Account and profile documentation ノート¶
Account and profile documentation を読んで、自分のアカウントを作り込もう。
Setting up and managing your personal account on GitHub¶
Managing user account settings¶
About your personal dashboard¶
個人用ダッシュボードは GitHub 全画面に共通して見える、左上の Octocat アイコン押しでしか出ない画面だ。ログイン状態で GitHub のトップページに行くのに相当する。
Top Repositories
Recent activity
それ以外は GitHub からの案内のような情報だ。
Managing your theme settings¶
If you have low vision, you may benefit from a high contrast theme, with greater contrast between foreground and background elements. If you have colorblindness, you may benefit from our light and dark colorblind themes.
アカウント Light default でいいだろう。
で設定する。素直にManaging your tab size rendering preference¶
で指示可能。テキストエディターと同じ感覚で指定するものだ。Changing your GitHub username¶
GitHub アカウント名を変更するなら
を操作する。これを乱用してはいけない。アカウント名を変更すると、GitHub 内にある関連データも可能な限り自動更新されるようだ。利用者が手動で変更しなければならないものもある:
After changing your username,
files that include your old username will need to be manually updated.
Permission levels for a personal account repository¶
You can also invite users on GitHub to your repository as collaborators.
この機能があるので権限 (permission) の考えがある。
Permission levels for a project board owned by a personal account¶
There is only one owner of a user-owned project board; this permission cannot be shared with another personal account. In addition to the owner, other people can collaborate on project boards.
The project board owner and collaborators with admin access have full control of the project board.
Manage, view, and add collaborators
Configure a project board as public or private
Delete a project board
Close a project board
Reopen a closed project board
Read および Write の権限で許可されている操作一覧は本文参照。
You can change the project board’s visibility from private to public and back again.
Managing accessibility settings¶
Accessibility settings can be essential for people with disabilities, but can be useful to anyone.
で修飾キーの有無やコマンドパレットのキーバインドを少しは制御可能。アニメーション GIF の描画設定もあるがノート割愛。
Managing the default branch name for your repositories¶
ここで言う default branch は GitHub でリポジトリーを新規に作成すると最初からあるブランチを意味する。
アカウント Update を押す。
で名称を指定する。決めたらManaging security and analysis settings for your personal account¶
アカウント Enable できるところは全部押せばよさそうだが、性能に影響するかもしれない。
を開いてManaging access to your personal account’s project boards¶
協力者の定義は project board に関係して与えられている:
A collaborator is a person who has permissions to a project board you own.
What does the ‘Available for hire’ checkbox do?¶
Managing your personal account¶
Managing multiple accounts¶
If you want to use one workstation to contribute from both accounts, you can simplify contribution with Git by using a mixture of protocols to access repository data, or by using credentials on a per-repository basis.
認証は PC 単位でなされるらしいことを覚えておく。
If you contribute with two accounts from one workstation, you can access repositories by using a different protocol and credentials for each account.
ここで HTTPS か SSH のどちらを採用するのかという問題があるかもしれない。私は Git 操作では SSH しか使わないのでその辺のノートを割愛する。
If you want to use the SSH protocol for both accounts, you can use different SSH keys for each account.
アカウントごとに SSH キーを用意することが可能だという言い回しに注意する。具体的には環境変数 GIT_SSH_COMMAND
を設定して Git コマンドを実行する。例えば
git clone
bash$ GIT_SSH_COMMAND='ssh -i PATH/TO/KEY/FILE -o IdentitiesOnly=yes' git clone
Merging multiple personal accounts¶
複数アカウント統合方法について述べられている。GitHub の複数の操作を手動で行うことによる:
削除したいアカウントから、残したいアカウントにリポジトリーを引き継ぐ。Issues, pull requests, wikis も引き継がれる。
移動されたリポジトリーに対するローカルクローンのリモート URL を更新する。
To attribute past commits to the new account, add the email address you used to author the commits to the account you’re keeping.
