Pull requests documentation ノート¶
Pull requests documentation は GitHub が生み出した文化、pull request に関する記述からなる。
Overview は妙に深い節にある About pull requests へ
Committing changes to your project¶
Creating and editing commits¶
About commits¶
Git assigns each commit a unique ID, called a SHA or hash
ファイルの SHA とは別のものとなる。
You can see which branch a commit is on by looking at the labels beneath the commit on the commit page.
リポジトリーページの (number) commits を押し、コミット項目のログメッセージを押す。このページでブランチ名などを確認可能。
If the commit is part of an unmerged pull request, you can click the link to go to the pull request.
Creating a commit on behalf of an organization¶
Changing a commit message¶
In Git, the text of the commit message is part of the commit. Changing the commit message will change the commit ID
GitHub にプッシュする前かつコミット直後なら git commit --amend -m MESSAGE
で事足りる。そうでない場合、ローカルで git rebase -i
bash$ git push --force-with-lease origin BRANCH
As before, amending the commit message will result in a new commit with a new ID. However, in this case, every commit that follows the amended commit will also get a new ID because each commit also contains the id of its parent.
Viewing and comparing commits¶
Comparing commits¶
To compare different versions of your repository, append
to your repository’s path.
例えば https://github.com/octocat/linguist/compare/master...octocat:master
比較は base
と compare
The most common use of
is to compare branches, such as when you’re starting a new pull request.
To compare branches, you can select a branch name from the
drop down menu at the top of the page.
To compare tags, you can select a tag name from the
drop-down menu at the top of the page.
任意のコミットを比較する場合、URL を直接入力するほうが早い:
For example, this URL uses the shortened seven-character SHA codes to compare commits
To compare branches on different repositories, preface the branch names with user names.
Differences between commit views¶
GitHub には次の二つのコミット情報表示方式があり、場合によっては表示が異なる:
Navigating directly to the commits page of a repository
Clicking on a file, then clicking History, to get to the commit history for a specific file
Troubleshooting commits¶
Commit exists on GitHub but not in my local clone¶
誰かが git push --force
まず、念のため git fetch REMOTE
You can use
git fetch upstream
to get information from a repository you’ve forked, orgit fetch origin
to get information from a repository you’ve only cloned.
誰かが対象コミットを含むブランチを削除した場合、一時的に当該ブランチを GitHubにプッシュしてもらう:
bash$ git branch recover-B B
bash$ git push upstream B:recover-B
その後、他の人が git fetch upstream recover-B
Avoid force pushing to a repository unless absolutely necessary. This is especially true if more than one person can push to the repository.
Why are my commits linked to the wrong user?¶
If your commits are linked to another user, that means the email address in your local Git configuration settings is connected to that user’s account on GitHub. In this case, you can change the email in your local Git configuration settings and add the new email address to your account on GitHub.com account to link future commits to your account.
ページを確認すること。GitHub Commits ページ各項目に自分のコミットに自分の名前が出ない場合は次のどれかになるようだ:
- Unrecognized author
- Invalid email
これはローカルの、つまり Git の
Collaborating with pull requests¶
Getting started¶
About collaborative development models¶
The way you use pull requests depends on the type of development model you use in your project. You can use the fork and pull model or the shared repository model.
Fork and pull model
Shared repository model
Working with forks¶
About forks¶
A fork is a new repository that shares code and visibility settings with the original “upstream” repository.
After you fork a repository, you can fetch updates from the upstream repository to keep your fork up to date, and you can propose changes from your fork to the upstream repository with pull requests.
GitHub 上では、フォークはその川上リポジトリーが名前の下に示される。
After a fork is deleted, you cannot restore the fork.
If you delete a private repository, all forks of the repository are deleted.
Pull request をしないつもりなら、用意されていればテンプレートから作成する手もある。
About permissions and visibility of forks¶
If you fork a private repository that belongs to a personal account, external collaborators also get access to the fork.
You cannot change the visibility of a fork.
All repositories belong to a repository network.
The permissions and visibility of forks depend on whether the upstream repository is public or private, and whether it is owned by an organization.
If you fork a private repository that belongs to a personal account, external collaborators also get access to the fork.
All forks of public repositories are public. You cannot change the visibility of a fork.
