Chapter 22. Extensions

Inkscape の拡張システムはプロセス内部から Python などのスクリプトを実行する形式をとる。

Some of the included Extensions might be of marginal use to the average user. However, much can be learned by examining the code in order to write your own scripts. Look in the share/inkscape/extensions directory for the code.

確かに Python スクリプトファイルがいくつも置いてある。Inkscape API のようなものがあり、それを呼び出すようなものか、フレームワークになっていて特定のメソッドを上書きするようなものか。

Often, an Extension can be used to quickly prototype a feature that may be included natively in a future version of Inkscape. Extensions are also a good way to add a feature that may have limited use by the general Inkscape community and thus not warrant the long-term commitment of adding the feature to the main code base.


If an extension doesn’t work, it may be that you are missing some external dependency. You can check if this is the case by looking at the log file extensions-errors.log in your Inkscape preferences directory (Linux: .config/inkscape, Windows: Documents and Settings\USER\Application Data\Inkscape).


Extensions can be run live, that is, the script code can be run automatically in the background, responding immediately to changes in parameters. This can both be good (see results of parameter changes immediately) or bad (updating before a parameter is fully modified). Each Extension dialog has a button to toggle on and off this Live Preview.








Generate from Path



Inkscape ファイルに画像を埋め込む



Modify Path








Visualize Path



JavaScript 引数を追加したり描画をビットマップにスライスしたりする


Two entries under the Extensions menu allow you quick access to the previously used extension. The first, Extensions ‣ Previous Extension, will run the extension with the same parameters. The second, Extensions ‣ Previous Extension Settings…, will pop up the parameters dialog.


This category rearranges objects in a drawing. At the moment there is just one extension in this category.

ここに記述がある Restack… の他に、Inkscape 1.2 では Deep ungroup… もある。


オブジェクト群の z-order を変更するコマンドだ。

Restack Direction

本書とは違って PresetCustom かをまず指定する。前者ならば次のメニューから指定する:

  • Left to Right

  • Bottom to Top

  • Right to Left

  • Top to Bottom

  • Radial Outward

  • Radial Inward

後者ならば Angle を指定する:

In the last case the angle is given in the Angle entry box where the angle is defined counterclockwise with zero corresponding to left to right.

Object Reference Point

オブジェクト BB のどこに基づいて z-order 再配置に利用するかを指定する。





The color mapping is calculated in the RGB color space except for the extensions that modify HSL values, which are calculated in HSL color space.


If no objects are selected, the color change will be applied to the entire drawing. An object’s Stroke and any Gradient are also changed.


ビットマップには効かない。Filters ‣ Color を当たる。

Black and White


The extension first calculates brightness (luma) using the YUV color space (for NTSC and PAL standard definition television) and then applies a threshold of 50%.



This extension has the property of making dark colors more intense but washing out light colors. The effect is subtle so multiple applications may be required.



This extension allows color custom transformation functions to be defined. Standard math operations are allowed such as +, -, *, and /. If a resulting value is outside the allowed limits, it is set at the minimum or maximum allowed value.

Python コードの ast.parse で評価される。シフト演算やべき乗、Python 組み込み関数も利用可能ということだ。


Darken the color of an object or Group of objects. Each R, G, and B component of a color is set to 90% of its previous value. The effect is subtle so multiple applications may be required.

Brighter 機能と同じ注意が当てはまる。



This sets the values of R, G, and B to the average of the maximum of R, G, and B; and the minimum of R, G, and B. For example, R would be set to (max( R, G, B) + min(R, G, B))/2.



Change the color to a gray using the formula for Luminance used by the NTSC and PAL television standards. This sets the color to a lightness (Y) defined by: Y = 0.229 × R + 0.587; × G + 0.114 × B.

Less Hue

色相の値を 18 度下げる機能だ(ゼロで実行すると 343 度になる)。

The hue is decreased by 5% (of the full hue range) or equivalently, a rotation of 18° around the color circle. This, for example, means that a pure red picks up a touch of blue in the RGB color space.

Less Light

輝度を現在の 5% だけ下げる。100 から開始するならば 95, 91, 86, … のように推移するという意味だ。

The lightness is decreased by 5% (of the full lightness range). If the lightness is already less than 5%, it is set to 0%. The effect is subtle so multiple applications may be required.

