GitHub Codespaces documentation ノート¶
GitHub Codespaces documentation は文書がたくさんあるので読むのが厳しい。Codespace は本質的に有料機能なので、私はまず利用しないはずだ。全文調査せずに切り上げる。
Overview は個別ページの GitHub Codespaces overview へ
Quickstart は Quickstart for GitHub Codespaces へ
GitHub Codespaces overview¶
A codespace is a development environment that’s hosted in the cloud. You can customize your project for GitHub Codespaces by committing configuration files to your repository
You can choose from a selection of virtual machine types, from 2 cores, 8 GB RAM, and 32 GB storage, up to 32 cores, 64 GB RAM, and 128 GB storage.
最低のメモリー 8GB というのは、私が今使っている PC のそれと同じだ。最低ラインでも十分だ。
By default, codespaces are created from an Ubuntu Linux image that includes a selection of popular languages and tools
WSL で作業している身としてはありがたい環境だ。
You can connect to your codespaces from your browser, from Visual Studio Code, from the JetBrains Gateway application, or by using GitHub CLI. When you connect, you are placed within the Docker container.
Docker という術語が出てくるが、不勉強のツケがここに来そうだ。
GitHub Codespaces の利点をキャッチコピーだけ引用しておこう。再利用性、再現性、隔離などという言葉が浮かぶ:
Use a preconfigured development environment
Access the resources you need
Work anywhere
Choose your editor
Work on multiple projects
Pair program with a teammate
Publish your web app from a codespace
Try out a framework
Codespaces の開始手段はいろいろあるようで、本文のリンク先それぞれを読むといい。
All personal accounts have a monthly quota of free use of GitHub Codespaces included in the Free or Pro plan. You can get started using GitHub Codespaces on your personal account without changing any settings or providing payment details.
To customize the runtimes and tools in your codespace, you can create one or more dev container configurations for your repository.
You can personalize aspects of your codespace environment by using a public dotfiles repository. You can use dotfiles to set shell aliases and preferences, or to install your personal preference of the tools you like to use.
Getting started with GitHub Codespaces¶
Quickstart for GitHub Codespaces¶
You’ll work in the browser version of Visual Studio Code, which is initially the default editor for GitHub Codespaces.
Codespace とは何かと問われたら、上のように答えるのがいちばん伝わる気がする。
Codespace の作成方法は、まず Codespace テンプレートリポジトリーにアクセスする。それから
を押す。これでブラウザーに VS Code に似た UI が現れる。アプリケーションを起動するには、そこのコンソールで npm run dev
を実行する。本家同様のトーストが出現する。Open in Browser を押す。
VS Code での作業の要領で変更部分をすべてコミットすると Publish Branch ボタンが現れる。それを押す。リポジトリーを選択する。これで自分のアカウントにリポジトリーが追加される。
You can enable
to sync extensions and other settings across devices and instances of VS Code. Your synced settings are cached in the cloud.
これを ON にすると吉のはずだが、PC で使っている VS Code の拡張構成と使い分けたいときは OFF ということになる。その中間が欲しい。
Understanding the codespace lifecycle¶
The lifecycle of a codespace begins when you create a codespace and ends when you delete it.
Codespace の寿命管理は常識的なのものであるようだ。
There are limits to the number of codespaces you can create, and the number of codespaces you can run at the same time.
When you connect to a codespace through the web, auto-save is enabled automatically for the web editor and configured to save changes after a delay.
VS Code のファイル自動保存機能を Codespace 自体に適用したようなものか。
Your work will be saved on a virtual machine in the cloud.
用がないときには Codespace を止めておくのが無難だ。
For example, if you’re using a codespace in the VS Code web client and you close the browser tab, the codespace remains running on the remote machine.
Codespace 最大の特徴がこれだ。金がかかってはかなわない:
If you create a codespace, it will continue to accrue storage charges until it is deleted, irrespective of whether it is active or stopped.