Private forks inherit the permissions structure of the upstream repository.
Configuring a remote repository for a fork¶
You must configure a remote that points to the upstream repository in Git to sync changes you make in a fork with the original repository.
これは Git の基本なので必ず習得するべし。
bash$ git remote add upstream https://github.com/ORIGINAL_OWNER/ORIGINAL_REPOSITORY.git
Syncing a fork¶
フォークリポジトリー画面の Sync fork を押す。
bash$ gh repo sync owner/cli-fork -b BRANCH_NAME
Git では(この方法はフォークの意義をよく表していると思う):
bash$ git fetch upstream
bash$ git checkout main
bash$ git merge upstream/main
Allowing changes to a pull request branch created from a fork¶
If the pull request author wants greater collaboration, they can grant maintainers of the upstream repository (that is, anyone with push access to the upstream repository) permission to commit to the pull request’s compare branch.
GitHub の操作として、Pull request したい人が川上リポジトリーの Pull requests 画面に行き、対象リクエストの Allow edits from maintainers を押すらしい?
What happens to forks when a repository is deleted or changes visibility?¶
When you delete a private repository, all of its private forks are also deleted.
When you delete a public repository, one of the existing public forks is chosen to be the new upstream repository.
If a public repository is made private, its public forks are split off into a new network.
この場合が複雑で、フォーク側の pull request 先が少なくとも本来の川上リポジトリーではなくなる。
Collaborating on repositories with code quality features¶
About status checks¶
Status checks are based on external processes, such as continuous integration builds, which run for each push you make to a repository. You can see the pending, passing, or failing state of status checks next to individual commits in your pull request.
Pull request 欄に表示されるもので、通常のコミットには現れない?
Checks are different from statuses in that they provide line annotations, more detailed messaging, and are only available for use with GitHub Apps.
When checks are set up in a repository, pull requests have a Checks tab where you can view detailed build output from status checks and rerun failed checks.
Pull request 画面の Checks で確認。
When a specific line in a commit causes a check to fail, you will see details about the failure, warning, or notice next to the relevant code in the Files tab of the pull request.
コミットの checks を省略させたり、要求させたりすることをコミットログで指示可能。例によって二行の空行の後に指示をする:
bash$ git commit -m "Refactor usability tests
request-checks: true"
Troubleshooting required status checks¶
After you enable required status checks, your branch may need to be up-to-date with the base branch before merging.
You won’t be able to push local changes to a protected branch until all required status checks pass.
Sometimes, the results of the status checks for the test merge commit and head commit will conflict.
Proposing changes to your work with pull requests¶
About branches¶
Typically, you might create a new branch from the default branch of your repository. You can then work on this new branch in isolation from changes that other people are making to the repository. A branch you create to build a feature is commonly referred to as a feature branch or topic branch.
You can also use a branch to publish a GitHub Pages site.
次は既定ブランチの定義であり、GitHub 固有の概念と考える方がいい:
The default branch is the branch that GitHub displays when anyone visits your repository. The default branch is also the initial branch that Git checks out locally when someone clones the repository.
Pull request を始める:
Once you’re satisfied with your work, you can open a pull request to merge the changes in the current branch (the head branch) into another branch (the base branch).
Pull request が完了したら、用済みブランチを削除する。
If you’re working on a branch that’s protected, you won’t be able to delete or force push to the branch.
ブランチに対する削除、強制 push は不可。
CI 試験に合格するまでマージ不可。
Creating and deleting branches within your repository¶
ブランチを GitHub で作成、削除する方法。割愛。
If the branch you want to delete is associated with an open pull request, you must merge or close the pull request before deleting the branch.
ブランチに関連する未済 pull requests を道連れに削除する。
About pull requests¶
Pull request は次の用途を想定した操作だ:
GitHub 上のリポジトリーでブランチに push した変更を他の人に伝える。
変更が base ブランチにマージされる前に、さらに関連コミットを追加する。
Pull request は GitHub 上の操作なので、Git 単体ではなく GitHub ツールで実施するものだ。
After initializing a pull request, you’ll see a review page that shows a high-level overview of the changes between your branch (the compare branch) and the repository’s base branch.