Less Saturation

彩度を最大値の 5% だけ下げる。

The saturation is decreased by 5% (of the full saturation range). If the saturation is already less than 5%, it is set to 0%. The effect is subtle so multiple applications may be required.

More Hue

Less Hue の逆機能。

More Light

Less Light の逆機能。

More Saturation

Less Staturation の逆機能。


RGB の各成分に対して、その補数で置き換える。

For example, an R value of 64 (25%) becomes an R value of 191 (255 - 64, or 75%).


Randomize the color of selected objects or all objects if no object is selected. You can choose which of the HSL color parameters to randomize (hue, saturation, and/or lightness).

Opacity も操作可能。スライダーバーで指定する値は振れ幅のような値と考えられる。

Remove Blue

Set the B value in RGB to 0.

Remove Green

Set the G value in RGB to 0.

Remove Red

Set the R value in RGB to 0.

Replace color


Color to be replaced must match exactly.

RGB Barrel

Rotates color (hue) by 120° around the color circle.

Generate from Path

This group of extensions creates new objects from one or more existing paths.


3D モデリングのそれとは毛色が異なる。


Inset/Outset Halo

Why would you want to use this extension when Inkscape now supports filters?

Filters ‣ Shadows ang Glows ‣ In and Out のことだろうか。



Draws a series of lines that interpolate the space between two paths. The options include setting the number of Interpolation Steps (in-between lines), an Exponent factor that controls the spacing between interpolated paths (zero for even spacing), specifying if the original paths should be duplicated (Duplicate Endpaths), and specifying that the path style should also be interpolated.



The starting point of a path can be found by selecting the path with the Node Tool and then using the Tab key. If no node is already selected, the first node in the path will be selected.


The interpolation extension can also be used to simulate gradients of different symmetries. When calling the extension, the smaller path should be selected first.



実行してみると、これこそ私の思う Extrude コマンドだ:

Simulates motion. Draws a copy of the selected object behind the original and then connects corresponding nodes with lines to form a group of closed paths. The direction and offset of the copied object can be specified. The new objects inherit the attributes of the original but can be edited as a group.


One can also use this extension to simulate perspective by reducing the size of the copy along with the associated nodes.

Pattern Along Path (Extension)

Live Path Effects にある同名の機能を参照。パターンパス、軌跡パスの順に選択してから拡張コマンドを起動し、実行する。


The bounding box of the pattern is used for placing the pattern along the path, with the bounding box of one pattern copy touching the bounding box of the next copy (if no additional spacing is specified).

Pattern Along Path ダイアログで指定可能なオプションのうち、注意の要る項目だけノート:

Deformation type




The pattern is rotated and deformed to follow the path such that all points with the same horizontal (x) position in the pattern will be on the same normal (perpendicular line) to the path, and all points with the same vertical (y) position in the pattern will be placed the same distance from the path.



どちらの選択肢も Pattern is vertical 指定の有無を参照する。

Pattern is vertical

パターンの向きを 90 度回転して処理する。

The Pattern along Path is a very useful extension but it does have a few quirks. One is that if the pattern is moved before use, the results may be less than ideal. Another is that different parts of the pattern can be distorted in different ways as seen in figures that follow.


The following example shows a pattern placed on both straight and curved paths. If the radius of curvature is too small, the pattern may be grossly distorted.



Care must be taken that the pattern lines up at the corners. This can be done by making the distance between the corner nodes multiples of the pattern width or by breaking the path into disconnected pieces at the corners (use the Break Path at Selected Nodes option in the Node Tool Tool Controls) and using the Repeated, stretched option.

デモイラスト (5a) を見る。どちらも中央のパターンをパスに変換した矩形に乗せたものだ。

  • 左側:矩形の辺の長さがパターンの幅の倍数になるように設定。

  • 右側:各コーナーノードで Break 済み。

デモイラスト (5b) では辺の長さがパターン幅の倍数でないため、角でパターンが一直線にならない。Copies of the pattern の選択肢を適切に変えてパターンが角で不連続にならないようにする。



One use of the Single, stretched option is to put text on a path. The text must be converted to a path first (Path ‣ Object to Path (Shift + Ctrl + C)).