Deep dive into GitHub Codespaces¶
GitHub Codespaces is an instant, cloud-based development environment that uses a container to provide you with common languages, tools, and utilities for development.
You can create a codespace on, in Visual Studio Code, or by using GitHub CLI.
GitHub リポジトリーには shallow clone という概念がある。
Your repository is cloned into the
directory in the codespace
ファイルの保存については VS Code の Auto Save をオンにしておくとよい。
<> で操作する
VS Code コマンドパレットから Codespaces: Stop Current Codespace を実行する
gh codespace stop
You can work with Git in your codespace either via the Terminal or by using the source control features of VS Code or JetBrains.
Codespace で Git 操作をすると何がうれしいかと言うと:
Because GitHub Codespaces is designed to be ephemeral, you can use it as an isolated environment to experiment, check a teammate’s pull request, or fix merge conflicts.
Codespace を公開するという考え方がある。作業環境を共有するという意図だろう。
If you already use VS Code, you can use
to automatically sync extensions, settings, themes, and keyboard shortcuts between your local instance and any codespaces you create.
VS Code の本物の拡張で設定を同期できる。ただし実行前にまず考えろ。
Codespace のディレクトリー構造について:
When you create a codespace, your repository is cloned into the
directory in your codespace. This is a persistent directory that is mounted into the container.
Developing in a codespace¶
You can use your codespace in the browser or in a choice of code editors.
Developing in a codespace¶
GitHub CLI の場合:
You can use GitHub CLI to create a new codespace, or start an existing codespace, and then SSH to it. Once connected, you can work on the command line using your preferred command-line tools.
bash$ gh codespace --help
VS Code の場合は後述。
ブラウザーの場合、<> で利用可能な Codespaces すべてを確認する。あるいは:
Alternatively, you can see any of your codespaces for a specific repository by navigating to that repository and selecting Code. The dropdown menu will display all active codespaces for a repository.
Creating a codespace for a repository¶
You can use GitHub Codespaces on your personal account, with the quota of free use included each month for accounts on the Free and Pro plans.
If you create a codespace from a repository, the codespace will be associated with a specific branch, which cannot be empty.
GitHub CLI では次のようなコマンドを実行して Codespace を生成する:
bash$ gh codespace create -r OWNER/REPO -b BRANCH --devcontainer-path PATH -m MACHINE-TYPE
GitHub Codespaces 拡張が作動中の VS Code では、Activity Bar 左柱の Remote Explorer アイコンを押す。サイドバーのプラスボタンを押す。入力欄でリポジトリー、ブランチ、等々を順次指定することで Codespace を生成する。
Creating a codespace from a template¶
If you’re starting a new project, you can get started with development work quickly by creating a codespace from a template.
Quickstart でやったようなものだ。
With a blank template, you’ll start with an empty directory, with access to cloud-based compute resources and the tools, languages, and runtime environments that come preinstalled with the default codespace image. With other templates, you’ll get starter files for the technology you’re working with, plus typically some extra files such as a README file, a
file, and dev container configuration files containing some custom environment configuration.
テンプレートはどこにあるのか: <> から など。テンプレートリポジトリーから Codespace を開く方法は前述のとおり。
Typically, Git will come preinstalled, and the working directory will be automatically initialized as a Git repository unless you started from GitHub’s blank template.
Git くらい入れておけばいいじゃないか。
Publish の概念については前述のとおり。
Deleting a codespace¶
Codespace の維持にはコストがかかるので、不要なものは削除することだ。
GitHub CLI を使って削除する場合:
To delete a codespace use the gh codespace delete subcommand and then choose a codespace from the list that’s displayed.
bash$ gh codespace delete
有用なコマンドラインオプションとして --all
, --repo
, --days
GitHub Codespaces 拡張が作動中の VS Code で削除する場合は、Activity Bar 左柱の Remote Explorer アイコンを押す。サイドバーの codespace 項目を右クリックして を押せばよい。
ブラウザーを使って削除する場合、<> から の枠で を押す。
Opening an existing codespace¶
You can reopen any of your active or stopped codespaces on, in a JetBrains IDE, in Visual Studio Code, or by using GitHub CLI.
