Chapter 8. Live Path Effects (LPEs)

Live Path Effects は Inkscape 独自のシステムであり、他の SVG ビューワーで表示されないことがある。最終結果パスは SVG パスとして表現される:

Live Path Effects, or LPEs for short, is a system for applying some kind of effect to a path. Inkscape stores the original path data in the Inkscape Name Space so that it can be modified at a later time (it will not be displayed by other SVG renderers). If the original path is modified, the LPE will be regenerated. The resulting path is stored as a normal SVG path.

拡張フィルターにあるパス効果を LPE に移行する計画がある:

Inkscape includes a handful of LPEs. With a solid framework in place, it is planned to migrate most of the path effects found under the Extensions menu to LPEs.

LPE 使用手順が述べられている:

To use an LPE, select a path (the skeleton path), call up the Path Effect Editor dialog (Path ‣ Path Effect Editor… Shift + Ctrl + 7), select the desired effect from the drop-down menu in the dialog, and then click the Add button.

Inkscape 1.2 では UI が変化しており、効果はダイアログ下部の + を押すことで表示される Live Path Effects Selector ウィンドウに一覧が現れる。

パス効果は「重ね掛け」可能だ。重ねる順序の変更や、効果のオンオフを指示する UI がある:

Multiple effects can be chained (stacked) together. The order in which each effect is applied can be changed using the arrow icons. Each effect can be temporarily “turned off” by clicking on the icon next to the effect name. This is handy if you want to edit the skeleton path (or a Group of skeleton paths).

LPE が生成したオブジェクトを選択し、Node Tool がアクティブならば元パスも表示される:

When an object is selected that was generated by an LPE and the Node Tool is enabled, the original skeleton path nodes are displayed.


To see these paths, either click on the node editing icon in the dialog or press 7 while the object is selected and the Node Tool is active.


A control path is fully editable like any other path. The path can be replaced by another through pasting from the clipboard using the paste icon in the dialog. You may need to translate the control path (select all nodes then drag with the Node Tool). The path can also be copied to the clipboard by using the copy icon in the dialog.


An existing path can be used as a control path through linking. To create a link, first copy the path (Edit ‣ Copy (Ctrl + C)) to the clipboard and then click the link icon. Note that the linked path must be copied and not cut.

通常、LPE はグループ内のオブジェクトすべてに対して再帰的に適用される。しかし例外が二つは知られている:

LPEs are normally applied recursively to all objects in a Group. The Bend and Deformation LPEs, however, are applied to the whole Group once.

LPE を通常パスに変換することができる。Path ‣ Object to Path, Shift + Ctrl + C でいい。

LPE を消し去るには Path ‣ Remove Path Effect を実行する。

LPE はあるオブジェクトから別のオブジェクトに複製することが可能だ:

An LPE can be copied from one object to another using the Path ‣ Paste Path Effect (Ctrl + 7) command. To do so, first copy the object with the LPE you wish to paste using the Edit ‣ Copy (Ctrl + C) command.

LPE はある種の不具合が多い:

The implementation of LPEs has many bugs, especially if removing effects from a path or chaining LPEs. Paths can be left with LPE cruft in their attributes and without a valid SVG path.



曲線をさらに曲げるコマンドは CAD でも見かけられる操作だ:

This effect takes an existing path (skeleton) and allows one to “bend” it in a well-defined way via a control path. The control path is automatically created. The style of the bent path is taken from the style of the original path.

Bend の実行手順を見ていこう:

To apply the effect, with the source path selected, and using the Node Tool select the Bend option from the drop-down menu in the Path Effect Editor dialog. Click on the Add button.

Inkscape 1.2 ではドロップダウンメニューではなく、専用のウィンドウが表示される。そこで Bend アイコンの下三角をクリックすると、元ダイアログに項目が追加される。これがアクティブだと、制御 UI も下部に表示される。

Next, click on the node icon in the Path Effect Editor dialog. A green, horizontal path will appear in place of the red path. This path controls the bending. It can be manipulated in all the ways that a regular path can be including adding new nodes and dragging the path.


The effect assumes that the skeleton path is orientated in the horizontal direction. If it is in the vertical orientation, one can check the Original path is vertical box. This distorts the aspect ratio. Restore the aspect ratio by checking the Width in units of length box. The size of the bent path can be changed by changing the size of the control path.