Another use of the Single, stretched option is to create flourishes. (As of v0.47, this is better done by applying the “teardrop” as a custom shape with the Bezier Tool. One would not need to add the extra nodes.)



This extension places a pattern along one or more target paths. It is almost identical to the Pattern along Path extension except that the pattern is not deformed.


Follow path orientation

変形なしの Snake と思っていい。

Stretch spaces to fit skeleton length


Original pattern will be

Pattern along Path とは違って変形の可能性がないのでこれらの選択肢がある:

  • Moved

  • Copied

  • Cloned


The line segments are derived by distributing sites (points) semi-randomly in an area and then constructing line segments where each point on the segment is equal distance to the two closest sites forming cells around each site.


Inkscape 1.2 の Extensions ‣ Generate from Path ‣ Voronoi Pattern… に相当する。


To use this extension, select a path or object and then call up the extension. There are two settings:

Average size of cell (px)


Size of Border (px):


この拡張で重要なことは、生じたパターンが Fill として指定可能であることだ:

After applying this extension, you will have a Pattern that is applied to the Fill of the object that was selected. The Pattern can be shifted, scaled, and rotated like any other Pattern. It can also be applied to other objects through the Fill tab of the Fill and Stroke dialog.


Extract One Image

Extensions ‣ Images ‣ Extract Images に統合されたと思われる。

This extension will extract the selected bitmap image from the drawing. The destination filename must be given (and not just the path [Bug]). The filename extension (e.g., “.png”) is automatically added. As of v0.48, relative paths are relative to the user’s home directory.

この文章からわかるようにこの拡張は使い物にならない。出力先を指定する UI がまともでない。

Embed All Images

It is possible to embed the images inside an Inkscape SVG file with this extension. Simply call this extension to embed all bitmap images in the file. This may make your SVG file quite large. Only PNG and JPEG files may be embedded.

この機能は SVG を などにアップロードする場合には使えるかもしれない。Markdown に PNG/JPEG を埋め込むようなものだろう。

JessyInk (Presentations)

Web ブラウザー用のスライドショーを作る機能のようだ。

The JessyInk package of extensions allows one to use Inkscape to produce a sophisticated web-based presentation, complete with master slides, automatic page numbering, transitions between slides and within slides, and page zooming. JessyInk works by embedding JavaScript into your SVG file. The JavaScript then manipulates Inkscape Layers to run the presentation.

SVG はその仕様上 JavaScript コードを抱える能力があり、それを利用した拡張だ。

Perhaps the best way to see what JessyInk can do is to run the demonstration that can be found in the Featured downloads section on the JessyInk Home Page.



To use JessyInk you first need to add the JessyInk JavaScript code to your SVG file. This is done by calling up the Install/Update… dialog and clicking on the Apply button. The code can be removed by using the Uninstall/remove dialog.

前者のダイアログは Python などのパッケージ更新処理に類似している。後者は一覧の中から不要な効果を選択して図面から取り除くというものだ。

Once the code is installed, each Layer becomes a slide in the presentation. The order of the Layers in the drawing corresponds to the order of the slides in the presentation. One slide can be designated as the Master slide which will be displayed as background to all the other slides.


Master Slide

To create a master slide, first create a layer with all the objects you wish to appear on all slides. Give the slide a name using the Layer dialog (Master Slide is a good choice). Then call up the Master Slide dialog via the Master Slide… menu entry. Enter the slide name and click the Apply button.



You can add a few special Auto-texts to the Master Slide. The most useful is the Slide number which will automatically display the correct slide number on each slide. You can also display the total number of slides (excluding the Master Slide and the title (Layer) name of each slide.


To add Auto-text, put dummy text on the Master Slide where you want the Auto-text to be located. The Auto-text will be displayed with the style of the dummy text. Select the dummy text and then on the Auto-texts dialog select the desired type and hit the Apply button. You will not see any change to the text in Inkscape but when viewing the presentation in a Web browser, the correct Auto-text will be displayed.