Converting a user into an organization¶
Best practices for leaving your company¶
Unlinking your email address from a locked account¶
Since an email address can only be associated with a single GitHub account, unlinking your email address from a locked account allows you to link that email address to a new or existing account. Additionally, linking a previously used commit email address to a new account will connect your commit history to that account.
Deleting your personal account¶
だ。これを実施するつもりはない。Managing email preferences¶
Adding an email address to your GitHub account¶
GitHub allows you to add as many email addresses to your account as you like. If you set an email address in your local Git configuration, you will need to add it to your account settings in order to connect your commits to your account.
.Primary email address で指定したアドレスが GitHub から操作する Git 操作に適用される。
Changing your primary email address¶
上記で説明した UI を使えばいい。要らなくなった余分なアドレスならゴミ箱ボタンで消せる。
Setting a backup email address¶
で宛先を登録済みアドレスすべてか、主要アドレスのみにするかを選択。Setting your commit email address¶
ここはけっこう重要なので今理解する。GitHub は利用者に特殊なメールアドレスを用意する:
If you’d like to keep your personal email address private, you can use a
email address from GitHub as your commit email address. To use yournoreply
email address for commits you push from the command line, use that email address when you set your commit email address in Git.
ローカルのコンソールで git config
To use your
address for web-based Git operations, set your commit email address on GitHub and choose to Keep my email address private.
だ。オンにしておきたい。提供アドレスはこのチェックボックスの下のテキスト中にあるはずだ。Git コマンドはリポジトリーごとでも大域的にでも設定可能:
bash$ git config ADDRESS
bash$ git config --global ADDRESS
Blocking command line pushes that expose your personal email address¶
If you enable this setting, each time you push to GitHub, we’ll check the most recent commit. If the author email on that commit is a private email on your GitHub account, we will block the push and warn you about exposing your private email.
をオンにする。Remembering your GitHub username or email¶
GitHub にログインするときの名前を忘れた場合の悪あがき。この記事では利用者の PC に GitHub とのやりとりの跡が何かしら残っているという仮定だ。
bash$ git remote -v
origin (fetch)
origin (push)
Types of emails GitHub sends¶
Managing marketing emails from GitHub¶
アカウント Only receive account related emails, and those I subscribe to. を選択しておく。
でManaging access to your personal repositories¶
Inviting collaborators to a personal repository¶
To collaborate with users in a repository that belongs to your personal account on, you can invite the users as collaborators.
GitHub limits the number of people who can be invited to a repository within a 24-hour period. If you exceed this limit, either wait 24 hours or create an organization to collaborate with more people.
招待手順。目的リポジトリー Add people ボタンを押して検索欄を使って招待相手を表示する。最後にボタンを押すと招待メールが相手に送られる。
を開く。Removing a collaborator from a personal repository¶
目的リポジトリー Remove を押す。
を開く。対象の脇にあるボタンRemoving yourself from a collaborator’s repository¶
アカウント Leave を押す。最後に確認ボタンを押す。
を開く。対象の脇にあるボタンMaintaining ownership continuity of your personal account’s repositories¶
We recommend inviting another GitHub user to be your successor, to manage your user owned repositories if you cannot.
An appointed successor can manage your public repositories after presenting a death certificate then waiting for 7 days or presenting an obituary then waiting for 21 days.
Managing your membership in organizations¶
About organization membership¶
An organization owner can invite you to join their organization as a member, billing manager, or owner. An organization owner or member with admin privileges for a repository can invite you to collaborate in one or more repositories as an outside collaborator.
By default, your organization membership visibility is set to private.
You can leave an organization at any time.
Accessing an organization¶
を押す。Viewing people’s roles in an organization¶
組織画面のメニュー右端 Role から何かを選ぶ。
を押す。フィルターのRequesting organization approval for OAuth apps¶
Organization members and outside collaborators can request that an owner approve access to organization resources for OAuth apps.
