Chapter 19. Tiling

私がいた世界と tessellation の意味合いが若干異なるので、注意する意味で引用する:

Tiling or tessellation is the covering of a surface with the repeated use of the same shape tile. A typical example is the tiling in a bathroom.

同一のタイルを反復するだけではつまらないので、Inkscape では工夫を入れる:

In Inkscape, this concept is expanded to include a multitude of options, including progressively changing the tile size, spacing, and orientation.


While random use of the Tile Clones dialog can produce exquisite patterns, it is useful to understand the fundamentals of tessellation in order to have more control over the final design.


To construct a tiling, open up the Create Tiled Clones dialog (Edit ‣ Clone ‣ Create Tiled Clones…).


当分 Create Tiled Clones ダイアログのスクリーンショットに基づいて解説が続く。ダイアログ下部がモードに依らない固定 UI になっている。

Rows, columns


Width, height


Used saved size and position of the tile

オンにすると前回コマンド実行時における基礎タイルの寸法と位置を使用するようになる。後で基礎タイルを更新して BB が変更された場合にもタイル間の間隔が保たれる。




基礎タイル選択中に押すとコマンドを undo する。





単純な例が示されている。円を P1 モードで 2x2 に敷き詰めした結果だ。元オブジェクトがまだそこにあることと、BB に基づいて配置されていることを理解する。

Symmetry Tab


The Symmetry tab is at the heart of the tiling process. Understanding the different symmetries is necessary to have full control over the outcome of a tiling.

It is known that there are 17 such tiling symmetries. (See: Wikipedia entry.) All 17 symmetries are included in the Inkscape Create Tiled Clones dialog.

矩形モノと六角形モノがそれぞれ 12 個、5 個ある。後者のタイプでは基礎タイルの BB が問題になる。三角形のほうが BB より真に小さいので、場合によってはタイルが重なり合う:

Inkscape uses the bounding box of an object to determine the basic tile size. For rectangular base tiles, the bounding box corresponds to the base tile. However, for triangular base tiles, the base tile covers only part of the bounding box area. This can result in tiles “overlapping” if an object extends outside the base tile shape (but is still within the bounding box) as in the tiling in the introduction to this chapter.


敷き詰め後に基礎タイルの寸法を変更する場合には XML Editor ダイアログを使うなどして、SVG データを直接修正する:

If you need to adjust the base tile size after having created a tiling, you can use the XML Editor dialog to change the parameters inkscape:tile-h and inkscape:tile-w (these will appear after you have cloned the object and are used only if the Use saved size and position of the tile button is checked).

Shift Tab


Shift X, Shift Y

BB の幅と高さを単位として、タイルの間隔をずらす。ランダムな変異を与えるオプションもある。


各タイルの位置が \({(1 + s_x)^{p_x},}{(1 + s_y)^{p_y}}\) となるように \(p_x, p_y\) を与える。




例えば上述のずらし量が 10% である場合、通常、後続のタイル間隔は 10%, 20%, 30%, … となる。このオプションを使うと、間隔が 10%, (10+20)%, (10+20+30)%, … となる。タイルの拡縮も行うときにタイル間隔を一定に保つのに便利だ。

Exclude tile


ここにある四枚の P1 ベースの Shift は理解できる。

Question: What is the symmetry of closely packed hexagons? The answer is P1 as can be seen below. One can use this fact to trivially generate the board for the game Hex invented independently by the mathematicians Piet Hein and John Nash.

前節で注意されたように、P1 で平行四辺形を敷き詰められる。平面を六角形で敷き詰めることは、イラストのように平行四辺形を分割したものを P1 で敷き詰めることと同じだから、これも可能だ:

Closely packed hexagons have a P1 symmetry tiling as shown on the left. On the right is the board for the game Hex. To generate both tilings, a hexagon was tiled using a shift in x of 50% and a shift in y of -25% per row.

六角形を敷き詰めるには (x, y) に対するずらし量を (50%, -25%) とすればよい。

Scale Tab


Scale X, Scale Y



\(S\)\(S^p\) となるように \(p\) を指定してタイルを拡縮する。


対数渦を作成するために用いられるオプション。 \(S\)\(b^{S-1}\) となるように \(b\) を指定する。つまり \({b = 1}\) の場合は拡縮変更なし。収束する渦には 1 より小さい値を、発散する渦には 1 より大きい値を指定する。真の対数渦は、\(2.718\) またはその逆数 \(0.368\)\(b\) を指定する。






A general rule is that to keep scaled tiles just touching, specify a cumulative shift that is half of the scaling (in percent).

