Chapter 17. Filter Effects - Custom

Basic Use

Filters can be defined and applied through the Filter Effects dialog. The Gaussian Blur filter can also be used directly through the Fill and Stroke dialog. The Blend filter can also be applied to an entire Layer through the Layers dialog.

メインメニューから Filters ‣ Filter Editor… を選択すると、このダイアログが出現する。ここに挙げられた二つのフィルターは、他の UI からも操作可能ということで先に述べられているのだろう。

The Fill and Stroke dialog has a Blur slider that when moved from zero, creates and attaches a Gaussian Blur filter to selected objects. If the slider is reset to zero, the filter is automatically removed and deleted.

ぼかし効果は Fill and Stroke ダイアログの下にある専用スライダーで設定可能。値をゼロにすればフィルターが削除されたことになる。使い勝手が良い。

The same principle works on the Layers dialog where a choosing anything but Normal creates a Blend filter and attaches it to the Layer. Setting the drop-down menu back to Normal deletes the filter.

そもそも Layers ダイアログが存在しない。


Filters can also be removed from an object by using the menu entry Filters ‣ Remove Filters.

Filter Effects ダイアログの用途は二つある:

  1. 原始的フィルターから複雑なフィルターを組み立てる

  2. オブジェクトにフィルターをかける

原始的 Filter に対する入力として使用されるグラフィックの源は、別の原始的 Filter による出力または次のいずれかとある:

  • Source Graphic. Use the object as the source for the Filter primitive.

  • Source Alpha. Use the Alpha of the object as the source for the Filter primitive.

  • Background Image. Use the region under the Filter at the time the Filter is invoked.

  • Background Alpha. Use the Alpha of the region under the Filter at the time the Filter is invoked.

  • Fill Paint: Not implemented. Use the Fill of the target object as the input to a Filter primitive as if the object had an infinite extent. Useful if the Fill is a Gradient or Pattern with transparent or semitransparent regions.

  • Stroke Paint: Not implemented. Use the Stroke of the target object as the input to a Filter primitive (see Fill Paint above).

フィルターは対象オブジェクトの占める領域そのものではなく、それに対して相対的に定まるある領域にかかる。これを本文では Filter Effects Region と呼んでいる:

By default, the Filter Effects Region ranges from -0.1 to 1.1 in units of the object’s bounding box width and height. This area may not always be sufficient. For example, if a large shift is prescribed in the Offset filter, the area must be increased.


The area can be adjusted under the Filter General Settings tab of the Filter Effects dialog. (It can also be set through the XML Editor dialog, attributes x, y, width, and height.)

Filter Effects Dialog

Filter Effects ダイアログの操作方法が述べられている。新規とエフェクト追加がややこしい。

Adding a Filter


Click on the New button on the left to add a new filter. Alternatively, right-click on an existing filter in the Filter list to duplicate it. The name of the filter can also be changed by clicking on the name.

Defining a Filter

Filter Effects 右下区間のヘッダー部分はボタンとドロップダウンリストからなることに注意。Inkscape の UI はボタンがわかりにくいことが多い。

A filter is defined by selecting filter primitives from the drop-down list next to the Add Effect button. A short description of the filter is displayed when a filter is selected. The description can be toggled on or off under the Filters tab of the Inkscape Preferences dialog.


Once a primitive is selected, click on the Add Effect button to add it to the filter. The input(s) of the filters are automatically attached to the Source Graphic or the output of a previously added filter primitive.


The default connections are shown as gray lines originating from a triangle right of the filter primitive name. Explicitly defined connections are shown in black.


The inputs of a filter can be reassigned by click-dragging from the triangle at the right of the filter name to one of the columns on the right (e.g., Source Graphic), or by click-dragging to another of the filter primitives.


The filter primitives can be reordered by click-dragging a filter primitive in the list to another place in the list.


Inkscape may fail to update the display when tweaking Filter Effects parameters. Nudging the object up and down is sufficient to force an update.

Applying a Filter

To apply a filter to an object(s), select the object(s) and check the box next to the filter name. Uncheck the box to remove a filter. If multiple objects are selected with different filters, all the boxes corresponding to those filters will be checked.