私の言葉では resume に相当する。
GitHub CLI を使って再開する場合、どの環境に再開するのかを指定することも可能だ:
bash$ gh codespace code
bash$ gh codespace code --web
bash$ gh codespace ssh
上から順に VS Code で、ブラウザーで、SSH 接続コンソールでそれぞれアクセスする。
GitHub Codespaces 拡張が作動中の VS Code で codespace を再開する場合、まず次のどちらかのコマンドを実行する:
Codespaces: Open Codespace in New Window
Codespaces: Open in Browser
それから UI で対象 codespace を選択する。同じことになるが、サイドバーの項目から再開することも可能。
ブラウザーで再開する場合、対象リポジトリー画面を開いてキー , を押す。それから Resume this codespace を押す。
から開くことも可能。何で開くかも選択する。Working collaboratively in a codespace¶
Visual Studio Live Share lets you collaboratively edit and debug with others in real time, within a codespace. You can securely share your current codespace, or access a codespace created by someone else.
Live Share 拡張を VS Code にインストールする。私は使わないはずなので割愛。
Using source control in your codespace¶
VS Code 上での Git 操作と同様。私は慣れているので割愛。あるいは VS Code ノートへのリンクを付けるか。
Using GitHub Codespaces for pull requests¶
Pull request ページの Code で codespace を開くことが可能だ。
A codespace is created for the pull request branch and is opened in your default editor for GitHub Codespaces.
この codespace を開いたエディターの Activity Bar の GitHub Pull Request アイコンを押す。サイドバーに当該 pull request の変更ファイル一覧がある。UI 操作で適当にレビューする。締めに結果に応じたボタンを押す。
Once you have received feedback on a pull request, you can open it in a codespace in your web browser, or in VS Code, to see the review comments. From there you can respond to comments, add reactions, or dismiss the review.
Stopping and starting a codespace¶
When you stop a codespace, any running processes are stopped. Any saved changes in your codespace will still be available when you next start it.
If you do not explicitly stop a codespace, it will continue to run until it times out from inactivity. Closing a codespace does not stop the codespace.
GitHub CLI で停止する場合、次のコマンドを実行する:
bash$ gh codespace stop
GitHub Codespaces 拡張が作動中の VS Code で codespace を停止する場合、コマンド Codespaces: Stop Codespace を実行する。再開はコマンド Codespaces: Connect to Codespace を実行する。
ブラウザーを使って codespace を停止する場合、<> から の枠で を押す。再開は対象 codespace 項目をクリックする。
Forwarding ports in your codespace¶
You can forward ports in your codespace to test and debug your application. You can also manage the port protocol and share the port within your organization or publicly.
Web アプリケーションのデバッグ用機能と思っていい。
You can manually forward a port that wasn’t forwarded automatically.
VS Code でいう Panel に PORTS というタブがある。Add Port でポート番号を追加する。
HTTP を HTTS に変えられる。右クリックメニューの
Rebuilding the container in a codespace¶
When you work in a codespace, your development environment is a Docker container that runs on a virtual machine.
Docker を知らないが、とにかく読み続ける。
By default, when you rebuild a container, GitHub Codespaces will speed up the build process by reusing cached images from previous builds of the container.
GutHub CLI を使って codespace を再構築する場合、次のコマンドがそれを実行する:
bash$ gh codespace rebuild
bash$ gh codespace rebuild --full
GitHub Codespaces 拡張が作動中の VS Code で codespace を再構築する場合、次のコマンドがそれを実行する:
Default environment variables for your codespace¶
GitHub sets default environment variables for every codespace. Commands run in codespaces can create, read, and modify environment variables.
