GitHub Discussions documentation ノート¶
GitHub Discussions は全然知らなかった機能なので全部読む。
Quickstart は Quickstart for GitHub Discussions へ
Quickstart for GitHub Discussions¶
Discussions are for conversations that need to be transparent and accessible but do not need to be tracked on a project board and are not related to code, unlike GitHub Issues. Discussions enable fluid, open conversation in a public forum.
リポジトリーに対する Discussions を利用可能にする手順は、リポジトリー Features 枠の Discussion をオンにする。その右下の Set up discussions ボタンを押して、テンプレートを編集する。最後に Start discussions を押す。
ページのYou can welcome your community and introduce a new way to communicate in a repository or organization by creating a welcome post and pinning the post to your GitHub Discussions page.
For repository discussions, you can set contributing guidelines to encourage collaborators to have meaningful, useful conversations that are relevant to the repository.
でも Disucussions の利用について述べておく。
掲示板で言うスレッドの作成は当該リポジトリーの利用者なら可能だ。手順は次のとおり:リポジトリー Get started を押す。フォームが現れるので埋める。最後に Start discussion を押す。
を押す。スレッド区分を決めて投票ページも作成可能だ。手順はスレッドと同様だが、区分を Polls とする。フォームで選択肢を構成するところが特徴だ。
Repository owners and people with write access to the repository can create new categories to keep discussions organized.
Discussions can also be recategorized after they are created.
さらに、Issues のようにラベル機能もある。
Discussions guides¶
GitHub Discussions is a collaborative communication forum for the community around an open source or internal project.
Forum というのは特定の話題に関して情報交換をする場を意味する。要するに打ち合わせだ。
Best practices for community conversations on GitHub¶
Discover pathways to get started or learn best practices for participating or monitoring your community’s discussions.
You might use repository discussions to discuss topics that are specific to the repository. If your project spans multiple repositories, you might use organization discussions to discuss topics that aren’t specific to a single repository in your organization.
Discussion にはリポジトリーと組織の二種類はある。
Before you open a discussion in a repository, check to see if the repository has contributing guidelines. The
file includes information about how the repository maintainer would like you to contribute ideas to the project.
Finding your discussions¶
画面左上のハンバーガーメニューから Created か Commented を押すと、自分の作成したものや会話したものがフィルターされて現れる。
を押す。Granting higher permissions to top contributors¶
Repository administrators can promote any community member to a moderator and maintainer.
YouTube のチャット欄のようなものを想像する。
Step 1: Audit your GitHub Discussions top contributors
Step 2: Review permission levels for GitHub Discussions
Step 3: Change permissions levels for top contributors
Step 4: Notify community members of elevated access
リポジトリーまたは組織の Discussions を押す。その画面でどの協力者が議長に適しているかを確認できるらしい。それから協力者の権限を昇格させる。
Collaborating with your community using discussions¶
About discussions¶
Use discussions to ask and answer questions, share information, make announcements, and conduct or participate in a conversation about a project on GitHub.
そういう用途なら全公開リポジトリーで Discussions を有効にしてもいいか。
You might use repository discussions to discuss topics that are specific to the repository. If your project spans multiple repositories, you might use organization discussions to discuss topics that aren’t specific to a single repository in your organization.
リポジトリー Discussions と組織 Discussions の使い分け。
If a repository administrator or project maintainer enables GitHub Discussions for a repository, anyone who has access to the repository can create and participate in discussions for the repository.
You can create polls in the polls category to gauge interest in new ideas and project direction.
よその SNS でも見受けられる投票機能か。選択肢は 8 までとか。
You can organize discussions with categories, sections, and labels.
Each category has a format: open-ended discussion, question and answer, or announcement.
GitHub will automatically recognize community members who contribute the most comments marked as answers to discussions with a question/answer format.
To organize discussions more granularly, you can apply labels.
If an issue turns out to be a question or open-ended conversation instead of a work item to track and prioritize, you can convert the issue to a discussion.
これがあるなら Discussions を有効にしてもよい。
Participating in a discussion¶
会話することが可能。Discussions は開かれている。
You can block users and report disruptive content to maintain a safe and pleasant environment for yourself on GitHub.