Mini Tutorial - A Drop Shadow


Drop shadows are a perfect use for filters. The shadow automatically updates when the source object changes. Here is a step-by-step tutorial on creating a drop shadow:

  • Source が変更された場合、自動的にドロップシャドウも更新がかかる。

  • テキストに対して複合フィルターを作成することになる。

  • Gaussian blur, Offset, Merge の三つを使う。矢印の設定に注意。

Color Filter Primitives

RGBA 値の行列による変換と考えてよい。OpenGL のアレっぽい。

Color Matrix

色行列は RGBA 列ベクトルに左から乗じて別の RGBA 列ベクトルに変換するような五次正方行列だ(本書参照)。座標変換行列の類比で言うと並進移動項があるので、本書のような成分構成になる。

Four types of transformations are defined, of which three are special classes of the first.





彩度を下げるには、数 \({s \in [0, 1]}\) を一つ指定する。RGB 値のみが変化する。公式は本書参照。

Hue Rotate

数値一つを指定することで色相をずらす。これもまた RGB 値のみが変化する。正確な計算式はかなり複雑で、赤→黄→緑→右…と回転していくだけではない。

Luminance to Alpha


RGB 対角行列の要素 \(a_{00}, a_{11}, a_{22}\)\(-1\) にし、五列目の上位三要素 \(a_{04}, a_{14}, a_{24}\)\(1\) とすることで明暗を逆転した変換を作成することができる。

Component Transfer

Partially implemented, No user interface.


The Component Transfer primitive changes the RGB and Alpha of an object by applying independent functions to each of the RGB and Alpha input values. The following modes for defining the functions are available: Identity, Table, Discrete, Linear, and Gamma.

Compositing Filter Primitives

原始フィルターは複数組み合わせて graphics を合成するものだ。

These primitives composite two or more graphics. The graphics may be from an object, a background, or the output of another primitive.

enable-background タグの扱いにバグがあるらしい。しかし、下記の回避策はレイヤーダイアログが存在しない Inkscape 1.2 では採用不能か:

Inkscape has a problem in using one of these filters. When using either Background Image or Background Alpha as an input to the filter, the enabled-background tag must be added to the SVG file (this tells SVG renderers to keep a copy of the background in memory). This is not done. A work-around is to use the Layers dialog to add a Blend filter to a Layer. The Layer blend can then be removed, leaving the necessary tag in place.

SVG 1.1 の仕様にバグがあって、透明度のある背景で合成すると、それが二重になるというものだ。それを回避する方法を自明な回避策を含め三つ紹介している:

The first is to avoid using a Background Image or Background Alpha as a filter input.

第二の方法は、アルファー値最大の RGBA 値を持つ色で置き換えることだ。この方法はフィルター合成問題に関係なく、知っていて損はない:

The second is to replace a transparent background with a solid background (you can use the Dropper Tool to replace a transparent Fill with an equivalent solid Fill [turn off Pick alpha in the Tool Controls]).


The third is to use the Flood filter to create a solid white background and include this as the first input to a Merge filter (if using a Merge filter, include the flood first; if using a Blend or Composite filter, add a Merge filter with the first input being the output from the Flood filter and the second input being the output from the Blend or Composite filter). This solution runs into trouble when it is desired that the overall image have transparency.

The SVG 1.2 standard corrects this deficiency.

Inkscape が出力する SVG ファイルはエディターで確認すると 1.1 のままのはず。



The Blend primitive blends two overlapping objects or an object with its background by doing a pixel-by-pixel combination using one of five defined blend modes. The five modes are listed below. Except for the Normal mode, the result is independent of which object is on top.


  • 添字 \(a\) および \(b\) を重なるオブジェクト同士のそれぞれ上下のものを指すのに用いる。

  • 添字 \(r\) で結果を表す。

  • \({c \in [0, 1]}\) をオブジェクトの RGB 値とする。A 値は込められている。

  • \({q \in [0, 1]}\) をオブジェクトの A 値とする。



\[c_r = (1 - q_a)c_b + c_a.\]


\[c_r = (1 - q_a)c_b + (1 - q_b)c_a + c_a c_b.\]


\[c_r = c_b + c_a - c_a c_b.\]


\[c_r = \min\{(1 - q_a)c_b + c_a, (1 - q_b)c_a + c_b\}.\]


\[c_r = \max\{(1 - q_a)c_b + c_a, (1 - q_b)c_a + c_b\}.\]



ScreenLighten が似ている理由を説明できるようになること。


The Composite filter primitive allows two overlapping objects or an object and background to be merged pixel-by-pixel according to a mode-dependent rule.


