Chapter 9. Text¶
Inkscape has a sophisticated system for creating and manipulating text. Text strings can include Bold or Italicized substrings and changes in font type and size. Text can be justified on the right and/or left. It can be horizontal or vertical.
Individual characters can be kerned. Text can be put on a path or flowed into an arbitrarily shaped path.
There are three types of text objects in Inkscape. The first is regular text. The second is flowed text; this is a text object that includes a rectangular frame. The third is linked-flowed text. This is a text object where the text is flowed into a separate arbitrary shape or path object(s). It is discussed at the end of this chapter.
When a text object is selected, its type is shown in the Notification Region.
Creating Text¶
Toolbox の Create and edit text objects ボタンをクリック
F8 または T を押す。
There are two ways to add text to an Inkscape drawing. The first is as regular text. In this case, as text is typed, the text box grows to accommodate the text. Line breaks must be manually added.
The second way to enter text is as a flowed text object. The text is typed into a presized rectangular text box. Line breaks are automatically made. The flowed text object includes both the box and text and is thus moved and transformed as such.
Text Tool で既存のテキストをクリックすると、対象オブジェクトが選択され、キャレットがクリック位置に最も近い文字の間に置かれる。その後、文字列を編集することができるようになる。
テキスト入力モードではキーバインドの多くが機能しない。テンキーの符号キーは NumLock がオフのときにはズーム機能が効く。
Make a duplicate of the text before you convert the text to a path. Put the copy on a separate layer and make that layer invisible. Then if you ever need to edit the text as a text object, you will have a copy available.
テキストオブジェクトを選択すると、最初の行の baseline の左側に小さな□が表示される。これが baseline anchor で、スナップや位置揃えに使われる。
Entering Regular Text¶
To add regular text, click on the document where you desire the text to start. You should see a cursor (blinking bar) indicating you are in the text enter mode and showing where the text will start. To add text, just start typing. You can enter multiline text by inserting a carriage return. The text box will grow as text is entered.
Entering Flowed Text¶
本題に入る前に flowed text は SVG 規格に採用されてない場合の対処法について述べられている:
Flowed text was a draft SVG 1.2 specification that will not in the end be adopted. The text is not likely to be viewable by other renderers. In addition, some programs will not render any of a file with flowed text (Squiggle, for example). You can convert the flowed text to a regular text object before saving to avoid this problem.
To add flowed text, click-drag on the document with the Text Tool to create a blue rectangle box for the text. Once the box is drawn, you can move the cursor into the box area and begin to type. Carriage returns are automatically made.
Instead the rectangle will turn red to indicate that not all the text is displayed. The box can be enlarged or the proportions changed by dragging on the handle at the lower-right side with the Text Tool, Node Tool, or any of the shape tools; however, the text box will only be shown when using the Text Tool.
Use the Ctrl key while dragging to constrain the change in box size to a horizontal or vertical direction. The box and text can be moved together.
Selecting Text¶
Editing and applying attributes to text requires positioning the cursor or selecting text. The following methods are available when using the Text Tool
Editing Text¶
先述の方法でテキスト編集モードになれば、クリップボード操作を含む Windows の編集コントロール同様のキー操作が利用可能だ。さらに、別の編集手順もある:
An alternative way to edit text is to use the Text tab of the Text and Font dialog ( (Shift + Ctrl + T)). Editing text in the tab may be easier, especially for long texts.
Spell Checking¶
いざとなれば Inkscape ではなく、他のソフトで実現可能だが:
To spell check a document, call up the Check Spelling dialog ( (Ctrl + Alt + K)). When a suspect word is found, it will be highlighted on the canvas by a red box. If using the Text Tool, the cursor will be placed at the start of the word. And if the Text tab of the Text and Font dialog is open, the word will underlined with a red squiggle.
Inkscape を実行するプラットフォームで校正機能構成が異なる:
You can select which languages to use (up to three) in the Inkscape Preferences dialog in the Spellcheck section. At the moment, on Windows, only an English dictionary is included. On Linux, one can install additional dictionaries by installing the Gnu Aspell package with any language packs required.
やはり Inkscape 外の環境でチェックするほうがいい。
Formatting Text¶
この節でいう書式は Font and Text ダイアログで指定可能な属性とする。他の型のオブジェクトと共通するものについては次の章で。
テキストに対する Tool Controls を使う
Text and Font ダイアログを使う
同じ UI でも操作手順によって結果が異なることに注意する:
When changing properties of text, if characters within a text object are selected, the changes apply only to those characters. Otherwise, the changes apply to all selected text objects (to select more than one text object, switch temporarily to the Select Tool). Changes made when no text object is selected (or a new blank text object is created) change the default style.
Font Family¶
ツールバーから設定する場合、いちばん左にあるドロップダウンリストを使う。 Inkscape で利用可能な字体が一覧される。
字体プレビューが重い場合、Inkscape Preferences ダイアログ をオフにして無効にする。
でサンプルテキストを独自設定することができる。Alt + X でドロップダウンリストにフォーカスが行く。
Text and Font ダイアログから設定する場合、Apply ボタンを明示的に押さないと図面内のテキストが更新されない。
Font Size¶
In both cases, the font size (in pixels) can be selected from a drop-down menu.
