Authentication documentation ノート¶
Authentication documentation を読んでおく。Overview は About authentication to GitHub に移動する。
Account security¶
About authentication to GitHub¶
認証する場所によって異なる認証情報を使って GitHub に認証することで、アカウントの資源に安全にアクセスする。
Username and password with two-factor authentication, or a passkey
Personal access token
SSH key
If you’re not a member of an enterprise with managed users, you will authenticate using your username and password, or a passkey. You may also use two-factor authentication and SAML single sign-on, which can be required by organization and enterprise owners.
GitHub は two-factor authentication を推奨している。それ以外の方法は割愛。
コマンドラインから Git や GitHub CLI などで GitHub にアクセスする場合:
The method of authenticating is determined based on whether you choose an HTTPS or SSH remote URL when you clone the repository.
どちらのプロトコルを用いるにせよ、コマンド gh auth login
Creating a strong password¶
GitHub の言う強いパスワードとは何か。とにかく推奨されている技法を一読する。
When you type a password to sign in, create an account, or change your password, GitHub will check if the password you entered is considered weak according to datasets like HaveIBeenPwned.
Updating your GitHub access credentials¶
英語の credentials の概念を次の記述から体で理解しよう:
GitHub credentials include not only your password, but also the access tokens, SSH keys, and application API tokens you use to communicate with GitHub.
パスワードの更新手順は <> から始める?
パスワードの更新手順はアカウント Change password フォームで操作する。
からアクセストークンと SSH キーの更新方法については別に述べる。
Managing your personal access tokens¶
Personal access tokens are an alternative to using passwords for authentication to GitHub when using the GitHub API or the command line.
GitHub recommends that you use fine-grained personal access tokens instead of personal access tokens (classic) whenever possible.
As a security precaution, GitHub automatically removes personal access tokens that haven’t been used in a year.
これは怖い。GitHub には頻繁にアクセスしよう。
Before creating a new personal access token, consider if there is a more secure method of authentication available to you
GitHub CLI を使うときと、GitHub Actions を使うときが該当する。
アクセストークン作成方法:アカウント Generate new token を押す。ページ内のフォームを埋める。最後に Generate token を押して完了。
ページへ移動。左柱 を押す。基本的には fine grained のほうを使いたいのだが、GitHub の文書を読んでいると classic しか対応していない機能もある。それゆえこちらの作成方法も知っておくこと。
トークンを抹消することも可能。例のページで対象トークンに対する Delete を押す。
Once you have a personal access token, you can enter it instead of your password when performing Git operations over HTTPS.
Reviewing your SSH keys¶
アカウント Delete する。
ページで怪しいキーをeval "$(ssh-agent -s)"
の手順で ssh-add -l -E sha256
が成功しない場合は単に ssh-add
してからもう一度 ssh-add -l -E sha256
Reviewing your deploy keys¶
リポジトリーの Delete するようにする。
ページを開く。要らなくなったキーをToken expiration and revocation¶
When you create a personal access token, we recommend that you set an expiration for your token.
If a valid OAuth token, GitHub App token, or personal access token is pushed to a public repository or public gist, the token will be automatically revoked.
Reviewing your security log¶
ページを開く。The name for each audit log entry is composed of a category of events, followed by an operation type. For example, the
entry refers to thecreate
operation on therepo
Security log events¶
アカウントの action:
Removing sensitive data from a repository¶
git filter-repo
SHA も変化してしまうので、よほどのことがあっても使わない。
Avoid the catch-all commands
git add .
andgit commit -a
on the command line—usegit add filename
andgit rm filename
to individually stage files, instead.Use
git add --interactive
to individually review and stage changes within each file.Use
git diff --cached
to review the changes that you have staged for commit. This is the exact diff thatgit commit
will produce as long as you don’t use the-a
About anonymized URLs¶
To host your images, GitHub uses the open-source project Camo. Camo generates an anonymous URL proxy for each file which hides your browser details and related information from other users. The URL starts
, with different subdomains depending on how you uploaded the image.
About GitHub’s IP addresses¶
For applications to function, you must allow TCP ports 22, 80, and 443 via our IP ranges for
GitHub’s SSH key fingerprints¶
You can add the following ssh key entries to your
file to avoid manually verifying GitHub hosts:
Sudo mode¶
次の操作は GitHub が特に気密性が高いとしている:
Modification of an associated email address
Authorization of a third-party application
Addition of a new SSH key
Creation of a PAT or application
このような処理を行うために認証を通った後、セッションは一時的に sudo mode になる。
GitHub has a two-hour session timeout period before prompting you for authentication again. During this time, any sensitive action that you perform will reset the timer.