ダミーの codespace を生成してこれらの環境変数の値をチェックするといい。
Persisting environment variables and temporary files¶
単独 codespace に関する環境変数については、この codespace を再構築しない限りは
bash を仮定)。
同じリポジトリーに対する codespaces すべての環境変数については、次の方法がある:
secrets を使う
{ "remoteEnv": { "VARNAME": "value" } }
If you are using a custom
you can set the environment variable there by addingENV VARNAME=value
Connecting to a private network¶
You can connect GitHub Codespaces to resources on a private network, including package registries, license servers, and on-premises databases.
Using a GitHub CLI extension to configure your local machine as a gateway to remote resources.
Using a VPN.
IP addresses for codespaces are dynamically assigned, meaning your codespace is not guaranteed to have the same IP address day to day.
Getting started with GitHub Codespaces for machine learning¶
この節の前半部分はブラウザーの VS Code で実施可能。本物の VS Code だと Jupyter のカーネルを選択するところで、入力欄が空白しかない。
Using GitHub Codespaces in Visual Studio Code¶
GitHub Codespaces 拡張を VS Code にインストールして GitHub に接続する。
If you would prefer to open any new codespaces in VS Code automatically, you can set your default editor to be VS Code.
If you prefer to work in the browser, but want to continue using your existing VS Code extensions, themes, and shortcuts, you can turn on
VS Code への GitHub Codespaces 拡張のインストール
VS Code の Activity Bar に Remote Explore アイコンが表示済み
Side bar の REMOTE EXPLORER 右のドロップダウンリストに GitHub Codespaces を選択した状態にする。
それから UI 操作が記述どおりになっているかを確認すればいい。
プラスアイコンで codespace を生成できそう。
項目の Connect to Codespace は機能する。現在の VS Code ウィンドウにロードするので注意。新しいウィンドウで開くコマンドは別にある。
項目右クリックメニュー Delete codespace も機能しそうだ。
Using GitHub Codespaces in your JetBrains IDE¶
Using GitHub Codespaces with GitHub CLI¶
To use gh to work with GitHub Codespaces, type
gh codespace SUBCOMMAND
GitHub Codespaces creates a local SSH key automatically to provide a seamless authentication experience.
Customizing your codespace¶
GitHub Codespaces is a dedicated environment for you. You can configure your repositories with a dev container to define their default GitHub Codespaces environment, and personalize your development experience across all of your codespaces with dotfiles and
Personalizing GitHub Codespaces for your account¶
GitHub Codespaces personalization applies to any codespace you create.
から見ていく。allows you to synchronize configurations such as settings, keyboard shortcuts, snippets, extensions, and UI state across machines and instances of VS Code. (略) For example, a common use of would be to sync your settings from your VS Code desktop application, which you use for local work, to codespaces you open in the browser.
まさにこれをやりたい。デスクトップ版の設定は壊さずに codespace のほうを変えたい。
デスクトップ版 VS Code の
をオン。GitHub でアカウント Settings Sync をオンにする。
Alternatively, you may want to use the same settings across all codespaces you open in the web client, while leaving your local VS Code application unaffected.
For codespaces opened in the VS Code web client,
is disabled by enabled in your user preferences automatically if you open a codespace in the web client and turn on in the codespace.
あとは trusted repositories という考えがあり、それも自動同期の要因になる。
他にも Settings Sync が見られる箇所があるが、方法は同様なので省略。
リポジトリー dotfiles
When you create a new codespace, GitHub clones your selected
repository to the codespace environment, and looks for one of the following files to set up the environment.
, etc. をコピーする。ない場合に変なシンボリックリンクが作られる。
Any changes to your selected dotfiles repository will apply only to each new codespace, and do not affect any existing codespace.
GitHub アカウント Automatically install dotfiles をオンにする。
Renaming a codespace¶
ブラウザーの場合は Your codespaces 画面の codespace 項目から Rename を押す。
Changing the shell in a codespace¶
If you open a new codespace in the VS Code web client, or connect to a codespace over SSH, the terminal opens with a bash session running by default.