アカウント Request access ボタンがあるらしいので、それを押して Request approval from owners を押す。
へ進む。ここで目的のアプリケーションの項目を押す。そのページにPublicizing or hiding organization membership¶
If you’d like to tell the world which organizations you belong to, you can display the avatars of the organizations on your profile.
先述の Private を Public に切り替える。
から自身が所属する組織一覧画面へ進み、対象の組織項目を表示する。そこで枠内のManaging your scheduled reminders¶
Get reminders in Slack when you or your team have pull requests waiting for review.
で組織項目枠内に何か出るらしいが、私の画面と合致しない。Removing yourself from an organization¶
アカウント Leave 押す。
で目的の組織を選びSetting up and managing your GitHub profile¶
Customizing your profile¶
About your profile¶
If you add a README file to the root of a public repository with the same name as your username, that README will automatically appear on your profile page.
About your organization’s profile¶
You can customize your organization’s public profile by adding a
Personalizing your profile¶
を操作して初期状態を脱出しろ。Profile pitcure で証明写真画像などをアップロード可能。
Name で名前を示す。
Bio に経歴を書く。
ここまでは UI を見れば分かる。
You can set a location and time zone on your profile to show other people your local time.
これもいちおう設定しておく。同じくこの画面内にある Location 区画にて、
Display current local time をオンにする。
Time zone で
(GMT+09:00) Tokyo
有名な SNS にアカウントを持っている場合、Social accounts 下にアドレスを記入しておくとプロフィール画面にそれらへのページのリンクが現れる。
When you set your status, you can also let people know that you have limited availability on GitHub.
ものぐさな人は右上ドロップダウンで Busy に設定する。初回は近影を、設定済みの場合は状態をクリック。フォーム内のチェックボックスをオンにする。
When you participate in certain programs, GitHub automatically displays a badge on your profile.
Achievements celebrate specific events and actions that happen on GitHub. They will appear as small badges listed in the sidebar of your profile.
Managing your profile README¶
GitHub shows your profile README at the top of your profile page.
GitHub アカウント名と合致する公開リポジトリーに中身のある
GitHub 上でそのようなリポジトリーを最初に作成すると:
The generated README file is pre-populated with a template to give you some inspiration for your profile README.
この README 公表を撤回したい場合は、リポジトリーを private にするなり
Pinning items to your profile¶
プロフィール画面の Customize your pins の UI で実施。この小さいフォームには自作リポジトリーと gists が人気順に並んでいる。
Setting your profile to private¶
After making your profile private, you can still view all your information when you visit your own profile.
Make profile private and hide activity をオン。Update preferences で確定。
Managing contribution settings on your profile¶
Viewing contributions on your profile¶
On your profile page, certain actions count as contributions:
Committing to a repository’s default branch or
branchCreating a branch
Opening an issue
Opening a discussion
Answering a discussion
Proposing a pull request
Submitting a pull request review
Popular repositories 枠はピン機能を使うとなくなる。
Showing an overview of your activity on your profile¶
A viewer can only see information in the activity overview about repositories they have read access to.
プロフィール画面のカレンダー (contributions graph) 右上 Contribution settings ドロップダウンリストから適当なものを選択する。
Showing your private contributions and achievements on your profile¶
If you publicize your private contributions, people without access to the private repositories you work in won’t be able to see the details of your private contributions. Instead, they’ll see the number of private contributions you made on any given day. Your public contributions will include detailed information.
アカウント Show Achievements on my profile をオンにする。
Sending enterprise contributions to your profile¶
Why are my contributions not showing up on my profile?¶
Troubleshooting commits on your timeline¶
If the author and commit date are different, you can manually change the commit date in the URL to see the commit details
Managing subscriptions and notifications on GitHub¶
Setting up notifications¶
About notifications¶
You can use the notifications inbox to customize, triage, and manage your updates.
Notifications are updates that you receive for specific activity that you are subscribed to.