  • 文字列 Slide Title が各スライドのレイヤー名に置換される。

  • 文字列 #/# が総ページ数付き現在ページに置換される。


Transitions between slides can be added with the Transitions dialog. Each slide can have a transition before (in) and after (out) its display.

FFmpeg でよくやるからわかりやすい。次の仕様が便利だ:

A default transition type can be assigned to the Master Slide which will then be used by all slides that don’t have an explicit transition assigned to them.

必要なスライド(レイヤー)ごとに in と out の両方を指定する:

There are three types of transitions: appear, where the slide appears instantly; fade, where the slide fades in or out; and pop where the slide fades in or out and grows or shrinks. The transition time for fade and pop can be set in the dialog.

To set a transition effect, call up the Transition dialog and the enter the Layer name that you which the transition to apply to. Select the transition type and click the Apply button. No visible change will be seen in Inkscape.

実際に処理するのはウェブブラウザーだが、スライド(レイヤー)が含む画像によってはこの処理は CPU を食う:

They can eat up a lot of CPU, especially if using large bitmap images or Gradients and Filters.



For example, you can have a series of bullet points that appear one at a time. The same types of effects as for transitions are available: appear, fade, and pop. The order in which different effects are applied during a presentation is determined by the Order parameter. Effects with the same order number will appear at the same time.

例によって UI が良くない。手作業が多くて面倒そうだ:

To add an effect, select an object or a Group and then call up the Effects dialog. Select the type of effect and specify an order. Finally, click on the Apply button.


Views are away to zoom in and out to part of a slide. Rotation is also possible. Views can be mixed with effects. The order is determined by the Order parameter.

ビュー範囲を指定するのに Inkscape の矩形オブジェクトを用いる:

To set a view, add a Rectangle to a slide. Removing the Fill and adding a light color Stroke allows viewing the rest of the slide easily. With the Rectangle selected, call up the View dialog, set the Order parameter and click Apply.

ビューを取り消したい場合にはダイアログの Remove View をチェック。



Keys bindings


Mouse handler



SVG ファイルに埋め込まれた JessyInk スクリプトの概要を作成する。


HTMLvideo タグを追加するスライドショーに埋め込めるようにする。


完成したスライドショーは SVG 対応ウェブブラウザーで開くことが可能だ。最初のページは自動で表示され、次のキー操作でスライドを変える:



or PgDn


or PgUp



Effect 抜きで進行


Index Sheet

I を押すことで発動。スライドのサムネイルを九枚表示し、矢印キーでスライドを移動できる。もう一度 I を押すと、強調表示されたスライドの冒頭に戻る。

Drawing Mode

D を押すと描画モードのオンオフを切り替える。マウスポインターがペンになってお絵描きができる。

  • ストローク属性はキーで制御する。詳しくは Key bindings ダイアログを開いて:guilabel:Drawing mode タブにある(ここの UI もどうかしている)。

  • Z を押すと線が一本元に戻る。

White Board Slides

N キーを押すと空白スライドが挿入される。この上記のモードで白板として利用するといい。

Modify Path

Add Nodes

Adds nodes to a path, leaving the shape of the path unchanged. The nodes are added evenly spaced. The number of nodes is either specified or by setting a minimum specified spacing.


Color Markers to Match Stroke

これは現行バージョンの Extensions ‣ Modify Path ‣ Color Markers に相当する。マーカーの FillStroke color をどちらも編集できる。

Convert to Dashes

The extension takes a Path with Dashes and converts each Dash into a separate sub-path. This is to allow desktop cutting plotters to cut dashed lines.


Edge 3D


Adds highlights and shadows to simulate 3D objects like buttons. The extension works by adding paths that are blurred via the Gaussian Blur filter and then clipped. The paths have partial transparency, with white for highlights and black for shadows.



こういう操作を envelop というのか:

Distorts a path so that the path’s original bounding box is mapped to the edges of a quadrilateral.


To use the extension, select the path to transform first, then add the quadrilateral path to the selection. Regular shape objects must be converted to a path before transformation.


Flatten Bezier

Bezier 曲線パスを近似ポリラインに変換する拡張コマンドだ。

This extension converts selected Bezier curves to an approximation composed of straight-line paths. The number of line segments used is determined by the Flatness parameter. The smaller the Flatness, the more line segments are used.