See the introduction to this section for problems when using a background as one of the inputs.


The upper object is placed over the lower object. This is equivalent to the normal way overlapping objects are drawn.






In かつそうでない下オブジェクト部分が見える。




\(i_1, i_2\) をオブジェクトの入力値とし、さらに値 \(K_k\) を指定して次の式で決める:

\[K_1 i_1 i_2 + K_2 i_1 + K_3 i_2 + K_4.\]


Merge は特に三つ以上の原始フィルターの結合を z-order に従って順次行うフィルターだ。その原理は単純だ:

The Merge filter allows the combining of two or more objects or outputs of filter primitives. It works by layering one image on top of another, much as regular objects are layered on top of each other in z-order, or, for the case of two inputs, as the Composite filter primitive using the Over mode.

Fill Filter Primitives



The Flood primitive fills the Filter Effects Region with a specified color and opacity. This filter primitive is most useful when combined with other filters primitives.

せっかくフィルター加工した領域をベタ塗りするのかと感じられる。そこで本書で例示されている工程は、前節で紹介された Composite In とパターン塗りつぶしなどを組み合わせて意味のある効果を実現していることがわかる。


Partially Implemented.

Inkscape 1.2 でも未完全実装であるかを確認したい。

The Image primitive renders an external graphics file or an internal SVG object. It allows more than one object to be referenced in a complex filter (the first being the object attached to the filter).

JPEG ファイルや PNG ファイルを描画させることが可能であるのはもちろん、同一図面内の SVG オブジェクトでもよい。

Unfortunately, this very useful filter primitive is not yet fully implemented in Inkscape with only external images supported.

「部分的に実装されていない」というのは、この SVG 参照の機能のことだろう。

The GUI will create a reference with an absolute path to the external image. Use the XML Editor to change an absolute path to a relative one if required.

相対パスが実は指定可能であることをよく憶えておく。Image フィルターを使っている SVG ファイルをバージョン管理するなら変更必須だ。

画像は対象の BB に収まるように拡縮されるのが普通だ:

By default, the image is shrunk or stretched to fit inside the bounding box of the object to which the filter is attached.

The placement of the image within the bounding box can be controlled using the parameters x, y, width, and height. The coordinate system is the same as used for the object. The XML Editor must be used to modify these parameters. An additional parameter, preserveAspectRatio, is not supported by Inkscape.


The Image implementation in Inkscape does not correctly position images. Other SVG renderers will display the image differently from Inkscape as a result.



Not implemented.

The Tile primitive fills a rectangular region with a repeated input image.

CSS でいう background-image: repeat に相当するものだ。


Turbulence は大理石の表面や雲のような人工的テクスチャーを作成する用途の原始 vフィルターだ。

The Turbulence primitive allows the creation of artificial textures such as marble surfaces or clouds. It is based on the work of Ken Perlin who won an Academy Award for creating realistic textures with computers.

Perlin 氏の方法を簡略化したものを実装しているようで、ある区間でランダムな強度を生成し、その点を滑らかにつなげるというものだそうだ:

Perlin solved the problem of using random numbers to produce smooth random fluctuations in color. A simplified version of his method is to generate random intensities at given intervals and then connect these points smoothly together.

ブラウザーの一部はフィルターの特定の属性を修正しないと Inkscape と異なる描画結果を生じる:

Note that Firefox, Opera, and Batik will render this filter differently than Inkscape if the attribute color-interpolation-filters="sRGB" is not added to the filter definition.

The RGB and Alpha components are each derived separately.

Type では二つから選択する:

The Type menu can be set to either Fractal Noise or Turbulence. Turbulence tends to have more dramatic dark regions as the absolute values of the noise terms are used, creating “visual cusps”.



The Base Frequency is defined by default in terms of inverse Screen pixels. For example, a frequency of 0.1 would have a “wave length” of 10 pixels. Inkscape cannot yet create resolution independent noise.