ここで compare と base を術語と捉え、pull requests 関連文書の読み込みを効率的にしたい。
Once you’ve created a pull request, you can push commits from your topic branch to add them to your existing pull request. These commits will appear in chronological order within your pull request and the changes will be visible in the Files changed tab.
You can see information about the branch’s current deployment status and past deployment activity on the Conversation tab.
After you’re happy with the proposed changes, you can merge the pull request.
Draft pull requests という機能がある:
When you create a pull request, you can choose to create a pull request that is ready for review or a draft pull request. Draft pull requests cannot be merged, and code owners are not automatically requested to review draft pull requests.
The compare and pull request pages use different methods to calculate the diff for changed files:
About comparing branches in pull requests¶
Files changed を押すと差分が表示される画面になる。
大規模 pull request の概要をつかむために、各種フィルターを利用する。
There are two comparison methods for the git diff command; two-dot (
git diff A..B
) and three-dot (git diff A...B
). By default, pull requests on GitHub show a three-dot diff.The three-dot comparison shows the difference between the latest common commit of both branches (merge base) and the most recent version of the topic branch.
Since the three-dot comparison compares with the merge base, it is focusing on “what a pull request introduces”.
In contrast, by comparing the branches using the three-dot comparison, changes in the topic branch are always in the diff if the base branch is updated, because the diff shows all of the changes since the branches diverged.
To avoid getting confused, merge the base branch (for example, main) into your topic branch frequently. By merging the base branch, the diffs shown by two-dot and three-dot comparisons are the same.
Creating a pull request¶
Pull requests can only be opened between two branches that are different.
When thinking about branches, remember that the base branch is where changes should be applied, the head branch contains what you would like to be applied.
Compare & pull request ボタンを押す。それから Create Pull Request を押す。
GitHub CLI でも作成可能だ。コマンドラインオプションにブランチは指定したい:
bash$ gh pr create \
--base my-base-branch --head my-changed-branch \
--title "The bug is fixed" \
--body "Everything works again" \
--label "bug,help wanted" \
--reviewer monalisa,hubot
Creating a pull request from a fork¶
If your pull request compares your topic branch with a branch in the upstream repository as the base branch, then your topic branch is also called the compare branch of the pull request.
まず、フォーム元リポジトリーページを開く。ファイル一覧の上にあるボタン Compare & pull request を押す。Open a pull request ページが開く。そこに小さく書いてある compare across forks を押す。
: 川上head
: compare ブランチ
Allow edits from maintainers を押す。Create Pull Request を押せるように進む。
Using query parameters to create a pull request¶
Use query parameters to create custom URLs to open pull requests with pre-populated fields.
HTTP リクエストで pull request を開く。これを使うぐらいなら GitHub CLI でいいだろう。
Changing the stage of a pull request¶
You can mark a draft pull request as ready for review or convert a pull request to a draft.
下書きの Ready for review を押す。
Pull request の Convert to draft を押す。
Requesting a pull request review¶
After you create a pull request, you can ask a specific person to review the changes you’ve proposed.
Owners and collaborators on a repository owned by a personal account can assign pull request reviews.
Suggested reviewers are based on
git blame
Reviewers 欄を見ればわかる?
Keeping your pull request in sync with the base branch¶
Updating your pull request with the latest changes from the base branch can help catch problems prior to merging.
Pull requests 画面のリクエスト項目にある Update branch などを押す。ドロップダウンリストにマージオプションがある。
Changing the base branch of a pull request¶
After a pull request is opened, you can change the base branch to compare the changes in the pull request against a different branch.
Committing changes to a pull request branch created from a fork¶
You can commit changes on a pull request branch that was created from a fork of your repository with permission from the pull request creator.
Git 操作で当該ブランチをローカルにクローンして、普通にコミットする。
Addressing merge conflicts¶
About merge conflicts¶
Often, merge conflicts happen when people make different changes to the same line of the same file, or when one person edits a file and another person deletes the same file.
それ以外の違いは Git が自然に解消してくれる。
The Merge pull request button is deactivated until you’ve resolved all conflicts between the compare branch and base branch.
Resolving a merge conflict on GitHub¶
You can resolve simple merge conflicts that involve competing line changes on GitHub, using the conflict editor.