CAD 出身のプログラマーからすると異色のコマンドに見える:

This extension turns a straight-line segment into a crooked segment. It works by finding the midpoint of the line segment, adding a node at that point, and then moving the node a random distance perpendicular to the original path direction. This division routine is called recursively depending on the setting of the Subdivisions entry in the dialog, doubling the number of resulting segments for each increase by one.


The Smoothness of the path can also be specified. The magnitude of the perpendicular displacement is a random function with the limits determined by ±(Segment length)/(1 + Smoothness).


The extension will also work on a curved path by turning the path into a series of line segments between the path’s nodes.


Interpolate Attribute in a Group

This extension takes the objects in a Group or a selection and assigns a value to some attribute of each object, interpolating between two extremes to determine the value. Note that the order of the objects in the SVG file determines the order in which the interpolated attributes are assigned.


Options include interpolating color, width, height, scale, and position.

試したところ、色の補間はおそらく HSL 色空間が用いられるのではないかと思う。

Jitter Nodes

Randomly shift nodes and/or node handles.



Envelop と同じだが、

This extension requires the Numpy (Numerical Python) package.


-略- in most cases, the quadrilateral path should be started from the lower-left corner and proceed in a clockwise direction. The Tab key will cycle through the nodes in order when the Node Tool is in use. If no node is selected, then the starting node will be highlighted on the first use of the Tab key. To change the starting node, break the path at the desired start node (v0.47) or one node before (v0.48) and then rejoin.



Filled objects are adjusted so that their edges are aligned with pixel boundaries. Paths are first adjusted to have an integer pixel width, and then adjusted so the stroke edges align with the boundaries.


Rubber Stretch

Distorts a path as if the path was stretched vertically or the path was squeezed horizontally. The amount of the distortion is controlled by the Strength and Curve parameters. Adding extra nodes may produce a better result.


Straighten Segments

Flatten Bezier コマンドと似ているが、こちらは接線を変える:

The amount of straightening can be specified. A Behavior value of 1 moves the node handles toward the nodes, a value of 2 moves the node handles to a point one-third of the distance between the node and the neighboring node. There is little visual difference between these two options.




This extension twists an object around a point, like what might happen if you dropped things in whirling water (except the farther away from the center, the greater the displacement for this extension).

The center of view is used for the center of the whirl. To whirl around the center of an object, select the object and then use View ‣ Zoom ‣ Zoom Selection (3) to center the view on the object.


Raster 系拡張機能群はビットマップを操作する。

  • GIMP のような本格的なビットマップエディターを使いたくないときに便利だ。

  • 拡張機能はすべて ImageMagick に依存している。

  • 拡張機能を適用すると、ビットマップは、変更された内部ビットマップに置き換わる。

    Note that these extensions only work on a bitmap. Some of the extensions can be duplicated by using Filters which also work on all objects and don’t permanently change the bitmap file.



3D Polyhedrons


Selecting this extension pops up a dialog with three tabs. The first tab, Model file, controls the type of polyhedron that is specified in the Object drop-down menu. If Load From file is selected, the description in the file specified in the Filename: entry box is used. In the Object Type tab you can specify if the source file describes the object with edges or faces.

デモイラスト 1 のように出来合いのポリゴンを生成することも、上にあるように STL ファイルなどを解釈して記述されているポリゴンを描画することも可能だ(いつものティーポットで確認)。

The second tab, View, allows you to rotate the polyhedron. Up to six rotations are allowed (for the mathematicians: why six when any unique rotation can be specified by only three orthogonal rotations?).

確かにクセのある UI だ。もっとも回転を三つ指定させるとしても筋が良いとは言えない。座標系が気になるが、その都度確認すればいいだろう。

The third tab, Style, allows you to set all kinds of style parameters

この辺のオプションは 3D をやっている利用者ならば一見して見てわかる。問題ない。

Alphabet Soup

This extension generates exotic-looking text by recombining parts of characters from mostly the Latin alphabet in a way that the original text is discernible.

画像生成 AI が描きそうな文字を生成する拡張コマンドだ。入力文字列によっては discernible でない出力が得られる。


この節の説明は Extensions ‣ Render ‣ Barcode ‣ Classic… のもので、Inkscape 1.2 では Datamatrix…QR Code… が存在する。

Barcode — Datamatrix

This extension generates a Datamatrix barcode.




