述を再確認すること。


Ellipses, Circles, and Arcs


  • Toolbox の当該ボタンを押す

  • F5 を押すか E キーを押す


  • 楕円はドラッグの始点と終点で定義された長方形に内接するように描かれる。

  • 円を描くには Ctrl を押しながらドラッグ。また、高さと幅(またはその反対)比が整数または黄金比の楕円を描くことが可能。

  • Shift キーを押しながらドラッグすると、開始点を中心とした楕円が描かれる。

  • Alt キーを押しながらドラッグすると、ドラッグの始点と終点を通過する楕円が描かれる。

  • Alt + Ctrl キーを押しながらドラッグすると、ドラッグの始点と終点を直径とする描かれる。


When an ellipse is selected and the Ellipse Tool is active, the ellipse will have a set of handles (small squares and circles) that can be used to resize it or convert it to an arc. (The handles are also available if one of other shape Tools or the Node Tool is active.)


To convert an ellipse into an arc, use the two Arc handles. Initially both handles are on top of each other. Drag one handle to set one end of the arc, then drag the second handle to set the other end.


Holding down the Ctrl key while dragging an Arc handle will force the angle of the arc to begin or end at a multiple of the Rotation snap angle (15° by default).

楕円用 Tool Controls には上記の操作のための UI がある。角度の方向については珍しく時計回り方向が正になる:

The Start and End angles are defined in degrees and are measured in the clockwise direction starting at the x-axis.

Regular Polygons and Stars


  • Toolbox の当該ボタンを押す

  • Shift + F6 を押すか * キーを押す


A star will be drawn with the center at the starting point of the drag and one vertex at the ending point of the drag. The vertex can be forced to be at a multiple of the Rotation snap angle (15 degrees by default) by holding down the Ctrl key during the drag.

星形は、図形上の◇ハンドルをドラッグするか、Star Tool を選択した状態で Tool Controls 上の設定を使用することで変形できる。ここでは重要なパラメーター二つを変更することができる:

The first is an option to specify that the shape drawn be a star or a polygon. This is controlled by two toggled buttons.


The second is a parameter that controls the number of points in a star or the number of corners of a polygon.


There are two handles for stars (one for polygons). The Tip radius handle (see the Notification Region if in doubt which is which) is used to control the position of the tip of a star or corner vertex of a polygon. This is the handle that was used when first drawing the star or polygon. Using the Ctrl key while dragging the handle restricts it to a radial line.


The Base radius handle controls the position of the “inner” vertex of a star. The Base radius handle can be constrained to have an angle halfway between adjacent tips by holding down the Ctrl key while dragging it. Note that it is possible that the radius of the Base vertex be larger than the Tip vertex or it can be negative as shown next.



Holding the Shift key while dragging either handle will round the corners of the star or pentagon.


Holding the Alt key while dragging either handle will move all the star’s or polygon’s vertices independently in a random fashion.

Tool Controls の残りの UI は扱いが難しい:

For stars, it also contains a box to set the Spoke ratio. This is defined as the ratio of the Base radius to the Tip radius. Useful values are: for a regular 5-pointed star, 0.382; for a regular 6-pointed star, 0.577; and for a regular 8-pointed star, 0.541.


Numerical values for Rounded and Randomized can also be entered (try -10 for Rounded!).


And lastly, there is a Defaults button to reset all of the settings to their default values.


The Spiral Tool can be used to draw Archimedes’ spirals.


  • Toolbox の当該ボタンを押す

  • F9 を押すか I キーを押す


The start of the drag will be the spiral’s center. Holding down the Ctrl key while dragging will constrain the position of the spiral end point to a multiple of the Rotation snap angle (default 15 degrees).


Dragging either handle allows rolling and unrolling the spiral from its respective end (i.e., making the spiral longer or shorter, or changing the radius of the inner and outer ends). Holding down the Ctrl key forces the end to be at a multiple of the Rotation snap angle with respect to the center. Holding down the Shift key while clicking on the Inner handle will set the inner radius to zero.

内側ハンドルを Alt を押しつつドラッグすると、渦巻きの発散具合が変化する。次の数学的仕様により形状が定まる:

The divergence is a measure of how rapidly the radius changes with respect to the angle as the spiral progresses. A divergence of one gives a spiral where the distance between successive turns remains uniform (an Archimedes’ spiral). Divergences smaller (larger) than one give a spiral where the distance between successive turns decreases (increases) moving outward. Mathematically, the radius of a point is proportional to its angle (measured in radians) raised to a power equal to the divergence.


Clicking on the Inner handle while holding down the Alt key will reset the divergence to one.


The Outer handle can be used to scale and rotate the spiral by dragging it with the Shift key pressed. If both the Shift and Alt keys are held down, then the spiral will only rotate, keeping the radius fixed.

専用 Tool Controls で巻数や上述のパラメーター入力を受け付ける欄がある。

渦巻きは塗りつぶしにも対応している。ただし、Inkscape がどのように図形を塗りつぶすかを理解する必要がある。これは後述の章まで待つことにする。

A spiral is basically an open path. The Fill is drawn as if the path was closed with a line segment between the path ends (the Inner and Outer handles). Then the current Fill Rule is applied.