Viewing and managing your sessions¶
You can view a list of devices that have logged into your account, and revoke any sessions that you don’t recognize.
アカウントの See more を押す。必要があれば Revoke session を押す。
ページを開く。セッション一覧で項目をSecuring your account with two-factor authentication (2FA)¶
About two-factor authentication¶
With 2FA, you have to log in with your username and password and provide another form of authentication that only you know or have access to.
After you enable 2FA, GitHub generates an authentication code any time someone attempts to sign into your account on
We strongly urge you to enable 2FA for the safety of your account, not only on GitHub, but on other websites and apps that support 2FA.
どうせ同じコード生成ソフトを使うから手間は GitHub のときと変わらないだろう。
Configuring two-factor authentication¶
We strongly recommend using a time-based one-time password (TOTP) application to configure 2FA, and security keys as backup methods instead of SMS.
TOTP はワンタイムパスワードの acronym らしい。以下、これらの方法を中心に読んでいく。
After you configure 2FA, your account will enter a 28-day check up period. You can leave the check up period by successfully performing 2FA in those 28 days.
Just search for TOTP app in your browser to find various options.
Google Chrome 系のブラウザーでは Authenticator という拡張をインストールしておきたい。
アカウントの Enable two-factor authentication しておく。
でSetup authenticator app は二度と出来ない? 本文の記述どおりの UI が出て来ない。
パスキーの設定もやっておこう。途中で Windows Hello がしゃしゃり出てくれば OK だろう。
Configuring two-factor authentication recovery methods¶
In addition to securely storing your two-factor authentication (2FA) recovery codes, we strongly recommend configuring two or more authentication methods to avoid losing access to your account.
If you generate new recovery codes or disable and re-enable 2FA, the recovery codes in your security settings automatically update. Reconfiguring your 2FA settings without disabling 2FA will not change your recovery codes.
アカウントの Recovery codes を View する。
でOnce you use a recovery code to regain access to your account, it cannot be reused.
Authenticator ソフトにバックアップ機能があるから確認しておく。
Accessing GitHub using two-factor authentication¶
After you sign in to GitHub using your password, you’ll need to provide an authentication code, tap a notification in GitHub Mobile, or use a security key to perform 2FA.
If you delete your authenticator application after configuring two-factor authentication, you’ll need to provide your recovery code to get access to your account.
Authenticator ソフトをむやみに削除してはならない。
If you have enabled 2FA, and you have added a passkey to your account, you can use the passkey to sign in. Since passkeys satisfy both password and 2FA requirements, you can complete your sign in with a single step.
Enabling 2FA doesn’t change how you authenticate to GitHub on the command line using SSH URLs.
Recovering your account if you lose your 2FA credentials¶
ログイン時に Use a recovery code or request a reset を押せ。
If you have added a passkey to your account, you can use your passkey to automatically regain access to your account.
Changing your preferred two-factor authentication method¶
本文の記述と現行の UI が合致していない。
About mandatory two-factor authentication¶
Your account is selected for mandatory 2FA if you have taken some action on GitHub that shows you are a contributor.
いずれにせよ two-factor 認証を有効にしておく。
We recommend setting up a time-based one-time password (TOTP) app as your primary 2FA method, and adding a passkey or security key as a backup.
TOTP apps are the recommended 2FA factor for GitHub.
You only have to provide your phone number if you use SMS for 2FA.
Countries where SMS authentication is supported¶
If we don’t support two-factor authentication via text message for your country of residence, you can set up authentication via a TOTP mobile application.
利用者がいる国によって SMS 認証の利用可能性が決まるという事情がなぜなのか気になるが、Japan があることを確認して忘れる。
Disabling two-factor authentication for your personal account¶
アカウントの Two-factor authentication 見出しの右のボタンを押す。
Authenticate with a passkey¶
About passkeys¶
You can also use passkeys for sudo mode and resetting your password.
Passkeys are pairs of cryptographic keys (a public key and a private key) that are stored by an authenticator you control. (略) Authenticators come in many forms, such as an iPhone or Android device, Windows Hello, a FIDO2 hardware security key, or a password manager.
RSA の一種なのか?
When you sign in to using a passkey, your authenticator uses public key cryptography to prove your identity to GitHub without ever sending the passkey.