Changing the machine type for your codespace¶
Each machine type has a different level of resources and a different billing tier.
By default the machine type with the lowest valid resources is used when you create a codespace. You can choose an alternative machine type either when you create a codespace or at any time after you’ve created a codespace.
Unpublished codespaces (codespaces created from a template that are not linked to a repository on GitHub) always run on a virtual machine with the same specifications. You can’t change the machine type of an unpublished codespace.
Your codespaces 画面 codespace 項目の Change machine type を押す。
If you changed to a virtual machine with a different storage capacity (for example, from 32 GB to 64 GB), your codespace will be unavailable for a short time while the machine type is changed.
Setting your default editor for GitHub Codespaces¶
で:Visual Studio Code (desktop application)
Visual Studio Code (web client application)
JetBrains Gateway - for opening codespaces in a JetBrains IDE
JupyterLab - the web interface for Project Jupyter
When you create a new codespace from a template, it is always opened in the Visual Studio Code web client.
VS Code 側設定は先述のとおり。
The first time you open a codespace this way you must give permission to open the application.
Setting your default region for GitHub Codespaces¶
日本から利用する場合には Southeast Asia でいいのか?
Setting your timeout period for GitHub Codespaces¶
A codespace will stop running after a period of inactivity. By default this period is 30 minutes, but you can specify a longer or shorter default timeout period in your personal settings on GitHub.
アカウント Save を押す。
で期間を設定してConfiguring automatic deletion of your codespaces¶
The retention period is reset every time you connect to a codespace, and the retention countdown restarts when the codespace is stopped.
Codespace によって保管期間が異なることがある。
削除までの期間は Codespaces 画面 codespace 項目右上辺りで確認可能。
Your codespaces 画面 codespace 項目の Keep codespace を押すと自動削除を免れる。そのぶん保存域や保管料に跳ね返る。
Setting up your project for GitHub Codespaces¶
Adding a dev container configuration to your repository¶
You can add a custom dev container configuration to your repository to set up the GitHub Codespaces development environment for your codebase.
Introduction to dev containers¶
The configuration files for a dev container are contained in a
directory in your repository.
When you create a codespace from a template, you might start with one or more dev container configuration files in your workspace.
主な構成ファイルは devcontainer.json
file is usually located in the.devcontainer
directory of your repository.
Things like linters are good to standardize on, and to require everyone to have installed, so they’re good to include in your
file. Things like user interface decorators or themes are personal choices that should not be put in thedevcontainer.json
You can add a
as part of your dev container configuration.
for a dev container is typically located in the.devcontainer
folder, alongside thedevcontainer.json
in which it is referenced.
For information about what’s included in the default Linux image, see the
If you use Codespaces in Visual Studio Code, or in a web browser, you can create a dev container configuration for your repository by choosing from a list of predefined configurations.
VS Code で作業する場合には Dev Containers 拡張があると良い。
You can add features to a
file from VS Code or from your repository on you don’t already have a
file in your repository, you can quickly add one from
リポジトリー Codespaces の を押す。これで何らかの内容を含む JSON ファイルが開く。
Setting up a Node.js project for GitHub Codespaces¶
Get started with a Node.js, JavaScript, or TypeScript project in GitHub Codespaces by creating a custom dev container configuration.
After you complete this tutorial, you’ll be able to add a dev container configuration to your own repository, using either the VS Code web client or the VS Code desktop application.
実際やるとハマる箇所が一つ。リビルド後 npm start
Setting up a C# (.NET) project for GitHub Codespaces¶
PORT タブの項目右クリックで を押す手順を覚える。
Setting up a Java project for GitHub Codespaces¶
VS Code の Java 拡張が有効になっていることを確認するべし。いつも無効になっているから。
Setting up a PHP project for GitHub Codespaces¶
Setting up a Python project for GitHub Codespaces¶
Python はよく知っているので問題ない。デバッガーについては他の演習と同様の注意をする。
Configuring dev containers¶
You can customize the dev container configuration for your repository.