By default, you also automatically watch all repositories that you create and are owned by your personal account.
だからリポジトリーを作成するや否や、Notification をオフにする習慣をつける。
You can choose to view your notifications through the notifications inbox at and in the GitHub Mobile app, through your email, or some combination of these options.
You can filter your inbox by the reason you’re subscribed to notifications.
Notifications that are not marked as Saved are kept for 5 months. Notifications marked as Saved are kept indefinitely. If your saved notification is older than 5 months and you unsave it, the notification will disappear from your inbox within a day.
Configuring notifications¶
GitHub 上の活動に関する通知を受け取る場所は三つある:
GitHub の受信箱
GitHub Mobile の受信箱(上記のものと同期)
One benefit of using an email client is that all of your notifications can be kept indefinitely depending on your email client’s storage capacity.
メールソフトの機能で GitHub の活動情報を整理することが可能だと言いたいのだ。
You can customize notifications for a repository. For example, you can choose to only be notified when updates to one or more types of events (issues, pull requests, releases, security alerts, or discussions) happen within a repository, or ignore all notifications for a repository.
Each email notification that sends contains header information. The header information in every email is consistent, so you can use it in your email client to filter or forward all GitHub notifications, or certain types of GitHub notifications.
を押す。If “Automatically watch repositories” is disabled, then you will not automatically watch your own repositories.
リポジトリーの Watch ボタンで欲しい通知をカスタマイズ指定することが可能。
When a new secret is detected, GitHub notifies all users with access to security alerts for the repository according to their notification preferences.
For repositories that are set up with GitHub Actions and that you are watching, you can choose how you want to receive workflow run updates.
When you install GitHub Mobile, you will automatically be opted into web notifications.
これもインストールしたい。どこにあるのか。Android で検索すればいいと思うが。
Viewing and triaging notifications¶
Managing notifications from your inbox¶
Your inbox shows all of the notifications that you haven’t unsubscribed to or marked as Done. You can customize your inbox to best suit your workflow using filters, viewing all or just unread notifications, and grouping your notifications to get a quick overview.
未読の通知を一覧には Unread ボタンを押すのがいい。
複数の通知項目に対して同一の操作をするにはチェックを入れて Done ボタンなどを押す。
メニューを選ぶか、ヘッダーにあるフィルターを自作することが可能。画面左柱 Filters の歯車を押す。ボタン Create new filter を押してフィルター名と問い合わせコマンドを入力。Create で確定。
Triaging a single notification¶
You can choose how you want to receive future notifications for a specific issue or pull request.
画面右柱の Notifications 右にある を押す。通知されたいタイミングを指定して Create を押す。
Customizing a workflow for triaging your notifications¶
Before you start triaging your inbox, consider whether you prefer to first find and respond to the most important updates or to clear your inbox of distracting updates that are easy to remove or triage.
Choose which type of notifications are most urgent to review and pick a time to review them that’s best for you. You might consider the question “Who am I blocking?”
Choose which type of notifications are quickest and easiest for you to triage and remove from your inbox, ideally triaging multiple notifications at once.
Managing subscriptions for activity on GitHub¶
Viewing your subscriptions¶
We recommend auditing and unsubscribing from your subscriptions as a part of a healthy notifications workflow.
を押す。この一覧のヘッダーから項目を絞り込んで issue や pull request の購読をやめる。読者ノート
自分の状況を確認したら 300 以上の項目があったので、古いものから unsubscribe した。
受信箱トップページ左柱 Ignore を押す。
を押す。購読をやめるリポジトリーの右のドロップダウンリストからManaging your subscriptions¶
Note: Instead of unsubscribing, you have the option to ignore a repository. If you ignore a repository, you won’t receive any notifications. We don’t recommend ignoring repositories as you won’t be notified if you’re @mentioned.
You can only filter your subscriptions by repository and the reason you’re receiving the notification.
残りは Unsubscribe と Unwatch の説明。