骨格パスの縦横比によっては、UI チェックボックスをいくつか ON にする必要がある。

The width of the bent path can be altered with the Width entry box.


Construct Grid


This effect uses the first three nodes of a path to define a two dimension grid. The center node defines the origin, the first and third nodes define the direction and length of the two adjacent sides of the first cell. If a path has more than three nodes, the other nodes are ignored. One can select the number of cells in the two orthogonal directions.

UI は単純なので見ればわかる。Size X および Size Y で格子数を制御する。

Envelope Deformation


This effect deforms a path by using four control paths, one for each side of the bounding box. Each control path can be edited individually by clicking on the corresponding icon.



This effect draws a series of intermeshed gears. It is more of a toy effect, designed to demonstrate the possibilities of LPEs. The Gear extension can also be used to draw gears with a bit more control.

Gears コマンドはデモ用途で存在するものだ。実践的ではない。次へ急ぐ。

Hatches (Rough)

Hatches はペン画のハッチングを模した効果と思われる。

This effect fills the area inside a path with a squiggly line that simulates quick, hand-drawn shading. Shapes are automatically converted to paths.

しかし、メモリーも CPU も食う仕様であるようだ:

Note: the squiggly line is constructed like a calligraphic stroke, that is by two almost parallel lines. This allows for variations in line thickness. You may get better results by adding a Fill and removing the Stroke (not automatically done by the effect). Warning: this effect appears to make heavy demands on the CPU.

他のパス効果 UI と同様、Nodee Tool バーがアクティブなときに利用可能だ:

There are a great many options to control the way the hatches are drawn. The spacing, direction, and amount of bend are determined by on-canvas nodes, visible when the Node Tool is in use. The other options are controlled in the Path Effect Editor dialog.

一度その UI を見るとうんざりするほど入力項目が多い。この効果は乱数を多用する。

Many of the options have a random factor. One can “re-roll the dice” by clicking on the randomize icon.

本書の図解を Inkscape 本体に組み込んで欲しい。


Growth: The change in spacing between wiggles from right to left. The last wiggle will be about a factor of the Growth term times wider than the first wiggle.

右から左への間の揺らぎ間隔の変化。最後の揺らぎは最初のそれよりも Growth で指定された値で乗算された幅くらいになる。

Magnitude jitter: 1st side: Magnitude of randomness of hatch bottom extents (in pixels).


Parallelism jitter: 1st side: Magnitude of randomness of hatch bottom positions left to right (in pixels).


Half-turns smoothness: 1st side, in: How straight or curved are the right side of the hatch bottoms (zero is straight).

折り返しの滑らかさ(入り)ハッチの下部右側がどのくらいまっすぐか、曲がっているか。ラベルの 1st side2nd side がそれぞれ下部と上部を表すようだ。以下同様。

Interpolate Sub-Paths

サブパス補間は compound パスが対象。パス二つをあらかじめ Ctrl + K しておく。

This effect creates additional paths by interpolating between two sub-paths. A Trajectory (control) path dictates where the additional paths are placed.

個人的には CAD の曲面スイープコマンドと仕様が酷似していることに注意したい。

The total number of paths (including the two sub-paths) can be specified by the Steps parameter. An additional option Equidistant spacing determines if the nodes of the Trajectory path are used in the interpolation. If the option Equidistant spacing is checked, the additional paths are spaced evenly along the Trajectory path. If it is not checked, the additional paths are divided between the intermediate nodes (see following figure).




This effect attempts to turn a path into a knot. That is, at each point where the path crosses itself, part of the path is hidden so it appears that that part is below the other part. As one follows the path, the effect attempts to alternate between going above and below.

交差の調整を Switcher なるハンドルで指定する。クリックするたびに回転方向を示す矢印の向きが変わる。Switcher 自身を別の交差に配置することもできる。

You can set which path crosses the other or remove the gap completely by using the Switcher. The Switcher is visible when the Node Tool is active. It consists of a circular arrow centered around the crossing point. Clicking on the diamond node at the crossing point toggles between the three states. To change another crossing, drag the diamond node to that crossing; the Switcher will follow.

Pattern Along Path (LPE)

This effect puts one or more copies of one path (pattern) along a second, control or skeleton path. The resulting object takes the attributes (Fill, etc.) of the skeleton path.