GitHub と利用者の間に authenticator という存在がある。利用者が何者であるかを保証する存在だ。後述されている。
For 2FA users, if you already have passkey-eligible security keys registered to your account for 2FA, you can upgrade these existing credentials into passkeys in your account settings.
Manage your passkeys¶
パスキーの追加方法:アカウント Add a passkey を押して手なりで進める。この途中の手順はパスキー供与者次第。
If you are only using device-bound passkeys, it is a best practice to register passkeys on at least two different devices, in case you lose access to one.
今は一台しかない PC でしかパスキーを使っていないから、もう一台で、たぶん Android 携帯電話で同様の手続きをすればいい。
Sign in with a passkey¶
<> で実行。すでにログインしている場合には GitHub の Home ページが開く。
Connecting to GitHub with SSH¶
About SSH¶
When you connect via SSH, you authenticate using a private key file on your local machine.
SSH と鍵と計算機が関係することを覚えておく。
You must also add the public SSH key to your account on GitHub before you use the key to authenticate or sign commits.
鍵は二種類あり、もう一方を GitHub に託す。
You can further secure your SSH key by using a hardware security key,
SSH 鍵目録を定期的に確認する。
If you haven’t used your SSH key for a year, then GitHub will automatically delete your inactive SSH key as a security precaution.
一年間出番のなかった SSH 鍵は GitHub が削除する。
Using SSH agent forwarding¶
ssh-agent の簡単な説明がある。
bash$ ssh -T
Hi showa-yojyo! You've successfully authenticated, but GitHub does not provide shell access.
bash$ cat ~/.ssh/config
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa
User git
本文では転送設定を述べているが、ここでは行わない。コマンド echo
bash$ ssh-add -L
これで鍵が ssh-agent に見えることを確認。
Managing deploy keys¶
まず SSH agent forwarding という技法について述べている。短所はあまりないようで:
Users must SSH in to deploy; automated deploy processes can’t be used.
SSH agent forwarding can be troublesome to run for Windows users.
以前の節で述べられていた手順でこれをオンにして、配備スクリプトが SSH agent forwading をするように仕向けろとある:
bash$ ssh -A serverA 'bash -s' <
ssh のオプション -A
If you don’t want to use SSH keys, you can use HTTPS with OAuth tokens.
You must make sure that you configure your token with the correct access scopes.
Tokens are essentially passwords, and must be protected the same way.
Deploy key の定義:
You can launch projects from a repository on to your server by using a deploy key, which is an SSH key that grants access to a single repository.
Checking for existing SSH keys¶
このページは Linux タブを見ればいい。
DSA keys (ssh-dss) are no longer supported. You cannot add new DSA keys to your personal account on
bash$ ls -al ~/.ssh
Check the directory listing to see if you already have a public SSH key. By default, the filenames of supported public keys for GitHub are one of the following.
Generating a new SSH key and adding it to the ssh-agent¶
When you generate an SSH key, you can add a passphrase to further secure the key. Whenever you use the key, you must enter the passphrase.
bash$ ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C YOUR_EMAIL
では GitHub で利用しているアドレスを指定する。特に noreply
アドレスを用いている場合には、そのアドレスを指定しなければ verify してくれない。
これを実行する前に passphrase を決めておく。そして次の用意して鍵を追加する:
bash$ eval "$(ssh-agent -s)"
bash$ ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_ed25519
最後に GitHub 上で鍵を追加する設定(次節参照)をする。
ハードウェア版手順の記載もあるが、この PC ではやらない。
Adding a new SSH key to your GitHub account¶
前節の手続きは完了しているとする。GitHub での操作が述べられている。
アカウント SSH keys 見出しの右の New SSH key を押す。フォームを埋めて Add SSH key ボタンを押す。Key 欄には公開鍵を記入する。
ページを開く。この流れでは ~/.ssh/
Testing your SSH connection¶
bash$ ssh -T
Working with SSH key passphrases¶
With SSH keys, if someone gains access to your computer, the attacker can gain access to every system that uses that key. To add an extra layer of security, you can add a passphrase to your SSH key.
PC が盗まれたときに備えた仕掛けだ。
bash$ ssh-keygen -p -f ~/.ssh/id_ed25519
ssh-agent は走らせておくものらしい。
Troubleshooting SSH¶
When using SSH to connect and authenticate to GitHub, you may need to troubleshoot unexpected issues that may arise.
Using SSH over the HTTPS port¶
HTTPS ポート経由の SSH が可能かどうかを試すコマンドは:
bash$ ssh -T -p 443
初回実行時にはプロンプトが出るが、次の文言ならば yes と答えて構わない:
The authenticity of host '[]:443 ([]:443)' can't be established.