Setting a minimum specification for codespace machines¶
Each machine type has different resources (processor cores, memory, storage) and, by default, the machine type with the least resources is used.
You can’t change the machine type of an unpublished codespace.
"hostRequirements": {
"cpus": 8,
"memory": "8gb",
"storage": "32gb"
これにより、GitHub Codespaces 画面上の Machine type 選択欄で低性能項目が選択不能になる。
Adding features to a devcontainer.json file¶
You can use features to quickly add tools, runtimes, or libraries to your codespace image.
の features
に値を設定するのだが、先の演習では VS
Code の add dev
Automatically opening files in the codespaces for a repository¶
VS Code ブラウザー版限定。演習における README が実例。
"customizations": {
"codespaces": {
"openFiles": [
Specifying recommended secrets for a repository¶
You should use recommended secrets for secrets that the user who creates the codespace, rather than the owner of the repository or organization, must provide.
"secrets": {
"description": "This is the description of the secret.",
"documentationUrl": ""
JSON ファイルに機密情報を記入すると言っている?
You can omit
, as shown byNAME_OF_SECRET_2
in the previous code example.
Setting up your repository for GitHub Codespaces¶
Facilitating quick creation and resumption of codespaces¶
You can make it easy for people to work on your repository in a codespace by providing a link to the codespace creation page. One place you might want to do this is in the
file for your repository. For example, you can add the link to an Open in GitHub Codespaces badge.
Alternatively, you can link to the Resume codespace page, which provides a quick way for people to open a codespace they were working on recently.
Codespace |
REPO-NAME の既定ブランチ |
REPO-NAME のブランチ |
Pull request |
You can use the Share a deep link option to configure more options for the codespace and build a custom URL, then copy a Markdown or HTML snippet for an Open in GitHub Codespaces badge.
リポジトリー画面 Share a deep link を押す。その UI を見れば全部わかる。
からQuick start の意味:
URL, such as the URLs listed in the previous section of this article. This produces a URL that displays a Resume codespace page.
Setting up a template repository for GitHub Codespaces¶
You can help people get started with a project by setting up a template repository for use with GitHub Codespaces.
If you don’t have one, create a
for your template repository to describe the purpose of your template and how to get started with it.
<> の See all の各テンプレートが参考になる。
あとは devcontainer.json
Prebuilding your codespaces¶
To speed up codespace creation, you can configure your project to prebuild codespaces for specific branches in specific regions.
About GitHub Codespaces prebuilds¶
GitHub Codespaces prebuilds help to speed up the creation of new codespaces for large or complex repositories.
If it currently takes more than 2 minutes to create a codespace for a repository, you are likely to benefit from using prebuilds.
By default, whenever you push changes to your repository, GitHub Codespaces uses GitHub Actions to automatically update your prebuilds.
いいときには Prebuild ready ラベルがマシンタイプ一覧項目に現れる。
By default, each push to a branch that has a prebuild configuration results in a GitHub-managed GitHub Actions workflow run to update the prebuild.
Configuring prebuilds¶
You can set up a prebuild configuration for the combination of a specific branch of your repository with a specific dev container configuration file.
Any branches created from a prebuild-enabled parent branch will typically also get prebuilds for the same dev container configuration.
Prebuilds are created using GitHub Actions.
The prebuild will consume storage space that will either incur a billable charge or, for repositories owned by your personal account, will use some of your monthly included storage.
事前構築手順:アカウント Set up prebuild ボタンを押してフォームを埋めていく:
ページを開く。Configuration で対象ブランチと Configuration File を決める。
Prebuild triggers を選択。二番目が良さそうだが?
Reduce prebuild available to only specific regions をオンにして Southeast Asia のみチェックを入れる。
Template history をなるべく少なくいたい。
最後に Create を押す。これを実行する GitHub Actions workflow が起動する。
Allowing a prebuild to access other repositories¶
You can permit your prebuild to access other GitHub repositories so that it can be built successfully.