Cartesian Grid


This extension generates Cartesian grids. Options include number of subdivisions, number of sub-subdivisions, linear versus logarithmic divisions, and line widths. For polar coordinates see Polar Grid extension.

メニュー項目は Extensions ‣ Render ‣ Grids ‣ Cartesian Grid… だ。

Draw From Triangle

This extension is a geometrician’s dream. It allows you to create an almost infinite number of constructions based on a triangle. The triangle is defined by the first three nodes in a path (even if the path is not a triangle). The path must be closed and the nodes connected by straight lines.

実際にコマンドを起動して Draw From Triangle ダイアログの各ダブを見ると感動する。作図ツールとしての価値が高まった。

Foldable Box

This extension draws the pattern for a foldable box as one might use for the input in a desktop cutting plotter (after modifying the paths). The individual sides and tabs are each represented by separate paths which are all in a Group.


Function Plotter

Matplotlib を引っ張り出す機会が減るか?

  • 先に自分で矩形を描く。それからこのコマンドを起動する。

  • 横軸を \(2\pi\) の整数倍に整えるオプションがある。周期関数をプロットしやすい。

  • 関数の一次微分を与えるオプションがあるのが興味深い。

    The function is plotted in the SVG coordinate system, which has the y-axis upside down. The extension inserts a minus sign automatically to correct for this.

Y value of rectangle’s bottom 値などで調整する。

All Python math functions are allowed (as long as they return a single value), including Python random number functions. The Help Tab has a list of some of the available functions.

それよりもその左の Functions タブのほうがいい。


When the Use polar coordinates option is selected, the x-range is set to -1 at the left of the rectangle and +1 at the right side. The x values entered in the extension’s dialog are used for the angle domain (in radians). The Isotropic scaling parameter is ignored. Calculate first derivative numerically must also be selected.

現代の環境で Python 2 系である可能性はもうゼロだと思う:

Note that depending on the version, Python may return an integer if you divide two integers: thus, 4/5 = 0, while 4.0/5.0 = 0.8.


イラストに示されているが、Number of Teeth\(N\), Circular Pitch\(P\), ピッチ円半径を \(R\) とすると次の等式が成り立つ:

\[2\pi R = NP.\]


14.5, 20, and 25 degrees.


Extensions ‣ Render ‣ Grids ‣ Grid… コマンドだ。

This extension fills the bounding box of an object with a grid. The grid spacing and offset can be independently set in the horizontal and vertical directions. The grid line width can also be set.


Guides Creator


LaTeX Formula

これは重要。利用する機会が必ずまた訪れる。しかし利用可能条件が Inkscape の外部にある:

This extension turns a LaTeX string into a path. The string is typed into a dialog box. The extension requires that Ghostscript, LaTeX, and Pstoedit to be installed and in the execution path. Pstoedit must include the GNU libplot SVG driver or the shareware SVG plug-in, available for Windows at the Pstoedit website. The resulting formula is rendered as a path.

L-System (Fractal-Lindenmayer)


Parametric Curves

This extension generates parametric curves. It was derived from the Function Plotter extension and shares many of its parameters.

ダイアログの UI がほとんど同じだ。

Perfect-Bound Cover Template

Extensions ‣ Render ‣ Layout ‣ Perfect-Bound Cover Template… で起動する。製本の表紙テンプレートを作成する拡張コマンドだ。ガイド線を引く。

The template sets the document to the correct size and creates guides for the front cover, back cover, and spine of the book, including the specified bleed.


The dialog allows for specifying a variety of parameters including the number of pages in the book and the thickness of each page. The extension is biased toward English measurements.

Polar Grid

メニュー項目は Extensions ‣ Render ‣ Grids ‣ Polar Grid… にある。

This extension generates polar grids. Options include number of subdivisions, linear versus logarithmic divisions, line widths, and angle labels. For Cartesian coordinates see Cartesian Grid extension.