共同体の活動を邪魔する不逞の輩を GitHub は許さない。
Discussion 作成方法:リポジトリーの場合、Discussions 画面を開く。右側に New discussion ボタンがあるので押す。所望の区分の Get started ボタンを押す。フォームを埋めて Start discussion を押す。
Discussion authors and users with the triage role or greater for a repository can mark a comment as the answer to a discussion in the repository.
Stack Overflow とかで見るあれか。決定的なコメントを Mark as answer する。
You can upvote discussions to give more visibility to the topics that matter to you, and sort discussions to see which have been upvoted the most.
これも SNS でよく見かける様式だ。上矢印ボタンを押すとよい。
Collaborating with maintainers using discussions¶
For repository discussions, people with maintain or admin permissions to the repository define the categories for discussions in that repository.
As your project grows, you can grant higher access permissions to active members of your community.
You can search for discussions and filter the list of discussions in a repository or organization.
Discussions 画面の Search all discussions 欄で検索する。
Managing discussions for your community¶
You can enable and configure GitHub Discussions for your repository, and you can use tools on GitHub to moderate conversations among community members.
Managing discussions¶
Discussions が有する機能一覧:
Changing the category for a discussion
Pinning a discussion
Editing a pinned discussion
Unpinning a discussion
Transferring a discussion
Deleting a discussion
Closing a discussion
Converting issues based on labels
You can also move a discussion to a different category. It’s not possible to move a discussion to or from the polls category.
対象議論右側の Catagory 右の歯車ボタンを押す。
You can pin a discussion above the list of discussions for the repository or organization. You can also pin a discussion to a specific category. The globally pinned discussions will be shown in addition to the discussions pinned to a specific category.
議論の右にある Pin discussion を押す。区分版として Pin to XXXXXX を押す。Edit pinned discussion を押すと見てくれを調整する。
You can unpin a discussion from the list of discussions for the repository or organization, or from the list of discussions in a specific category.
やめる場合は Unpin discussion や Unpin discussion from this category を押す。
Transfer this discussion で所属する Discussions を移籍可能。
.You can close a discussion when the discussion has been resolved, is no longer relevant, or is a duplicate.
コメント欄下の Close discussion を押す。
You can convert all issues with the same label to discussions in bulk. Future issues with this label will also automatically convert to the discussion and category you configure.
Managing categories for discussions¶
Each category must have a unique name and emoji pairing, and can be accompanied by a detailed description stating its purpose.
Each repository or organization can have up to 25 categories.
To further organize your discussions, you can create sections and then nest your categories within a section.
Default categories
Creating a category
Creating a section
Editing a category
Editing a section
Deleting a category
Deleting a section
区分は最初から本書のように六個ある。Show and tell の用途がいまいちわからない。
区分を作成するには Discussions 画面の左 Categories 右の鉛筆を押す。新しい画面で New category を押す。フォームを埋めて Create を押す。この過程で節を作成してもよい。New section を押す。
区分や節を編集するのも鉛筆を押し、フォームを書き換えて Save changes を押す。
When you delete a category, GitHub will move all discussions in the deleted category to an existing category that you choose.
Category 右のゴミバケツを押す。移転先を決めたら Delete & Move を押す。
When you delete a section, all categories within the section will no longer belong to a section.
ゴミバケツから Delete ボタンへ。
Moderating discussions¶
When you mark a question as an answer, GitHub will highlight the comment and replies to the comment to help visitors quickly find the answer.
コメント下の Mark as answer を押す。
右側 Lock conversation で議論へのコメントを追加不能にする。議論を削除してしまえばいいのではと思うが。
When you convert an issue to a discussion, the discussion is automatically created using the content from the issue.
これは Issue 画面から操作する。Convert to discussion を押して区分を選択して I understand, convert this issue to a discussion を押す。
Organization owners and moderators can block a user from the organization if their comments don’t align with the community’s code of conduct.
Viewing insights for your discussions¶
You can use discussions insights to help understand the contribution activity, page views, and growth of your discussions community.
で各種統計をチェック。Creating discussion category forms¶
You can customize the templates that are available for community members to use when they open new discussions in your repository.
次節で述べられる YAML 形式で定義する。
To use a discussion category form in your repository, you must create a new file and add it to the
folder in your repository.
Syntax for discussion category forms¶
The name must correspond with the slug for one of your discussion categories.
YAML コードの例があるのでチェックしておく。