で permissions を定義する。
we strongly recommend creating a new account with access only to the target repositories required for your scenario.
Give the new account read access to the required repositories.
Managing prebuilds¶
The prebuilds that you configure for a repository are created and updated using a GitHub Actions workflow, managed by the GitHub Codespaces service.
記述されている UI が確認できない。
Testing dev container configuration changes on a prebuild-enabled branch¶
After everything looks good, we also recommend creating a new codespace from your test branch to ensure everything is working.
Managing your codespaces¶
Managing secrets for your codespaces¶
You can add secrets to your personal account that you want to use in your codespaces.
Once you have created a secret, it will be available when you create a new codespace or restart the codespace.
アカウント New secrets でフォームを埋めて Add secrets を押す。
ページを開く。A secret is exported as an environment variable into the user’s terminal session.
Codespace で機密情報が利用可能になるタイミングに注意。
Managing access to other repositories within your codespace¶
You should only authorize permissions for repositories you know and trust.
Reviewing your security logs for GitHub Codespaces¶
When you perform an action related to GitHub Codespaces in repositories owned by your personal account, you can review the actions in the security log.
アカウント codespaces イベントをフィルター。
でManaging GPG verification for GitHub Codespaces¶
You can allow GitHub to automatically use GPG to sign commits you make in your codespaces, so other people can be confident that the changes come from a trusted source.
GPG 署名コミットの手法は以前習ったが、その鍵が codespace 環境で自動的に使われることになると考えられる。
After you enable GPG verification, GitHub will automatically sign commits you make in GitHub Codespaces, and the commits will have a verified status on GitHub.
If you have previously enabled GPG verification for all repositories, we recommend changing your preferences to use a selected list of trusted repositories.
やり方:アカウント GPG verification で Enable を押す。
ページを開いてOnce you enable GPG verification, it will automatically take effect in any new codespaces you create from the relevant repositories. To have GPG verification take effect in an existing active codespace, you will need to stop and restart the codespace.
Managing GitHub Codespaces for your organization¶
Allowing your codespace to access a private registry¶
Using GitHub Copilot in GitHub Codespaces¶
無料利用者ゆえ GitHub Copilot は触らない。この項目は実現しないと思う。
Using the GitHub Codespaces plugin for JetBrains¶
JetBrains とは?
Using the Visual Studio Code Command Palette in GitHub Codespaces¶
おそらく VS Code の GitHub Codespaces 拡張を採用する必要がある。
Security in GitHub Codespaces¶
Two codespaces are never co-located on the same VM.
Each codespace has its own isolated virtual network.
If you connect from VS Code, you are prompted to authenticate with GitHub.
Every time a codespace is created or restarted, it’s assigned a new GitHub token with an automatic expiry period.
All forwarded ports are private by default, which means that you will need to authenticate before you can access the port.
Always use secrets when you want to use sensitive information (such as access tokens) in a codespace. You can access your secrets as environment variables in the codespace, including from the terminal.
Secrets are not copied into the environment if you don’t have write access to the codespace’s repository.
file can contain powerful features, such as installing third-party extensions and running arbitrary code supplied in apostCreateCommand
VS Code’s
can allow potentially malicious content to transfer across devices.
Disaster recovery for GitHub Codespaces¶
This article describes guidance for a disaster recovery scenario, when a whole region experiences an outage due to major natural disaster or widespread service interruption.
Troubleshooting GitHub Codespaces¶
GitHub Codespaces logs¶
bash$ gh codespace logs
bash$ gh codespace logs -c <CODESPACE-NAME>
Codespaces: Export Logs
Codespaces: View Creation Log
ブラウザーの開発ツールの Console を見てもいい。
If you encounter issues using GitHub Codespaces in a Chromium-based browser, you can check if you’re experiencing another known issue with VS Code in the
If the Simple Browser tab does not open automatically, you can open the Simple Browser manually to view the application.