Printing Marks

メニュー項目は Extensions ‣ Render ‣ Layout ‣ Printing Marks… にある。印刷物の隅に目にすることがあるマークを生成する拡張機能だ。次のオプションからなる:

Options include generating crop marks, bleed marks, registration marks, star target, color bars, and page information.

At the moment, the marks are generated “off” the page. The Selection option in the Set crop marks to drop-down menu in the Positioning tab does not work.

Inkscape 1.2 では選択オブジェクトに対しても機能する。

Note that the printing marks are created on a locked Layer named Printing Marks.

なお、このコマンドには Live Preview 機能がない。

Random Tree

Draw a random tree made of straight-line segments. This is a classic from Turtle Geometry. This implementation is rather limited.



Draw a Spirograph; that is, an epitrochoid or hypotrochoid curve.




R - Ring Radius


r - Gear Radius


d - Pen Radius


次に hypotrochoid か epitrochoid かを指定する:

In addition, one must choose if the Gear travels Inside or Outside the Ring.


The ratio of “r” to “R” determines the structure of the curve. Take, for example, an “r” of 36 and an “R” of 48. The ratio reduced to its simplest form is 3/4. This indicates that the Gear will make a total of four “loops” as it circles the Ring three times. Simple ratios make simple curves.


If you use an Even-odd fill rule, the center of the figure will be unfilled if the denominator is even.


Unlike the case with a real Spirograph that utilizes plastic gears, it is possible to specify values of “r” and “R” that don’t form a rational number ratio. In this case, the curve never closes on itself and is of infinite length. To avoid such infinities, the extension limits the number of nodes to 1000. If the numerator or denominator of the ratio in the simplest form is a large integer, the Spirograph may run out of nodes.


In this case, decreasing the Quality may help.


Also, unlike a “real” Spirograph, the Spirograph extension allows “d” to be greater than “r”. This results in small loops along the Ring.


辺の長さ and/or 頂点の角度を必要なだけ指定して三角形を作図する拡張機能だ。

Although there are six parameter entry boxes, only three are used at any one time. Which three are used is specified in the Mode drop-down menu. Side c is always at the bottom.

From Three SidesFrom Sides a, b and Angle c などのモードがある。一意に定まらなそうな選択肢が紛れ込んでいる気がする。

Wireframe Sphere


This extension generates a wire frame sphere using ellipses to represent lines of latitude and longitude. The number of lines can be specified as well as the orientation of the sphere. An option allows the removal of hidden lines.


Convert to Braille

ASCII テキストを点字に置換する拡張コマンドだ。正常に機能するためには環境が整っている必要がある:

Note: you must have a font that has Unicode Braille glyphs installed on your system (e.g. Deja Vu Sans). Windows users may need to explicitly select that font.

確かに DejaVu Sans 系字体を指定するとそれらしい点字が出力される。

Lorem Ipsum

Lorem Ipsum 文字列を生成して矩形に流し込むコマンドだ。

The text is generated into a flowed text box. If no flowed text box has been defined, one is created on a new Layer with the size of the page.


Replace Text


Split Text


The use of this extension is normally not recommended. By splitting text into separate parts, the semantics of the text is lost. For example, it can no longer be selected as one unit in a web browser or indexed by search engines. SVG has been designed to allow text to be manipulated (e.g. individual letters or words having different styles) without losing the semantic value. It is better to rely on these SVG features than to break apart text.

Change Case

Extensions ‣ Render ‣ Text ‣ Change Case サブメニューにコマンドがある。一般的なテキストエディターにない変換があるのは創作用途か。

  • fLIP cASE

  • lower case

  • rANdOm CasE

  • Sentense case

  • Title Case


Visualize Path


Adds CAD-style dimension arrows to an object. In v0.47, this extension only works on paths; in v0.48, it also works on Shapes and Groups. It uses an object’s bounding box to determine placement of arrows. The arrows and original object are placed inside a Group.

矢印だけが描かれるので、長さそのものを表すテキストが欲しいならば自前で用意せねばならない。それなら本当に CAD を使えという話だ。

Draw Handles

This extension draws the handle lines that one would see if editing the nodes of a path. It would be of more use if it included the drawing of the handle and node symbols.