Pull requests 画面の Resolve conflicts を押す。このボタンがグレーになっているときは GitHub でもお手上げという複雑な衝突であるので、ほんとうに手作業でやるしかない。次節参照。
ファイル内の衝突をすべて解決したら Mark as resolved を押す。
最終的に Merge pull request ボタンを押せるようにする。
Resolving a merge conflict using the command line¶
この節は GitHub とは独立して理解する。
コマンドラインとテキストエディターで解消するのが基本だ。git status
both modified
エディターで衝突マークが追加されたファイルを目と手で編集する。ファイルを保存したら Git でコミットする。これでブランチが正常化する。
ファイル自体が衝突する場合(削除や改名)はテキスト編集というより Git コマンドで解消する。git add
, git rm
Reviewing changes in pull requests¶
After a pull request has been opened, you can review and discuss the set of proposed changes.
About pull request reviews¶
You can define which individuals or teams own certain types or areas of code in a
A review has three possible statuses:
Comment: Submit general feedback without explicitly approving the changes or requesting additional changes.
Approve: Submit feedback and approve merging the changes proposed in the pull request.
Request changes: Submit feedback that must be addressed before the pull request can be merged.
If your repository requires approving reviews from people with
permissions, then any approvals from people with these permissions are denoted with a green check mark, and approvals from people without these permissions have a gray check mark. Approvals with a gray check mark do not affect whether the pull request can be merged.
Conversation にも解消状態が存在する:
To indicate that a conversation on the Files changed tab is complete, click Resolve conversation.
Files changed タブの左下辺りに Conversations を押すと会話があれば出る。
Reviewing proposed changes in a pull request¶
While reviewing the files in a pull request, you can leave individual comments on specific changes. After you finish reviewing each file, you can mark the file as viewed.
Files changed タブのすぐ下辺りの歯車アイコンで差分表示を united か split か選ぶ。
差分の chunk ごとにコメントを付すことが可能。
Start a review や Add review comment を押す。
If the pull request contains changes to dependencies you can use the dependency review for a manifest or lock file to see what has changed and check whether the changes introduce security vulnerabilities.
この種の差分は rich diff を押すと特殊な表示となる。バージョンが目立つような。
After you finish reviewing a file, you can mark the file as viewed, and the file will collapse. If the file changes after you view the file, it will be unmarked as viewed.
Viewed にチェックがつく。
Review changes を押して Submit review を押せば評価完了。
Filtering files in a pull request¶
To help you quickly review changes in a large pull request, you can filter changed files or use the file tree to navigate between files.
Files changed タブ下メニューにある File filter を押すと、いい感じのフィルターオプションが現れる。
Finding changed methods and functions in a pull request¶
You can quickly find proposed changes to a method or function in a pull request in
, and.rb
Commenting on a pull request¶
You can comment on a pull request’s Conversation tab to leave general comments, questions, or props. You can also suggest changes that the author of the pull request can apply directly from your comment.
でその pull request の会話すべてを見つけられる。
Viewing a pull request review¶
Conversation ページの下部、View all changes を押す。
Reviewing dependency changes in a pull request¶
If a pull request contains changes to dependencies, you can view a summary of what has changed and whether there are known vulnerabilities in any of the dependencies.
It provides an easily understandable visualization of dependency changes with a rich diff on the Files Changed tab of a pull request.
Which dependencies were added, removed, or updated, along with the release dates.
How many projects use these components.
Vulnerability data for these dependencies.
You can use the dependency review action to help enforce dependency reviews on pull requests in your repository.
Any added or changed dependencies that have vulnerabilities are listed first, ordered by severity and then by dependency name. This means that the highest severity dependencies are always at the top of a dependency review.
Incorporating feedback in your pull request¶
評価者が pull request に対して変更を提案するとどうなるか。
you can also apply suggested changes if you have write access to the upstream repository.
Applying one suggested change or a batch of suggested changes creates a single commit on the compare branch of the pull request.
実質的には当該 pull request に対して新規コミットが加わる。さらに、
Each person who suggested a change included in the commit will be a co-author of the commit.
Commit suggestion と Add suggestion to batch を押す。
Approving a pull request with required reviews¶
If a pull request you approved has changed significantly, you can dismiss your review.
Pull request を提出した者が評価結果を却下可能だと読める。次の節で述べられるものか。
Approve からの Submit review で評価は終わる。
Pull request authors cannot approve their own pull requests.
