Class diagrams

Mermaid can render class diagrams.

--- title: Animal example --- classDiagram note "From Duck till Zebra" Animal <|-- Duck note for Duck "can fly\ncan swim\ncan dive\ncan help in debugging" Animal <|-- Fish Animal <|-- Zebra Animal: +int age Animal: +String gender Animal: +isMammal() Animal: +mate() class Duck{ +String beakColor +swim() +quack() } class Fish{ -int sizeInFeet -canEat() } class Zebra{ +bool is_wild +run() }
title: Animal example
    note "From Duck till Zebra"
    Animal <|-- Duck
    note for Duck "can fly\ncan swim\ncan dive\ncan help in debugging"
    Animal <|-- Fish
    Animal <|-- Zebra
    Animal: +int age
    Animal: +String gender
    Animal: +isMammal()
    Animal: +mate()
    class Duck{
        +String beakColor
    class Fish{
        -int sizeInFeet
    class Zebra{
        +bool is_wild




A single instance of a class in the diagram contains three compartments:

  • The top compartment contains the name of the class. It is printed in bold and centered, and the first letter is capitalized. It may also contain optional annotation text describing the nature of the class.

  • The middle compartment contains the attributes of the class. They are left-aligned and the first letter is lowercase.

  • The bottom compartment contains the operations the class can execute. They are also left-aligned and the first letter is lowercase.


次のように classDiagram 行でクラス図を宣言する。これはクラス一つを含む。

title: Bank example
    class BankAccount
    BankAccount : +String owner
    BankAccount : +Bigdecimal balance
    BankAccount : +deposit(amount)
    BankAccount : +withdrawl(amount)


Define a class

There are two ways to define a class:

  • Explicitly using keyword class like class Animal which would define the Animal class.

  • Via a relationship which defines two classes at a time along with their relationship. For instance, Vehicle <|-- Car.

    class Animal
    Vehicle <|-- Car


Naming convention: a class name should be composed only of alphanumeric characters (including unicode), and underscores.

SHOULD であって MUST ではないことに注意。

Class labels

In case you need to provide a label for a class, you can use the following syntax:

    class Animal["Animal with a label"]
    class Car["Car with *! symbols"]
    Animal --> Car

You can also use backticks to escape special characters in the label:


Defining Members of a class

Mermaid distinguishes between attributes and functions/methods based on if the parenthesis () are present or not. The ones with () are treated as functions/methods, and all others as attributes.

There are two ways to define the members of a class, and regardless of whichever syntax is used to define the members, the output will still be same. The two different ways are:

  • Associate a member of a class using : (colon) followed by member name, useful to define one member at a time. For example:

        class BankAccount
        BankAccount : +String owner
        BankAccount : +BigDecimal balance
        BankAccount : +deposit(amount)
        BankAccount : +withdrawal(amount)
  • Associate members of a class using {} brackets, where members are grouped within curly brackets. Suitable for defining multiple members at once. For example:

    class BankAccount{
        +String owner
        +BigDecimal balance


Return Type

Optionally you can end a method/function definition with the data type that will be returned (note: there must be a space between the final ) and the return type).


Generic Types

Members can be defined using generic types, such as List<int>, for fields, parameters, and return types by enclosing the type within ~ (tilde). Nested type declarations such as List<List<int>> are supported.

Generics can be represented as part of a class definition and also in the parameters or the return value of a method/function:

  class Square~Shape~{
      int id
      List~int~ position
      setPoints(List~int~ points)
      getPoints() List~int~

  Square : -List~string~ messages
  Square : +setMessages(List~string~ messages)
  Square : +getMessages() List~string~
  Square : +getDistanceMatrix() List~List~int~~

完全ではないが、C++ でいうクラステンプレートを対応している。プログラミング言語によっては上記の対応で事足りるのだろう。


UML 準拠の記号が使える:

To specify the visibility of a class member (i.e. any attribute or method), these notations may be placed before the member’s name, but it is optional:

  • + Public

  • - Private

  • # Protected

  • ~ Package/Internal


You can also include additional classifiers to a method definition by adding the following notations to the end of the method, i.e.: after the ():

  • * Abstract e.g.: someAbstractMethod()*

  • $ Static e.g.: someStaticMethod()$

Defining Relationship

A relationship is a general term covering the specific types of logical connections found on class and object diagrams.



There are different types of relations defined for classes under UML which are currently supported:












Link (Solid)






Link (Dashed)

欲しい矢印は全部あると思う。各種 association の理解に自身がない場合は UML の仕様書を参照すること。ここに書き写してもいいか?