まるで音楽理論を読んでいるようだ。和音が多いと調和が失せるようなもので、空間と色の変化が見えなくなるほど小さくなり過ぎる。CPU にもやさしくない:

The number of Octaves determines the complexity of the noise, the more Octaves, the more complex. Each Octave adds a term with twice the Frequency but half the amplitude. Using more than four or five Octaves isn’t so useful as the spatial and color variations become too small to be seen (and increases the CPU load).

このフィルターは疑似乱数生成器を用いる。原理的には SVG ビューワーが異なっていても同じ生成器をなるべく使い、同じ模様をなるべく生じるようにする:

If you use the filter twice on two identical objects, the textures should be the same. Changing the seed will force the random-number sequence to be different and thus the textures will be different too.

Lighting Filters Primitives

ここで扱うフィルターを記述するのに 3D グラフィックス理論の Phong 照光処理の術語を用いる。

Two primitives, Diffuse Lighting and Specular Lighting, are included to simulate light shining on objects. They represent two of the three parts of the Phong reflection model for modeling light in computer graphics.

環境光、拡散光、鏡面光の説明を見ていく。環境光だけは SVG との関係が述べられている:

Ambient light: The light present everywhere in a scene. In SVG this would be represented by a solid Fill.

拡散光と鏡面光の説明は、一般の CG 理論のそれと同じように述べられている。本ノートでは割愛。

An illustration of the components of the Phong model.


Phong モデルは ray tracing をしない。

The contour of an object in the z (out of the drawing) direction is described by a bump map that is defined by the Alpha channel of an object. The values of the pixel and the neighboring pixels in the bump map define the normal to the surface for the pixel.


The two lighting filters share in common most of their attributes such as the type of light source, its color, and its position; thus we’ll discuss them together.

Diffuse Color, Specular Color


Surface Scale

表面への法線を計算するための縮尺。数値は表面の最大高(アルファー値 1 に対応)を座標系単位で表す。

Diffuse or Specular Reflection Constant

表面に当たった光のうち、どの程度が拡散 or 鏡面反射されるか。


(鏡面照光のみ)鏡面反射の鋭さすなわち狭さを決定する。最小値は 1.0 で、反射が広く鈍い表面となり、反対に値が大きくなると反射が狭くなり、より洗練された表面となる。

Kernel Unit Length


Light Source


  • Distant Light

  • Point Light

  • Spot Light

When applying a lighting filter with a large Surface Scale, the limited resolution of the bump map may create artifacts. These can be removed by applying a small amount of Gaussian blur to the image.


Distant Light Source



方位角。描画面における光源の方向角。角度は水平軸 (x) から右回りに定義するという、Inkscape ではイレギュラーな測定方法による。




Point Light Source

光源の座標を z 成分も含めて直接指定する。本書のイラストで十分説明できている。

Spot Light Source


This light source simulates a point light source near an illuminated object but with a limited cone of light. One triple set of numbers (x, y, z) is required to set the Location of the light and another to set the direction the center of the cone points (Points At).

The Specular Exponent sets how well-focused is the light; the higher the value, the more sharply focused the light. The Cone Angle (degrees) defines the maximum angle for the light.


Pixel Manipulation Filter Primitives

These primitives move pixels or blend adjacent pixels.


Convolve Matrix


The Convolve Matrix primitive uses neighboring pixels to modify the color of a pixel. How the pixel is changed is determined by an \({N \times M}\) matrix with one entry for each neighboring pixel.


The following is an example of a “Gaussian Blur” that uses a \({5 \times 5}\) matrix around the center pixel. The Kernel is an integer representation of a 2-dimensional Gaussian with a standard deviation of 1.4 pixels. It is normalized by the Divisor.

当フィルターの Effect parameters の構成は次のとおり:


行列 Kernel の寸法。


どの行列成分が対象画素に対応するか、既定では対象画素に Kernel を中央合わせする。


行列 Kernel の全成分。


行列 Kernel の全成分をこの値で除算する。



Edge Mode










Inkscape 1.2 でもこうか:

At the moment Inkscape does not use this parameter despite it being in the user interface.

Preserve Alpha

アルファー値を入力から直接複写するか、RGB と同じように計算するかのどちらか。


The Convolve Matrix primitive is necessarily linked to evaluating pixels. By default, the pixel size is that of the display. This means that the resulting image is not resolution independent.