同名のコマンドが Extensions にもある。本書では LPE 版を先に紹介している。

The advantage of using the LPE version is that both the pattern and the skeleton path can be edited at a later time. The disadvantages are that only paths can be used for the pattern and that there are fewer options.

この短所は手動で Path ‣ Object to Path を適用することでカバーすればいい。


  1. Copy the pattern: Select the pattern and copy it to the clipboard (Edit ‣ Copy Ctrl + C). The pattern must be a single path.

  2. Select the skeleton path: Only one can be selected.

  3. Apply the effect to skeleton path: In the Path Effect Editor dialog, select Pattern Along Path and click on the Add button.

  4. Paste pattern: Click on the Paste icon in dialog.

本書のイラストだとトカゲをまずクリックして Ctrl + C する。次に線分に同相であるほうの曲線をクリックする。それからエディターダイアログ操作の順でいい。

The Pattern copies drop-down menu has options to stretch the pattern to the path length and/or to put multiple copies along the skeleton path.

Repeat 系オプションで複数複製すると面白い。



This effect turns a path into a ruler.

パスに定規よろしく目盛を付ける効果だ。パスの長さが図面から読み取れるということだ。以下、UI の意味をいくつか記しておく。


UI で指定可能なオプションすべてに適用される長さ単位。

Mark distance


Major steps


Shift marks by




Mark direction


Border marks




The first are Strokes that follow the curvature of the path. The second are Construction lines that are straight and tangent to the path.

オプションが Stokes 系と Construction lines 系に大別されているということでもある。

Spiro Spline


This effect turns a series of nodes into a silky-smooth path defined entirely by the position of the nodes. The method was devised by Raph Levien for use in designing fonts. Spiro curves have splines that are joined together smoothly.

Spiro Spline LPE では三つのノード型を扱う:

Smooth node


Corner node


Tangent node (also called a left or right node)

線分を曲線に滑らかに接続する。接線ノードを作るには、その片側が直線で構成されていることを確認する(当該線分の両端点ノードを選択し、一例として Shift + L を押すことで線形化する)。


Visualization of the skeleton path is probably not very useful. It can be toggled off by clicking on the icon in the Tool Controls.


It is sometimes useful to see the node handles. They can be toggled on by clicking on the icon. They are only shown for selected nodes and nodes adjacent to selected nodes.


Bug: If the handles are not visible when they should be, toggle off, then back on the node handles.

Spiro の急所:

Note that what is important for a Spiro spline is the collinearity of the handles with each other (smooth vs. corner node) or with a line segment (corner vs. tangent node). The actual directions of the handles for a smooth or corner node are irrelevant.

Spiro パッケージは図面を描くには必要以上に強力な機能を有しているが、Inkscape では G2 連続性まで対応している(それで十分):

For the technically inclined, in a Spiro curve, splines are joined such that the curve is smooth and the curvature is continuous. Although the Spiro package allows for G4 nodes (continuous to the fourth derivative), Inkscape uses only G2 nodes (continuous to the second derivative).

Stitch Sub-Paths

This effect draws a series of Stroke paths between points on sub-paths. Some of the things it is useful for are drawing hatched shading and for drawing hair.


  1. サブパス群を描く。パス群の向きを揃えてから Ctrl + K を押すなどして複合パスにする。

  2. 複合パスに対して Path Effect EditorStitch Sub-Paths を追加する。

  3. Stroke パスを補正する。


The Stitch Sub-Paths effect can be used to create the hatchings typically used in engravings as shown in the following example.


By varying both the sub-paths and the Stroke path quite complicated hatchings can be created. The hatchings can be clipped to limit their range. The Tweak Tool could also be used to refine the hatchings if the hatchings are converted to stroked paths (see Chapter 11, Tweak Tool).




This effect creates fractals. The most classic fractal is perhaps the Von Koch snowflake. -略-

Applying this effect to a path creates two additional control paths: a Reference segment and a Generating path. The structure of the fractal is completely determined by these control paths. The first generation is created by placing copies of the skeleton path so that the Reference segment of each copy lies on top of one of the sub-path segments of the Generating path. Each additional generation is created in the same way, using the Generating path of each copy of the previous generation.

この後に比較的詳細な計算法が述べられているが、読んで理解できる性質のものではない。Sierpinski triangle を作図してみたり、本節後半のチュートリアルで修練するといい。

本文で言及されているが Nr of generations に大きい数を指定すると Inkscape が描画できない。