Dismissing a pull request review¶
If your repository requires reviews, you can dismiss pull request reviews that are no longer valid or are unable to be approved by the reviewer.
When you dismiss a review, you must add a comment explaining why you dismissed it. Your comment will be added to the pull request conversation.
却下するには Dismiss review を押す。弁解を記入する必要がある。
Checking out pull requests locally¶
When someone sends you a pull request from a fork or branch of your repository, you can merge it locally to resolve a merge conflict or to test and verify the changes before merging on GitHub.
休眠 pull request を再生するには、pull request ID がわかっていれば、次のコマンドでコードを得られる:
bash$ git fetch origin pull/ID/head:BRANCH_NAME
このブランチで作業を引き継いでプッシュすれば pull request を新しい ID で再発行可能となる。
The remote
namespace is read-only.
GitHub CLI が使えるなら:
bash$ gh pr checkout PULL-REQUEST
Incorporating changes from a pull request¶
You can propose changes to your work on GitHub through pull requests. Learn how to create, manage, and merge pull requests.
About pull request merges¶
基本的には git merge
When you click the default Merge pull request option on a pull request on GitHub.com, all commits from the feature branch are added to the base branch in a merge commit. The pull request is merged using the
マージオプション --no-ff
When you select the Squash and merge option on a pull request on GitHub.com, the pull request’s commits are squashed into a single commit.
作業途中のコミットが含まれているブランチだから、それらを縮合していいと考える。こちらは --ff
When you squash and merge, GitHub generates a default commit message, which you can edit.
Git の生成する既定メッセージと異なる。
If you plan to continue work on the head branch of a pull request after the pull request is merged, we recommend you don’t squash and merge the pull request.
When you select the Rebase and merge option on a pull request on GitHub.com, all commits from the topic branch (or head branch) are added onto the base branch individually without a merge commit.
The rebase and merge behavior on GitHub deviates slightly from
git rebase
Merging a pull request¶
In a pull request, you propose that changes you’ve made on a head branch should be merged into a base branch. By default, any pull request can be merged at any time, unless the head branch is in conflict with the base branch.
You can configure a pull request to merge automatically when all merge requirements are met.
マージ衝突の解消を Git 操作で(ブラウザーでもコンソールでも他でも)行う。解消したらマージ。最終的に作業用ブランチは不要になる。
The repository may be configured so that the head branch for a pull request is automatically deleted when you merge a pull request.
マージでは通常 git merge --no-ff
You can link a pull request to an issue to show that a fix is in progress and to automatically close the issue when someone merges the pull request.
このページに GitHub 上のマージ手順が記載されている。
ページで pull request を一つ選ぶ。ページ下部の Merge pull request ドロップダウンからマージ方法を選択してボタンを押す。
Confirm ボタンを押す。
GitHub CLI で処理することも可能。このようにするようだ:
gh pr merge MERGE_ID \
--squash \
Automatically merging a pull request¶
If you enable auto-merge for a pull request, the pull request will merge automatically when all required reviews are met and all required status checks have passed.
For example, if a maintainer enables auto-merge for a pull request from a fork, auto-merge will be disabled after a contributor pushes new changes to the pull request.
有効化設定は pull request ごとに対しての操作だ。自動マージを有効化したい pull request 画面を開く。
Merging a pull request with a merge queue¶
Using a merge queue is particularly useful on branches that have a relatively high number of pull requests merging each day from many different users.
ステータスチェックが終わっている Pull request 画面の Merge when ready を押す。反対に、キューから除きたくなったら Remove from queue を押す。
マージキューから pull request が削除される場合がある。理由はタイムラインから確認可能。
Closing a pull request¶
You may choose to close a pull request without merging it into the upstream branch.
Tip: If you opened a pull request with the wrong base branch, rather than closing it out and opening a new one, you can instead change the base branch.
Pull request 画面を開いて Close pull request を押す。場合によっては専用ブランチを削除する。
Reverting a pull request¶
Reverting a pull request on GitHub creates a new pull request that contains one revert of the merge commit from the original merged pull request.
考え方は git revert
Conversation 画面のタイムラインにおけるマージ項目右側 Revert ボタンを押す。