Entity Relationship Diagrams

Mermaid can render ER diagrams

--- title: Order example --- erDiagram CUSTOMER ||--o{ ORDER : places ORDER ||--|{ LINE-ITEM : contains CUSTOMER }|..|{ DELIVERY-ADDRESS : uses

他の図式同様に、Markdown 式記法でタイトルを指定することが可能になった。

Relationships between entities are represented by lines with end markers representing cardinality. Mermaid uses the most popular crow’s foot notation. The crow’s foot intuitively conveys the possibility of many instances of the entity that it connects to.


It can be useful to include attribute definitions on ER diagrams to aid comprehension of the purpose and meaning of entities. These do not necessarily need to be exhaustive; often a small subset of attributes is enough. Mermaid allows to be defined in terms of their type and name.

erDiagram CUSTOMER ||--o{ ORDER : places CUSTOMER { string name string custNumber string sector } ORDER ||--|{ LINE-ITEM : contains ORDER { int orderNumber string deliveryAddress } LINE-ITEM { string productCode int quantity float pricePerUnit }
    CUSTOMER ||--o{ ORDER : places
        string name
        string custNumber
        string sector
    ORDER ||--|{ LINE-ITEM : contains
    ORDER {
        int orderNumber
        string deliveryAddress
        string productCode
        int quantity
        float pricePerUnit

When including attributes on ER diagrams, you must decide whether to include foreign keys as attributes. This probably depends on how closely you are trying to represent relational table structures. If your diagram is a logical model which is not meant to imply a relational implementation, then it is better to leave these out because the associative relationships already convey the way that entities are associated.

ER 図に属性を記載するかどうかを決定するのは、図式で説明したいことが設計と実装のどちらにより軸足を置くのかということか。

ここまでが ER 図が何であるかについての記述だ。名前は大文字で記すことや、単数形名詞であることなどを語っている。


Entities and Relationships

Mermaid syntax for ER diagrams is compatible with PlantUML, with an extension to label the relationship. Each statement consists of the following parts:

<first-entity> [<relationship> <second-entity> : <relationship-label>]


  • first-entity is the name of an entity. Names must begin with an alphabetic character and may also contain digits, hyphens, and underscores.

  • relationship describes the way that both entities inter-relate. See below.

  • second-entity is the name of the other entity.

  • relationship-label describes the relationship from the perspective of the first entity.

ER 図に関しては PlantUML 用に書いた図式を Mermaid で描画できるということになる。関係性にラベルを付加した場合、逆にその Mermaid コードを PlantUML が処理することは不能ということだ。

For example:

PROPERTY ||--|{ ROOM : contains

This statement can be read as a property contains one or more rooms, and a room is part of one and only one property. You can see that the label here is from the first entity’s perspective: a property contains a room, but a room does not contain a property. When considered from the perspective of the second entity, the equivalent label is usually very easy to infer. (Some ER diagrams label relationships from both perspectives, but this is not supported here, and is usually superfluous).

上記の関係 contains は対称律を満たさないと解釈するのだ。反対に ROOM からすれば PROPERTY は be contained という関係性があると自然に推論できる。両側の立場から関係性を示すラベルがある ER 図もあるが、通常は余計だ。

Only the first-entity part of a statement is mandatory. This makes it possible to show an entity with no relationships, which can be useful during iterative construction of diagrams. If any other parts of a statement are specified, then all parts are mandatory.


Relationship Syntax

The relationship part of each statement can be broken down into three sub-components:

  • the cardinality of the first entity with respect to the second,

  • whether the relationship confers identity on a ‘child’ entity

  • the cardinality of the second entity with respect to the first

関係性自身にも属性があるわけだ。まずは cardinarity から述べられる:

Cardinality is a property that describes how many elements of another entity can be related to the entity in question. In the above example a PROPERTY can have one or more ROOM instances associated to it, whereas a ROOM can only be associated with one PROPERTY.