Troubleshooting GitHub Codespaces clients¶
If you encounter issues using GitHub Codespaces in a Chromium-based browser, you can check if you’re experiencing another known issue with VS Code in the microsoft/vscode repository.
Getting the most out of your included usage¶
There are two types of Codespaces usage: compute and storage.
それぞれに対して利用料金が求められる。ディスク消費量は Codespaces ページで一覧から確認可能。ただし:
Although prebuilds are not listed on the Your codespaces page, prebuilds created for a repository consume storage even if you do not currently have any codespaces for that repository.
You can check which image was used to create a codespace’s dev container. In the Terminal of your codespace, run this command.
bash$ devcontainer-info
このコマンドは codespace で実行するのか?
Exporting changes to a branch¶
リポジトリー Create branch ボタンを押す。
で対象 codespace の右側 を押す。ブランチ名を確認してTroubleshooting creation and deletion of codespaces¶
bash$ sudo apt autoremove
bash$ sudo apt clean
bash$ sudo find / -printf '%s %p\n' | sort -nr | head -10
bash$ docker system prune
bash$ git clean -i
Troubleshooting authentication to a repository¶
Troubleshooting your connection to GitHub Codespaces¶
Troubleshooting prebuilds¶
GitHub Codespaces をブラウザーで編集することにしている場合、Setting up your codespace ページに事前構築が codesace があったと示される。
デスクトップ版 VS Code の場合にはコンソール内に長めのメッセージが示される。
Codespace 生成後、次の GitHub CLI コマンドで事前構築か否かを知ることが可能:
bash$ gh api /user/codespaces/$CODESPACE_NAME --jq .prebuild
By default, each time you push to a prebuild-enabled branch, the prebuild is updated. If the push involves a change to the dev container configuration then, while the update is in progress, the Prebuild Ready label is removed from the list of machine types.
特定のブランチに Prebuild Ready ラベルが表示されていない場合、確認したい事項:
事前構築構成が例えば Southeast Asia を含むこと。
コンテナーの設定に対する変更が有効ブランチに push されたかどうかを確認する。
GitHub Actions の Codespaces Prebuilds の進行を確認する。
Troubleshooting personalization options for GitHub Codespaces¶
GitHub アカウント Automatically install dotfiles を確認する。
ページのCodespace の
If the configuration from your dotfiles is correctly picked up, but part of the configuration is incompatible with codespaces, use the
environment variable to add conditional logic for codespace-specific configuration settings.
VS Code の Settings Sync をオフにする手順は、コマンドパレットを適当に検索すればわかる。
Troubleshooting port forwarding for GitHub Codespaces¶
If a port is not automatically forwarded, you can forward it manually.
Typically, you can make a forwarded port accessible publicly, or within the organization that owns a repository.
If you reference a forwarded port in your code, for example in a test, we recommend that you use an environment variable instead of hardcoding the URL.
Troubleshooting GPG verification for GitHub Codespaces¶
GPG 署名全般に関しては Authentication の章で学んだ。
To have GPG verification take effect in an existing active codespace, you will need to stop and restart the codespace.
自動で署名するということは、Git 設定が次のようになっていることを意味する:
When you enable GPG verification, GitHub Codespaces signs all the commits you make in codespaces by default. It does this by setting the
Git configuration value totrue
GitHub 側の自動設定とドットファイルの設定内容が食い違っている場合に問題になるだろう。
Working with support for GitHub Codespaces¶
Each codespace has a unique name that is a combination of your GitHub handle, two or three automatically generated words, and some random characters.
言われてみれば codespace の名前の初期値は変なものだ。
Every codespace also has an ID (identifier). This is not shown by default in Visual Studio Code so you may need to update the settings for the GitHub Codespaces extension before you can access the ID.
VS Code のサイドバーに CODESPACE PERFORMANCE 区画を表示させる。この最初の項目が ID だ。