We can use the labels to describe nature of relation between two classes. Also, arrowheads can be used in opposite directions as well:

classDiagram classA --|> classB : Inheritance classC --* classD : Composition classE --o classF : Aggregation classG --> classH : Association classI -- classJ : Link(Solid) classK ..> classL : Dependency classM ..|> classN : Realization classO .. classP : Link(Dashed)
    classA --|> classB : Inheritance
    classC --* classD : Composition
    classE --o classF : Aggregation
    classG --> classH : Association
    classI -- classJ : Link(Solid)
    classK ..> classL : Dependency
    classM ..|> classN : Realization
    classO .. classP : Link(Dashed)


Labels on Relations


It is possible to add a label text to a relation:



Two-way relations

Relations can logically represent an N:M association:

    Animal <|--|> Zebra

Here is the syntax:

[Relation Type][Link][Relation Type]


Cardinality / Multiplicity on relations

Multiplicity notations are placed near the ends of an association.

The different cardinality options are:

  • 1 Only 1

  • 0..1 Zero or One

  • 1..* One or more

  • * Many

  • n n

  • 0..n zero to n

  • 1..n one to n

Cardinality can be easily defined by placing the text option within quotes " before or after a given arrow. For example:

[classA] "cardinality1" [Arrow] "cardinality2" [ClassB]:LabelText


classDiagram Customer "1" --> "*" Ticket Student "1" --> "1..*" Course Galaxy --> "many" Star : Contains
    Customer "1" --> "*" Ticket
    Student "1" --> "1..*" Course
    Galaxy --> "many" Star : Contains


Annotations on classes

It is possible to annotate classes with a specific marker text which is like meta-data for the class, giving a clear indication about its nature. Some common annotations examples could be:

  • <<Interface>> To represent an Interface class

  • <<Abstract>> To represent an abstract class

  • <<Service>> To represent a service class

  • <<Enumeration>> To represent an enum

Annotations are defined within the opening << and closing >>. There are two ways to add an annotation to a class and regardless of the syntax used output will be same. The two ways are:

  • In a separate line after a class is defined. For example:

      class Shape
        <<interface>> Shape
        Shape : noOfVertices
        Shape : draw()
  • In a nested structure along with class definition. For example:

        class Shape{
        class Color{

クラス記法(と勝手に呼んでいる)の場合にはクラス名の直後?に annotation を宣言する。


Sequence diagram のコメントと同じ仕様だ。%% マーカーを行頭に置くと行全体がコメントとなり、行の途中からコメントを入れることはできない。

Setting the direction of the diagram

With class diagrams you can use the direction statement to set the direction in which the diagram will render:

classDiagram direction RL class Student { -idCard : IdCard } class IdCard{ -id : int -name : string } class Bike{ -id : int -name : string } Student "1" --o "1" IdCard : carries Student "1" --o "1" Bike : rides
    direction RL
    class Student {
      -idCard : IdCard
    class IdCard{
      -id : int
      -name : string
    class Bike{
      -id : int
      -name : string
    Student "1" --o "1" IdCard : carries
    Student "1" --o "1" Bike : rides

direction RLdirection LR やその他に書き換えて表示を確認するといい。


Sequence diagram が対応しているのと同じ機能だ。現在私のブラウザーでツールチップが表示されないのも同じ。

You would define these actions on a separate line after all classes have been declared.

action className "reference" "tooltip"
click className call callback() "tooltip"
click className href "url" "tooltip"
  • action is either link or callback, depending on which type of interaction you want to have called

  • className is the id of the node that the action will be associated with

  • reference is either the url link, or the function name for callback.

  • (optional) tooltip is a string to be displayed when hovering over element (note: The styles of the tooltip are set by the class .mermaidTooltip.)

  • note: callback function will be called with the nodeId as parameter.


Sequence diagram で見たように securityLevel:'loose' の指定が急所となる。例は本文を参照。当ノートでは割愛。


Styling a node

It is possible to apply specific styles such as a thicker border or a different background color to individual nodes. This is done by predefining classes in css styles that can be applied from the graph definition using the cssClass statement or the ::: short hand.

Flowchart の要領でクラスを表現する四角いオブジェクトにスタイルを与えることができる。

  .styleClass > rect {
    fill: #ff0000;
    stroke: #ffff00;
    stroke-width: 4px;

何回見ても SVG のスタイルに見える。

Then attaching that class to a specific node:

cssClass "nodeId1" cssClass;

It is also possible to attach a class to a list of nodes in one statement:

cssClass "nodeId1,nodeId2" cssClass;

A shorter form of adding a class is to attach the classname to the node using the ::: operator:

    class Animal:::styleClass


    class Animal:::styleClass {
        -int sizeInFeet

cssClasses cannot be added using this shorthand method at the same time as a relation statement.

Due to limitations with existing markup for class diagrams, it is not currently possible to define css classes within the diagram itself. Coming soon!


Default Styles

The main styling of the class diagram is done with a preset number of css classes. During rendering these classes are extracted from the file located at src/themes/class.scss.

事情は Sequence diagram のときと同じだ。本ノートでは割愛。本文を参照。


Coming soon