Rotation Tab









Blur and Opacity Tab

The Blur and opacity tab allows one to change the blur and/or transparency of each tile depending on the row and column position.


A Gaussian Blur filter can be applied to each clone with different blurring values.


The blur change is specified in percent. The change in blur can be specified to Alternate between a positive and negative value; however, a negative blur value can be entered in the Per row and Per column boxes. A Randomizer factor can also be specified.



The opacity change is specified in percent. The change in opacity can be specified to Alternate between a positive and negative value. A Randomizer factor can also be specified.


Color Tab

行と列の位置に応じて各タイルの色を変更する。ただし、色空間は HSL 固定で百分率指定とする:

The Hue repeats itself after a change of 100%. The full scale for Saturation and Lightness components are each 100%. The changes in the three parameters can be specified to Alternate between a positive and negative change. A Randomizer factor can also be specified.

Hue が境界値で何色になるのかを調べておくほうがいいだろう。残りのオプションはよそのタブと同様。

このタブでの指定を有効にするには、オブジェクトの地の属性を Unset にしておくなど、準備が要る:

Two key points: First, the Fill and/or Stroke paint must be specified as Unset (see the section called “Fill and Stroke Paint”). Second, an Initial color must be specified by using the Initial color of tiled clones dialog accessible by clicking on the color button next to the Initial Color label.


Note that it is meaningless to have only a shift in Hue with a starting color of black or white. This is like trying to walk east from the North Pole.



The Trace tab allows one to set the color, size, and transparency of the tiles by the color or transparency of the objects (including bitmaps) that are placed under the location of the tiling. To enable this feature, the Trace the drawing under the tiles box must be checked.


  1. Pick from the drawing

  2. Tweak the picked value

  3. Apply the value to the clones

区画 1 では下絵の属性を指定する。色の場合には HSL または RGB から成分指定方式を選択できる。

区画 2 では入力値を補正する:

One can specify a Gamma correction or add a randomization factor to the input. One can also invert the input.

区画 3 ではタイルのどの属性に影響を与えるかを指定する:

Options include Presence (the probability that a given tile will be drawn), color, size, and opacity.

色変更については Color タブと同じ理由で Unset 属性が要る。

The color will only be changed for regions of the base tile that have Unset fill.



The inside of the rainbow is defined as a white gradient stop with zero Alpha. The last outside stop is defined with a red color and with zero Alpha. For most figures, a star inside an unfilled rectangle is used as the base tile. The star has been given an Unset fill when color is selected in the output.



To put a tile along an arc use the P1 symmetry with one row of tiles. Check the Exclude tile box. The Rotation center is used as the center of rotation.

最初の二つのデモは EU 旗で見たデザインと似ているようだが、☆の姿勢が異なる:

The base tile is drawn on the left, showing the Rotation center of the tile. On the right is after a P1 tiling with a per column shift removed by checking the Exclude tile box and with a rotation of 60%.

The next figure shows how 12 stars can be put in a circle. This would have been an alternative way of placing the stars in the European Union flag if the stars did not need to be placed with one of their points straight up.


Stars on a logarithmic spiral. The tile size is increased by 2.5% with Base set to 2.7. Each tile is rotated 20°.

Stars on a logarithmic spiral. The tile size is increased by 2.5% with Base set to 2.7. Each tile is rotated 20°. The per column shift has been set to 60% (with the Exclude tile box checked).

VJ GYO 的なデザインの解説を読んでいく。

A “P1 symmetry” tiling. 8 rows, 21 columns. Rotation of -11.5° per row and 20.6° per column, Scale of 39.3% per row and 24.2% per column with a Base of 2.7 for both x and y. The pattern matches that for a pine cone with 8 rows in one direction and 13 in the other.

For the mathematicians: note that 13 times the per column scaling is equal to 8 times the per row scaling and that 13 times the per column rotation minus 8 times the per row rotation is equal to 360°. This is due to the constraint that the 14th star in the first row is the same as the 9th star in the first column.

8 行 21 列の敷き詰め。行方向でも列方向でも回転および縮小がかかる。最初から数えて 9 番目のタイルが二行目の最初のタイルに相当するように角度を調整しているようだ。

A circle tiled on an arc. The red circle with the Rotation center moved off center was the source tile.