Measure Path

This extension measures the length or area (added in v0.48) of a path, printing the length or area alongside the path

Dimensions はこれと組み合わせて使えばいい。

Number Nodes

This extension numbers the nodes of a path. It is useful for creating an old-fashioned Connect-the-Dots puzzle. (It is also an example of how to access the path data in an SVG file for writing your own extension.) The original path is turned into a path with no stroke but with dot markers. The dots are then numbered.



Web で使用する SVG を用意するのに使いたい拡張コマンドだ。


This submenu has two entries. The first allows events linked to one object (mouse over, clicking on, etc.) to control the attributes of another object. The second allows events linked to one object to transmit that object’s attributes to another. These extensions embed JavaScript into the SVG file. The JavaScript comes from the InkWeb package.


Set Attributes

This extension creates the JavaScript so that an action (clicking on, mouse passing over, etc.) with one object changes the attributes of another object.


The list of attributes to change is entered, separated by spaces, in the Attribute to set entry box (e.g., fill stroke stroke-width).

SVG 要素の属性名を指定すればいいようだ。

The action that will cause the change is set in the When the set must be done drop-down menu.

メニューは on clickon mouse over のように、JavaScript イベントに明ら対応している名前の項目からなる。

The list of new values is entered, separated by spaces, in the Value to set entry box. The list of values must match the Attributes to set line (e.g., green black 2px).

この UI ならそうだろう。

The next option specifies if this action should come before, after, or replace any previously defined actions. The final option determines, in the case where more than two objects are selected, if the first selected object controls all the other selected objects or if the last selected object is controlled by actions on all the other selected objects.




Attribute to set

fill stroke stroke-width

When the set must be done

on click

Value to set

green black 5px

すると最初のオブジェクトをクリックすると、次のオブジェクトの色が緑に変わり、境界線の幅が 5px に変わるという。

図面を XML Editor で確認すると、それを実装している JavaScript コードを含む svg:script 要素ができている。コードの品質は高いとは言えない。そして選択オブジェクトに対応する図形ノードに onclick 属性が付与されている。値は短い JavaScript コードだ。

Transmit Attributes

Set Attributes 拡張コマンドの属性値複製版だ。

This extension creates the JavaScript so that an action (clicking on, mouse passing over, etc.) with one object changes specified attributes of another object to have the same value as the first.

UI もほぼ同じ。

Web Slicer

This extension facilitates slicing a drawing into rectangular bitmaps for use in Web pages. It will optionally export CSS and HTML code for use with the bitmaps.

Inkscape で製図した SVG を丸ごと使うのではなく、ウェブブラウザーに乗せるために部分を切り出すということか。

There are two steps in using this extension. First, the Create a slicer rectangle dialog is used to define a set of named rectangles for the areas that are to be exported.


Each rectangle can specify a different target format (PNG, JPEG, or GIF) and optionally, a background color. The rectangles are stored in a separate Layer named Web Slicer.


After defining the rectangles, the rectangle regions are exported using the Export layout pieces and HTML+CSS code dialog. A third dialog can be used to add attributes in the HTML.

Create a rectangle dialog


The dialog consists of a number of entry boxes for specifying export rectangles. Note that the placement of the rectangle is not defined in this dialog. After clicking the Apply button, a partially opaque rectangle will be created. You move and resize this rectangle to cover the area that should be exported.





PNG, JPG, GIF から指定。



Force dimension

ビットマップの正確な寸法(ピクセル単位)。これを指定すると DPI は無視される。

Background color

矩形背景色。Inkscape の図面画面では塗りつぶし色としては使われない。


Three tabs allow additional parameters to be specified. Note that the HTML tab specifies attributes that apply to the export rectangle.

Export layout pieces and HTML+CSS code dialog

This dialog allows you to specify where the output files should be stored and if HTML and CSS code should be produced. Note that the HTML and CSS code is not intended to be the final product but instead allows you to quickly check the output and to generate code that can be pasted into other files. Clicking the Apply button does the actual export.


手許の Inkscape 1.2 では残念ながら Python がエラーで終了する。検証不能。

Set a layout group dialog

All of the attributes applied to the rectangles and HTML export are stored in <svg:desc> tags. These tags are not easy to edit via the XML Editor dialog. It may be easier to edit the SVG file in a text editor.