Displacement Map


\[\begin{split}\begin{aligned} x^{\prime} &= s C_X(x, y) - \frac{1}{2}.\\ y^{\prime} &= s C_Y(x, y) - \frac{1}{2}. \end{aligned}\end{split}\]

ここで \(s\) は縮尺であり、\(C_X, C_Y\)RGB 成分または A 成分のいずれかで、X チャンネル属性および Y チャンネル属性で選択可能だ。両チャンネルは異なる色に写像することができる。


In the following examples, the x displacement is set to red and the y displacement is set to green. The olive green background corresponds to red and green values of 127, which corresponds (almost) to no displacement.

Gaussian Blur

Photoshop でおなじみのガウスぼかしが Inkscape でも実現できる。原理は:

The primitive creates an output image by using a Gaussian weighted average of the input pixels around the location of each corresponding output pixel.

Internally, the amount of blur is defined in terms of the blur radius, which for the mathematically inclined is just the standard deviation of the Gaussian. Technically, a Gaussian function extends to infinity. For practical reasons, the limit of an object’s blur is two times the blur radius outside the bounding box at maximum blur.


このフィルターは CPU を酷使する。アプリケーション設定で品質を下げて楽にさせる:

The Gaussian Blur primitive is highly CPU intensive. The output is a trade-off between speed and quality. One can set the Blur quality for the screen display in the Inkscape Preferences dialog (File ‣ Inkscape Preferences… (Shift + Ctrl + P)) under the Filter entry. Choosing a low-quality option will affect blurring of thin objects the most. Bitmap export is always done at the highest quality (and thus may be slow).

このフィルターは人気があるので、他の UI からも利用可能だ:

A Gaussian Blur filter can be created through both the Filter Effects and the Fill and Stroke dialogs.

Blurring with the Fill and Stroke Dialog

Fill and Stroke でのぼかし指定が簡潔で良い。スライダー操作が楽だ。ただし、ぼかし半径の指定法が異なる:

In this dialog, the amount of blurring is defined in terms of a percentage. A blurring of 100% (the maximum blurring allowed) is equivalent to a blur radius of 1/8 of the bounding box perimeter. For a square bounding box, this would be half of a side.


Only a symmetric blur can be applied with this dialog.


Blurs created through the Fill and Stroke dialog depend on the size of the blurred object. To get the exact same amount of blur on different size objects, you can either use the Edit ‣ Paste Style (Shift + Ctrl + V) command (if all the attributes are to be the same) or use the Filter Effects dialog to set the blur radius (standard deviation) to the same values.

Blurring with the Filter Effects dialog


Through this dialog you can create asymmetric blurs as well as have precise control over the blur radius. You can also build more complicated filters as demonstrated in the Drop Shadow example earlier in this chapter.

Blurring Examples

Gradient Blurring

A Rectangle with a radial Gradient


Clipping and Masking

The Gaussian Blur primitive is applied to an object before any Clipping or Masking. This will give a sharp edge along the clipping path to a blurred object. If you wish the clipped edge to be blurred, put it in a Group by itself and then blur the Group. If you want a feathered edge to an object like a bitmap, create a white transparency mask with the edge blurred.


Tile Clones

The Create Tiled Clones dialog has an option to vary the Blur Radius under the Blur and opacity tab.


The Morphology primitive “fattens” or “thins” an object. The Operator attribute can either be Dilate or Erode. The amount of change is controlled by the Radius attribute. It can have independent x and y values.

Dilate と Erode で Google 検索すると、類似アプリケーションがたくさん存在するようだ。



If the specified offset is large, the filter region needs to be enlarged. You can increase the filter region under the Filter General Settings tab at the bottom of the Filter Effects dialog.

Complex Examples



This example uses the Color Matrix to convert a photograph into an Alpha layer. The Alpha layer is then embossed by the Diffuse Lighting filter.


This example uses the Morphology primitive to create the glow around a neon tube. The glow color is derived from the neon color using the Color Matrix primitive. A couple Gaussian Blur primitives create the soft feel of the neon and a Merge primitive combines the neon and glow together.


Stereoscopic Pictures

This example uses the Displacement Map filter primitive to create a stereoscopic picture. The Turbulence primitive is used to generate a picture that is distorted with the Displacement Map primitive.

Solar Flare

This example uses the Turbulence primitive to modify a radial Gradient, thus simulating a solar flare during an eclipse.