ED25519 key fingerprint is SHA256:+DiY3wvvV6TuJJhbpZisF/zLDA0zPMSvHdkr4UvCOqU.
This host key is known by the following other names/addresses:
~/.ssh/known_hosts:4: [hashed name]
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])?
失敗した場合には後述の Permission denied (publickey) を読め。
If you are able to SSH into
over port 443, you can override your SSH settings to force any connection to to run through that server and port.
次の内容を ~/.ssh/config
Port 443
User git
動作確認コマンドは ssh -T
Recovering your SSH key passphrase¶
Mac 以外では回復不能で、鍵ペアの作り直しとなる。
Deleted or missing SSH keys¶
先述のように、GitHub は一年間利用がないキーを削除する。
You can check if you haven’t used an SSH key in a year by reviewing your account’s security log.
Error: Host key verification failed¶
You may see this error if the server has changed its keys unexpectedly
GitHub が SSH ホスト鍵を変更した場合はブログで告知される。それを確認する。
You can find an up-to-date list of GitHub’s public SSH keys on GitHub Docs.
Error: Permission denied (publickey)¶
Git では sudo をなるべく使わない。
ユーザーで行う必要がある。GitHub の利用者名ではない。使用中の鍵があることを確認する。コマンド
sh-add -l -E sha256
用がなくてもコマンド ssh -vT
Error: Bad file number¶
This error usually means you were unable to connect to the server. Often this is caused by firewalls and proxy servers.
解決策は HTTPS を使うようにするか、別のネットワークで試すか、前述の SSH over the HTTPS port 技法を適用する。
Error: Key already in use¶
To resolve the issue, first remove the key from the other account or repository and then add it to your account.
Deploy key の使い回し問題も考えられる。
Error: Permission to user/repo denied to other-user¶
To fix this, the owner of the repository (user) needs to add your account (other-user) as a collaborator on the repository or to a team that has write access to the repository.
そもそも、Git のことをよくわからずに他人のリポジトリーに push しようとしていないか。
Error: Permission to user/repo denied to user/other-repo¶
Error: Agent admitted failure to sign¶
You should be able to fix this error by loading your keys into your SSH agent with ssh-add
bash$ eval "$(ssh-agent -s)"
bash$ ssh-add PATH_TO_KEY
Error: ssh-add: illegal option – K¶
Error: SSL certificate problem, verify that the CA cert is OK¶
CA ルート証明書が古い。
If your CA root certificate needs to be updated, you won’t be able to push or pull from GitHub repositories.
CA を更新する必要があり、それは OS を更新すれば十分のようだ。
Error: Unknown key type¶
OpenSSH を更新する。
Error: We’re doing an SSH key audit¶
SSH 鍵が検証されていない。
To fix this, you need to review your SSH keys and either reject or approve the unverified key.
GitHub のアカウント
で適当に操作する。Managing commit signature verification¶
GitHub will automatically sign commits you make using the GitHub web interface.
About commit signature verification¶
If a commit or tag has a GPG, SSH, or S/MIME signature that is cryptographically verifiable, GitHub marks the commit or tag “Verified” or “Partially verified.”
SSH 署名は単純であり、GPG はより高級:
SSH signatures are the simplest to generate. (略) Generating a GPG signing key is more involved than generating an SSH key, but GPG has features that SSH does not. A GPG key can expire or be revoked when no longer used. GitHub shows commits that were signed with such a key as “Verified” unless the key was marked as compromised.
コミット状態は vigilane mode でない場合には次の三種類:
No verification status
GitHub でブランチをマージすると署名検証が機能しない。ローカルでマージする。
コミット状態は vigilane mode である場合には次の三種類:
Partially verified
Repository administrators can enforce required commit signing on a branch to block all commits that are not signed and verified.
GitHub will automatically use GPG to sign commits you make using the web interface. Commits signed by GitHub will have a verified status. You can verify the signature locally using the public key available at The full fingerprint of the key is
5DE3 E050 9C47 EA3C F04A 42D3 4AEE 18F8 3AFD EB23
You can optionally choose to have GitHub GPG sign commits you make in GitHub Codespaces.
GPG を使って署名コミットをする手順は:
Check for existing GPG keys
Generate a new GPG key
Add a GPG key to your GitHub account
Tell Git about your signing key
Sign commits
Sign tags
You can use SSH to sign commits with an SSH key that you generate yourself.