The change takes effect upon selection or hitting Enter in the case of the Tool Controls and upon clicking Apply in the case of the Text and Font dialog.
Font Style¶
キーバインド |
コマンド |
Ctrl + B |
太字オンオフ |
Ctrl + I |
斜体オンオフ |
A font may have other styles available (e.g. narrow, semi-bold). All possible styles (including Bold, and Italic/Oblique) can be selected in the Style section of the Text and Font dialog.
ツールバーの Text alignment ドロップダウンリストにある四種から選択。項目は上から順に:
Align left
Align right
Justify (left and right justified)
Superscripts and Subscripts¶
ツールバーの Toggle superscript および Toggle subscript ボタンで処理する。
The selected text will be shifted up or down and reduced in size. Superscripts and subscripts can be removed by selecting and then clicking on the same icons.
Inkscape implements superscripts and subscripts by setting the
attribute to either"super"
, and by setting thefont-size
attribute to65%
. Inkscape will only recognize a superscript or subscript if thebaseline-shift
attribute is set in this manner.
Line Spacing¶
行間の(横書きなら)高さを調整する。SVG 標準でない属性を内部的に保持することで実現しているようだ:
Note that although Inkscape uses the attribute
to store the line spacing value, it is not part of the SVG standard (it is, however, part of the CSS standard). Inkscape uses the value to position lines of text.
ツールバーの Spaces between baselines 欄に数値を入力することで調整する。
It can also be changed by the following keyboard shortcuts (note adjustments are specified in Screen pixels and thus depend on the zoom level):
Word Spacing¶
Word spacing can be changed via an entry box in the Tool Controls.
Inkscape 1.2 ではツールバーに Spacing
と書かれたボタンがあり、これを押すと入力欄が複数出現する。このうち Spacing between words ツールチップがマウスホバーでポップアップする入力欄で単語間の間隔を変更する。
Changes apply to selected text if text is selected or to the entire text block if not.
Letter Spacing¶
ツールバー内 Spacing
ボタンを押し、マウスホバーで Spacing between
letters ツールチップが出現する入力欄で文字間隔を変更する。
Kerning, Shifting, and Rotating Characters¶
Individual characters in a line of regular (but not flowed) text may be shifted left or right to change their kerning, shifted up or down, or rotated. (Both regular and flowed text do utilize the internal kerning that is included with fonts.)
All manual kerning/shifts/rotations can be removed with the
Kerning and Shifting¶
ツールバー内 Spacing
ボタンを押し、Horizontal kerning (px) や
Vertical kerning (px) がツールチップである入力欄で調整できる。
キーバインド |
コマンド |
Alt + 矢印 |
画面画素一個分だけ文字を対応するキー方向にずらす |
Shift + Alt + 矢印 |
上記の十倍バージョン |
カーニングコマンドが文字列に対して全然効かない。UI 動作は正常と思われる。
ツールバー内 Spacing
ボタンを押し、Character Rotation (degree)
If no characters are selected, only the character following the text cursor will be rotated. If characters are selected, all the selected characters will be rotated.
キーバインド |
コマンド |
Ctrl + [ |
左回りに 90 度回転 |
Ctrl + ] |
右回りに 90 度回転 |
文字回転機能はかろうじて動く。本書の示す Alt キーを使う回転は効かない。
これは本書の記述と Inkscape 1.2 とでだいぶ異なっている。関係があると思われるツールバーのドロップダウンリストが三つある:
- Block progression
- Text (glyph) orientation in vertical direction
- Text direction for normally horizontal text
Text on a Path¶
To place text on a path, enter the text as a Regular text or Flowed text. Draw the desired path. Select both text and path, then use the
command. The text should now appear along the path.
Note that Shapes except for Rectangles are described internally by Inkscape as paths and thus don’t require converting to a path.
Both the text and the path can be edited in place. The text should adjust to any changes in the path. The path can be made invisible by selecting only the path, then removing the Stroke paint with the Fill and Stroke dialog. To select an invisible path for editing, select the text and use Edit –> Clone –> Select Original (Shift + D). To remove text from a path, use Text –> Remove from Path.
Text can be adjusted or moved relative to the path.
Text on a path is initially placed on the “left” side of the path (referenced from the path direction) starting at the beginning of the path. One can change the direction of the text (and the side it is placed on) by reversing the direction of the path (e.g., Path –> Reverse (Shift + R)). If the text is center justified prior to being put on a path, it will centered along the path.
Text in a Shape¶
Text can be flowed inside any arbitrary shape by linking a text object to a shape or path.
To create a linked flowed text object, select a text object and one or more shape/path objects. Then use the Text –> Flow into Frame (Alt + W) command. If multiple shape/path objects are selected, the text will flow into the last object selected first.
Flowed text can be converted back to a regular text object with the
(Shift + Alt + W). The resulting text will be on a single line.The
command converts link-flowed text to a regular text object while preserving the appearance of the text. The text is still editable but will no longer reflow inside the shape or path frame. This is necessary for display of the drawing in another SVG renderer.