In each cardinality marker there are two characters. The outermost character represents a maximum value, and the innermost character represents a minimum value. The table below summarises possible cardinalities.

Value (left)

Value (right)




Zero or one



Exactly one



Zero or more (no upper limit)



One or more (no upper limit)

UML と比較するとこの多重度の表記法はピンと来ない。覚えにくい。



Relationships may be classified as either identifying or non-identifying and these are rendered with either solid or dashed lines respectively. This is relevant when one of the entities in question can not have independent existence without the other.

Class diagram の用語でいう composition と aggrigation の概念と類似しているように思う。エッジのスタイルで見分ける。実線で描かれている関係は、両側の実体は同時にしか存在しないと解釈できる。

For example a firm that insures people to drive cars might need to store data on NAMED-DRIVER s. In modelling this we might start out by observing that a CAR can be driven by many PERSON instances, and a PERSON can drive many CAR s - both entities can exist without the other, so this is a non-identifying relationship that we might specify in Mermaid as: PERSON}|..|{CAR : "driver". Note the two dots in the middle of the relationship that will result in a dashed line being drawn between the two entities.


But when this many-to-many relationship is resolved into two one-to-many relationships, we observe that a NAMED-DRIVER cannot exist without both a PERSON and a CAR - the relationships become identifying and would be specified using hyphens, which translate to a solid line:

    CAR ||--o{ NAMED-DRIVER : allows
    PERSON ||--o{ NAMED-DRIVER : is



Attributes can be defined for entities by specifying the entity name followed by a block containing multiple type name pairs, where a block is delimited by an opening { and a closing }. For example:

erDiagram CAR ||--o{ NAMED-DRIVER : allows CAR { string registrationNumber string make string model } PERSON ||--o{ NAMED-DRIVER : is PERSON { string firstName string lastName int age }
    CAR ||--o{ NAMED-DRIVER : allows
    CAR {
        string registrationNumber
        string make
        string model
    PERSON ||--o{ NAMED-DRIVER : is
    PERSON {
        string firstName
        string lastName
        int age

The attributes are rendered inside the entity boxes.

RDB におけるテーブル設計を意識した記法だ。

Attribute Keys and Comments


Attributes may also have a key or comment defined. Keys can be PK, FK or UK, for Primary Key, Foreign Key or Unique Key.


To specify multiple key constraints on a single attribute, separate them with a comma (e.g. PK, FK).

コメントはいつもの %% ではなく、属性宣言の終端に文字列のようにして記す:

And a comment is defined by double quotes at the end of an attribute. Comments themselves cannot have double-quote characters in them.


erDiagram CAR ||--o{ NAMED-DRIVER : allows CAR { string registrationNumber PK string make string model string[] parts } PERSON ||--o{ NAMED-DRIVER : is PERSON { string driversLicense PK "The license #" string(99) firstName "Only 99 characters are allowed" string lastName string phone UK int age } NAMED-DRIVER { string carRegistrationNumber PK, FK string driverLicence PK, FK } MANUFACTURER only one to zero or more CAR : makes
    CAR ||--o{ NAMED-DRIVER : allows
    CAR {
        string registrationNumber PK
        string make
        string model
        string[] parts
    PERSON ||--o{ NAMED-DRIVER : is
    PERSON {
        string driversLicense PK "The license #"
        string(99) firstName "Only 99 characters are allowed"
        string lastName
        string phone UK
        int age
        string carRegistrationNumber PK, FK
        string driverLicence PK, FK
    MANUFACTURER only one to zero or more CAR : makes

Other Things

  • If you want the relationship label to be more than one word, you must use double quotes around the phrase

  • If you don’t want a label at all on a relationship, you must use an empty double-quoted string



Config options

単純に、fillstroke という、色指定のための二種類しかない。

Classes used

CSS クラスセレクターの形式でユーザーが独自にスタイリングを指定することが可能だ。 Wikipedia の ER 図のページ にあるような図式を描画したいときにこれらを指定する。