Check for existing SSH keys
Generate a new SSH key
Add a SSH signing key to your GitHub account
Tell Git about your signing key
Sign commits
Sign tags
GitHub はローカルで署名したコミットやタグが のアカウントに追加した公開鍵に対して暗号的に検証可能かどうかを確認する。
S/MIME は企業向けらしいので割愛。
Displaying verification statuses for all of your commits¶
You can enable vigilant mode for commit signature verification to mark all of your commits and tags with a signature verification status.
Git allows you to set the author of your changes and the identity of the committer. This, potentially, makes it difficult for other people to be confident that commits and tags you create were actually created by you.
you can give other users increased confidence in the identity attributed to your commits and tags by enabling vigilant mode in your GitHub settings.
Vigilant mode を有効にする条件は限定される:
You should only enable vigilant mode if you sign all of your commits and tags and use an email address that is verified for your account on GitHub as your committer email address. After enabling this mode, any unsigned commits or tags that you generate locally and push to GitHub will be marked “Unverified.”
ページへ移動。 をオンにする。読者ノート
Checking for existing GPG keys¶
Before you generate a GPG key, you can check to see if you have any existing GPG keys.
bash$ gpg --list-secret-keys --keyid-format=long
If there are no GPG key pairs or you don’t want to use any that are available for signing commits and tags, then generate a new GPG key.
コミットやタグの署名に使いたい GPG 鍵対が用意してある場合は、次のコマンドを使って公開キーを表示し、使いたい GPG 鍵 ID を割り当てることが可能:
bash$ gpg --armor --export XXXXXXXXXXXXX
それから GitHub の設定ページを開くことになるはずだ。
Generating a new GPG key¶
コマンド実行に入る前に利用者情報と passphrase を用意しておく。メールアドレスの入力はいつもの noreply
bash$ gpg --full-generate-key
bash$ gpg --list-secret-keys --keyid-format=long
... (GPG_ID)
bash$ gpg --armor --export GPG_ID
出力された長い文字列を定型コードに埋め込んで GitHub に設定(次節参照)。
Adding a GPG key to your GitHub account¶
You can add multiple public keys to your account on GitHub. Commits signed by any of the corresponding private keys will show as verified.
アカウント New GPG key を押して Title と Key を記入する。フォームを埋めたら Add GPG Key を押す。
ページを開く。Key の内容は前節で述べた長い文字列だ。
Telling Git about your signing key¶
To sign commits locally, you need to inform Git that there’s a GPG, SSH, or X.509 key you’d like to use.
GPG 鍵が複数ある場合に意味がある。
bash$ git config --global --unset gpg.format
bash$ gpg --list-secret-keys --keyid-format=long
bash$ git config --global user.signingkey XXXXXXXXXXX
bash$ git config --global commit.gpgsign true
のどこかで export GPG_TTY=$(tty)
You can use an existing SSH key to sign commits and tags, or generate a new one specifically for signing.
bash$ git config --global gpg.format ssh
bash$ git config --global user.signingkey /PATH/TO/.SSH/KEY.PUB
X.509 鍵は割愛。
Associating an email with your GPG key¶
If you’re using a GPG key that matches your committer identity and your verified email address associated with your account on, then you can begin signing commits and signing tags.
bash$ gpg --edit-key XXXXXXXXXXX
gpg> adduid
gpg> save
bash$ gpg --armor --export XXXXXXXXXXX
前節で述べられてるようにして GitHub にアップロードする。
メールアドレスを noreply
のほうで作ること。いったん間違えると uid
Signing commits¶
You can sign commits locally using GPG, SSH, or S/MIME.
To configure your Git client to sign commits by default for a local repository, in Git versions 2.0.0 and above, run
git config commit.gpgsign true
. To sign all commits by default in any local repository on your computer, rungit config --global commit.gpgsign true
If you have multiple keys or are attempting to sign commits or tags with a key that doesn’t match your committer identity, you should tell Git about your signing key.
git commit
のオプション -S
Troubleshoot verification¶
Check verification status¶
You can check the verification status of your commit and tag signatures on GitHub.
GitHub のリポジトリー画面 Pull request 以下から確認する。 Commits タブを開くと Verified ボタンがあるはず。
タグに対しては Verified ボタンがある。
でUse verified email in GPG key¶
For commits, there is the author — the person who wrote the code — and the committer — the person who added the commit to the tree. When signing a commit with Git, whether it be during a merge, cherry-pick, or normal git commit, the committer email address will be yours, even if the author email address isn’t.
The tagger email address is always the user who created the tag.